UPDATED: Sheriff’s Office Now Says Arrests Expected In Tate High Fight

December 4, 2019

This story has been updated. Click the here for the latest information.

(Additional comments on this incident should be made on the story linked above. This is now an archived post.)


38 Responses to “UPDATED: Sheriff’s Office Now Says Arrests Expected In Tate High Fight”

  1. William Reynolds on December 5th, 2019 12:16 pm

      Additional comments on this incident should be made on the story linked above. This is now an archived post.

  2. Citizen on December 5th, 2019 9:18 am

    There are NO consequences in schools anymore….for ANYTHING!

    But yayyyy graduation rates are up…social promotion *cough*

    These kids will not be charged with anything and there will be no consequences as they are classified as ESE and everything is tolerated if one has that designation.
    There is a different set of “rules” for them.

    The kids know that and they take advantage of it.

    ESE these days is used for anyone that has behavior problems, refuses to sit down, refuses to participate, needs a little extra time to complete assignments etc. It’s a catch all for everything and not just for learning disabled anymore as it was intended to be.

    The education system is so messed up and most parents have no idea just how much teachers and administrators hands are tied by politics.

    Every parent whose child goes to Tate, or has a child at any school for that matter, should be flooding every administrator’s, every school board member’s, the superintendent’s, and the sheriff’s phone lines and emails demanding answers and justice.
    You can bet your house that if this was two white kids head stomping a black kid that there would consequences and there would be justice served.

  3. Kelly on December 5th, 2019 9:09 am

    If this is a foster child and if this was a planned assault, this is a shameful occurrence. We don’t know why he was targeted but it would be a special kid that needs a support group. This HS has lots of issues and one is lack of support for ostracized and lonely students. Support is thrown behind the privileged and pampered kids not behind those that really need support. The law enforcement will get this taken care of
    No one reported this. No one stood up for this kid. But as stated before, the bystanders are afraid. I get that. But there had to be others who knew that this could happen. Bullying. Boys fight. Girls shun and exclude “You can’t sit with us” “There’s no room for you” “etc. Who are the kids that beat this kid? We’re they known bullys? Why did they think fighting was the answer. Parents, school staff and students are all to blame.

  4. Kim capps on December 5th, 2019 9:00 am

    This is sad on so many levels! For our schools shame on the so called “adults” that run the facility. I just watched the video how horrible! In my day if you were standing around watching, you should be suspended also. To put this out on the streets could be a BAD deal.

  5. Disgusted on December 5th, 2019 8:41 am

    What I’m disgusted about is how ECSO is handling this, trying to sweep this under the rug! We need a new Sherriff and not his buddy that he’s trained to be just like him. We need someone who can uphold the law and bring justice to thugs like this. Just because these thugs are in school doesn’t minimize what happened. I hope someone will legally represent this kid. He needs support! These thugs need to be expelled and sent to a juvenile detention center. Why does the school administrators and our sherriffs dept. let thugs who clearly commit crimes like this off with hardly a slap on the wrist??! What’s wrong with this county???!

  6. TateMom on December 5th, 2019 8:24 am

    This young man lost his mother & dad no where to be found. I’m told his foster parents are loving people. HERE is a thought, can we possibly raise some money for this young man a Christmas surprise? Send a message that this incident was HORRIBLE and life hasn’t been fair, but the world IS FULL of loving, decent people? How can I help make this happen?

  7. Mary on December 5th, 2019 8:16 am

    I seen the video and had to stop watching 20 seconds into th video. How this boy only has “minor injuries” is by the grace of God. The two boys responsible should not only be allowed back on campus they should prosecuted for assault. Absolutely rediculous escambia county down played this

  8. Mike Zukoski on December 5th, 2019 8:08 am

    After watching two separate videos and hearing what my daughter had to say as she is a student at TATE I’m shocked at what was reported! Supposedly only Minor injuries and NO charges pressed against the two young men who brutally punched and kicked this young man in the head over and over is a joke to not be charged with attempted murder!

    Coming from a family of law enforcement in Florida I’m ashamed to hear that no legal action has been taken when there is clear evidence of who, what, and where this happened! All this is doing is showing our society that it’s ok or there will me minimal to no repercussions for sucker punching and beating someone to the hard concrete ground!

    I will be looking into private school for my children and or moving if this is what my children will be subjected to, while walking around school in fear of being jumped by multiple students over stepping on someone’s shoe by accident instead of focusing on learning and educating themselves for a brighter future in Escambia county.

  9. Whisperjet on December 5th, 2019 7:50 am

    ….pretty simple…anyone assaulting another student that way should never be allowed to attend any public school anywhere..

  10. Bob McPherson on December 5th, 2019 6:40 am

    That’s ridiculous. One kid steps on another’s shoes and gets beat down as a result. For ANYONE saying anything but full charges, you are high. That’s not assault, that’s straight BATTERY. They kicked the kid in the head, on the ground. Of course ECSO didn’t do much. They got their own problems.

