Study To Determine If Century To Raise Water And Sewer Rates Again

December 19, 2019

The Town of Century is undertaking a study to determine if water and sewer rates should be increased on the heels of increases the last three years.

The rate study will be conducted as a no cost benefit to the town by the Florida Rural Water Association, and any increases will go before the town council for approval before consumers see higher rates on their bills. The study will look ta the rates paid by residential and commercial customers, including the Florida Department of Corrections for the prison.

The last increase was implemented over a three year period following a 2017 rate study.

Before the last rate increase, the average family of four customer using 5,000 gallons of water per month paid $18.65 for water and $13.00 for wastewater, for a total monthly bill of $31.65. After the three-year incremental rate increase, Century water and sewer customers pay 21.36 for 5,000 gallons of water and $27.59 for wastewater, for a total bill of $48.95.

The last step of the water and sewer rate increase was implemented in July 2019. photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Study To Determine If Century To Raise Water And Sewer Rates Again”

  1. angry citizen on December 22nd, 2019 10:49 am

    How much more will the working people of Century put up with. I think it’s time for the people to stand up and get rid of the mayor and all of the council members or let the town go back to Escambia County. When things make money they want more and when they lose money they don’t do anything about it but spend more money they don’t have. What working person would even want to live in Century anymore. Stop the Bleeding and get rid of the trash starting with the Mayor and all the Council members. How long can the town hold their breath under water while this Mayor keeps thinking he is above all of us. Lets get rid of this garbage now.

  2. bewildered on December 21st, 2019 1:10 pm

    Let me pack up and move to Century. I live alone. In Lillian, Alabama you pay $54.50 per month for sewage (no matter how many gallons wastewater ) and you are responsible for the upkeep of an expensive grinder pump system, (Pump alone is over $2.000) My water bill is always a little over $20.00/month. No wonder the town is broke, they are either offering services too cheap or we are getting ripped off.

  3. Old Puppy on December 19th, 2019 11:55 pm

    @Jason. I think what You meant to saywas ECUA $15 a month MORE than century. Not less. And ECUA is substantially higher than the century bill.

    David hue green for proofreading. Lol. Just kidding David

  4. Jason on December 19th, 2019 4:33 pm

    The rates in Century are much cheaper than the current rates in effect from ECUA.

    ECUA charges $12.60 per month just for the water meter. An additional charge of $2.60 per One Thousand gallon of water. Based on 5000 gallons per month the fee is $25.70 for water.

    The Sewer minimum rate is $14.46 per month for up to 2,000 gallons of sewage. An additional charge of $7.88 for each additional 1000 gallons of sewage. Based on 5000 gallons per month the fee is $38.10

    The total between water and sewage – based on 5000 gallons – is $63.80 – or about $15 less per month than what is currently being charged by Century.

    Now keep in mind, ECUA also charges a Capital Improvement Fee for both Water and Sewer services. If you happen to be in an area that recently had an improvement made to the sewer system, there is a second Capital Improvement fee. Lucky me! These additional fees add $7 to the bill.

    The minimum ECUA bill without using any water is $34.16. Add the 5000 gallons of water/sewer and the bill is $70.80. Substantially lower than the $48.95 now being charged in Century.

    And dont even get me started on the Garbage fee, Landfill Fee and Capital Improvement Fee that ECUA charges. These costs add up to another $25.66 per month.

    If an increase is recommended, its just the price of keeping up. Besides, why should the rest of the taxpayers in the State of Florida keep sending “grant money” to pay the bills for the routine maintenance for Century’s water and sewer system??? All these costs should be shouldered by users of the system.

  5. IMHO on December 19th, 2019 3:19 pm

    We pay Central Water $34/month for two people. Interesting

  6. poor tax payer on December 19th, 2019 9:43 am

    go a head and just double the rate, the town council , needs a raise for their hard and honest work

  7. sam on December 19th, 2019 8:20 am

    we keep getting gouged year after year and nothing is better. the town is broke and the people elected to make it better or at least keep it afloat can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.

  8. Just Saying on December 19th, 2019 7:51 am

    I know let’s mismanage the town and drive it into the ground to line our pockets and then make the residents dig us out of the hole. Politicians!