Tate High School Souper Bowl And Student Gallery Night On Friday

December 3, 2019

The Tate High School Art Department is hosting their fifth annual “Souper Bowl” and their annual Student Gallery Night on Friday, December 6, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Art Building.

“Pottery students are working hard on handmade ceramic bowls and other arts and crafts for sale specifically for this event. All the proceeds are going towards Tate’s ceramics program, which will help cover expenses for clay, glaze, tools and equipment maintenance. Student artists from all over the Tate Art Department will also be selling a variety of artwork including photography, paintings, jewelry, etc. This is a great opportunity to get some unique holiday gifts,” said said Jennifer Rodriguez, Tate Art educator.

“We find ourselves working harder each year to raise funds to pay for our materials. Aggie Artists accomplish a lot on a limited budget. With a little more we could give our students more experiences, update ancient equipment and create bigger pieces of art with higher quality materials,” said Rodriguez “By supporting our Souper Bowl you will contribute to students sculpting their ideas into clay, throwing bowls on the potter’s wheel and more.”

There will be art, food and fun for all ages during the event. The cost is $10 to purchase a handmade bowl plus food and drink, or $5 to purchase just food and drink. Donations of pots of soup or chili, drinks and side items will be accepted.


One Response to “Tate High School Souper Bowl And Student Gallery Night On Friday”

  1. A on December 3rd, 2019 5:14 am

    Souper cool!