  11. Crazy on December 5th, 2019 2:02 am

    Someone does this to my kid be ready. Thats all I got to say about that. Wrong is wrong. And two wrongs does make a right to me if it involves my child period.

  12. Destin T McCall on December 5th, 2019 12:37 am

    I think its horrible any body to stand around and watch this an video tape but if they wouldnt have we wouldnt have a video in order to see what an where an how we can fix this to where it wont happen again ! And yes those kids were wrong and they should be punished but putting them in a cage isnt go na help them neither when i was there age and got in trouble ida got my but tore up and id be splitting fire wood after school and on the weekends until my parents said other wise ! Teach them dont beat them an lockem ina cage ! Makem apolagise ! Let DAD tear there butts ! Punish them dont givem a ceiminal record already ! Yes they did wrong but its the schools fault just as much as theirs so many things couldve been done to prevent this type of thing ! And the young man this happen to didnt diserve it i know but i garuntee hes earned a lotta respect if not he shouldve ! If i was him id be holding my hand out to the school for the best Christmas Present ever since it did happen under there watch !

  13. Destin T McCall on December 5th, 2019 12:18 am

    I think its horrible for anything to happen like that and for anyone to stand around and video tape and watch it all ,but i really think its bad for the police officers to try and act like its a minor incident when it clearly wasnt there were a lotta problems that went on that it coulda been prevented and hopefully ,hopefully a valuable lesson will be learned and the right ! consequences will be provided ! and the guy that got jumped on I think the school owes him an awsome ! Christmas present wouldnt you think ! Tate High School ?

  14. Really on December 5th, 2019 12:15 am

    It is not the SRO’s job to raise your kids. Don’t put it off on them for not being in that exact place at that exact. These are high schoolers. Not elementary. There is ONE SRO at every school. The Tate SRO is a stand up, hard working, awesome guy. Amazing role model for the kids! He would’ve absolutely handled this appropriately had he been there at that moment. How about teach your kids how to handle their anger and keep their hands to themselves and not deflect and put the blame on someone else. That is exactly what’s wrong with these kids entering the real world. No accountability.

  15. Amanda on December 4th, 2019 11:58 pm

    He has NO ONE TO STAND FOR HIM….. He is a foster kids….. It is sad …have had problems with this school no then once….instead of trying to help kids they are first to throw them out so they dont get a bad rap. WHAT A JOKE

  16. David on December 4th, 2019 11:42 pm

    I just watched an EXTREMELY disturbing video of students at Tate High School beating a kid to unconsciousness (and maybe worse) for accidentally stepping on one of their shoes.

    There is one race, the human race, but culture and stupidity knows no color. These four thugs picked on, and mercilessly beat a kid who was trying not to fight and just wanted to be left alone. After knocking him out they continued to punch him in the face and kick stomp his head. This is so wrong. The only thing worse is the fact that many teens recorded it and no one stepped in to help diffuse the situation or help. Ten everyday hero’s could have easily stopped four degenerates.

    The individuals who did this are cowards and bullies with a gang mentality. Black, white, green or purple, in my opinion as a sane human, they need to be tried as adults for what they have done. This was so wrong on every level.

  17. Concerned mom on December 4th, 2019 11:38 pm

    @stumpknocker agreed! I asked my daughter the same thing…. how can so many people just stand around and do nothing, or worse…just video it! She said that the last time she saw a fight at Tate someone tried to step in and it turned into a group of 6+ people all fighting at once. You’re right, no morals or integrity is being taught to these kids.

  18. thetruth on December 4th, 2019 11:37 pm

    A public glimpse into the Escambia County School District. If the video did not get out then this would of been swept under the rug. Those suspension days and number of referrals and expulsions look bad on paper. God forbid the district ran by Lord Malcom look bad.

    “But we are a B district according to the state.”

  19. Tj on December 4th, 2019 11:34 pm

    I haven’t seen the video and don’t want to. Why does this new generation just stand there and film evil? It’s ridiculous! Fight or flight in my day. If you aren’t in it keep it moving!

  20. Mina S Hutto on December 4th, 2019 11:33 pm

    THOSE boys acted like adults then they need to tried as adults they need to punished to the maximum they need to be taught a hard lesson they are not ABOVE the Law just because of their age they have to pay the price for their choices and actions. If they just get a slap on the hand for this then next time it will be murder .

  21. Concerned mom on December 4th, 2019 11:32 pm

    I am the one who sent the video to North Escambia! I got it off my daughters (who attends Tate) Snapchat! Those boys are animals and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The video WEAR just showed on the 10 pm news is different from my video… it shows someone already recording before the fight even starts so they KNEW it was gonna happen. There has to be some serious consequences for this fight, it was obviously premeditated. What is a citation going to do? When I was in high school (in the early 2000s) you would have been in Juvi and expelled!

  22. Steve on December 4th, 2019 11:20 pm

    At Stumpknocker. ” Precisely”

  23. Former Tate mom on December 4th, 2019 11:15 pm

    I saw the video & that was clearly an assault. When the young man fell & the other kid stomped on his head, that just became more than a school yard fight. But even judging by what I saw, this kid was doing NOTHING to provoke them. He looked scared sh*less to tell you the truth.
    From what I saw, they were right outside of a hallway so classrooms were literally right there. Why didn’t someone get help sooner instead of just ignoring or watching it?
    Who are these kids who did this? Are they athletes or is there a reason the school is protecting them? And who is protecting the student, and others like him, who just took a boot to the face?? How many other “minor” incidents have occurred & been swept under the rug?
    I hope the State Attorney sees the video & decides to prosecute because that is going to be pretty freaking sad if nothing is done.
    I hope the boy is ok. He’s got a couple of mamas out here in Beulah whose hearts were broken watching that video. My friend and I were talking about this & we just wanna give him a hug. Poor kid.

  24. RA on December 4th, 2019 11:13 pm

    So this “minor” injuries? Hey Amber Southard, what if it was your son or daughter? This isn’t a fight, it’s an assault! Very sad. It continues to happen because a citation is given? Why weren’t they arrested???

  25. Tj graybeal on December 4th, 2019 11:12 pm

    A citation!!!!! Really??!!!!! That fight, well not much of a fight really, looked more like 2 guys beating the crap out of 1 guy. Kicking him in the head. Thats all you get now a days for assault and battery? I thought that was a felony?!!

  26. Al S. and Jesse J. on December 4th, 2019 11:11 pm

    We will not be showing up for this one!

  27. Haley on December 4th, 2019 11:09 pm

    this is just awful to hear, i have never been more disappointed in the school and the kids that have done this, Tate has been breaking out with horrible things and a little citation will do nothing. i should not have to fear of going to school, it is not a place for such violence. i think i stand for the rest of the kids that go to our school, that those kids deserve more punishment. i’m highly disappointed in this.

  28. madi on December 4th, 2019 11:01 pm

    The two guys should be tried as adults. They should have been punished with more than a “citation”. They stomped on his face & could’ve killed him. All over a stupid comment. And it’s funny how they can’t post the video because it can’t be “verified”.

  29. Wow on December 4th, 2019 11:01 pm

    Those kids should be charged!! I’ve seen the video. One of the kids stomped his head. Ridiculous.

  30. Wow on December 4th, 2019 11:00 pm

    Them boys should be in jail I feel sorry for the little boy that got beat they say he’s in a group home with no family we all need to get together and do something special for him for Christmas

  31. shaylee Patroni on December 4th, 2019 10:56 pm

    This is wrong. he was stomped on with full force. the only thing minor is the consequences given to the two boys. They should be tried as adults considering they were fully aware as to what they were doing. This is why more and more bad is happening because we give such small consequences for such wrong doings. The video is 100% valid and it was posted would show everyone exactly how it went down.

  32. Concerned mom on December 4th, 2019 10:49 pm

    I’ve seen one of the videos and it made me cry. The boys that hurt him should have been charged with a crime. It wasn’t just a fight. It was a beat down. The resource officers and other school personnel should be monitoring the halls and the outdoors walk ways between classes. The kids shouldn’t have free roam and be unmonitored. I know Tate has a large campus, but who is supervising?!

  33. Joe on December 4th, 2019 10:47 pm

    Define minor injuries. He was jumped and stomped on pretty hard

  34. Peter marshel on December 4th, 2019 10:46 pm

    I was there before and after the fight I have both original videos showing the confrontation and the fight it’s sad I know the kid that got beat up and I know the kid that did it over a stupid comment we gotta do better then this it’s all about dominance at Tate who’s harder then who stop being hard headed and ignorant stop violence

  35. Diana on December 4th, 2019 10:39 pm

    My daughter said she witnessed this and that it was “crucial”. I am so sick of hearing about these types of thins.. They are happening more and more and it’s getting worse and worse..

  36. No nane on December 4th, 2019 10:39 pm

    The school wont do anything. My son hurt enough to get a bad concussion and not one thing done to two kids. They hide this stuff. Literally sweep it under the rug. Mine was Escambia but its ridiculous.

  37. Stumpknocker on December 4th, 2019 10:28 pm

    It’s bad kids act this way to begin with. The video will reveal much more . But what is also absolutely sickening is grown boys stand and watch this happen and do nothing but video. Not much of integrity and morals taught by parents now days .

  38. JC on December 4th, 2019 10:28 pm

    The ones who hit the boy should be arrested and charged as adults for assault. I have seen the video and is was horrible what these thugs did to this young man who, as you can see in the video was be taunted and was not trying to fight.
    As a matrer of fact he had very submissive body language and was backing away from them. There needs to be serious consequences for this group of animals.