Scott, Rubio, DeSantis Visit Pensacola; Call For Tougher Vetting Of International Trainees

December 9, 2019

Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott visited Pensacola NAS over the weekend following Friday’s deadly shooting, and Gov. Ron DeSantis visited Pensacola again on Sunday.

Three sailors died at the hands of a Saudi national in what the FBI is now investigating as an act of terrorism.

Rubio, Scott and DeSantis are calling for tougher vetting of foreign nationals training on American military bases.

“I’m extremely concerned by the reports that this shooter was a foreign national training on a U.S. military base in Florida,” Scott said. “Whether this individual was motivated by radical Islam or was simply mentally unstable, this was an act of terrorism. It’s clear that we need to take steps to ensure that any and all foreign nationals are scrutinized and vetted extensively before being embedded with our American men and women in uniform.”

“It’s important we learn how and why this attack happened so we can fix any shortcomings in our vetting of foreign military trainees,” Rubio said.

“When tragedy strikes, Floridians stand together. As Governor I will do all that I can to assist law enforcement in bringing these criminals to justice,” the governor said.

DeSantis said he wants answers as to what vetting was done, including “what type of vetting is done by the Saudi military and the Saudi government to try to ferret out people who may end up having that type of world view. I know (Secretary of Defense Mark) Esper is doing stuff with, and I think they need to do that very quickly

Pictured above: Gov. Ron DeSantis meets with officials in Pensacola Sunday. Pictured below: Sen. Rick Scott and Sen. Marco Rubio visited NAS Pensacola and were briefed on the investigation by Commanding Officer Tim Kinsella.  Photos for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Scott, Rubio, DeSantis Visit Pensacola; Call For Tougher Vetting Of International Trainees”

  1. William Reynolds on December 9th, 2019 2:36 pm

    >>>The reports that someone filmed the attack are false.

    Defense Secretary Mark Esper says differently as we reported Sunday.

    In an exclusive interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper said it’s unclear if they were filming it before it began or if it was something where they picked up their phones filmed it when they saw it unfolding.

    “You know, today, people pull out their phones and film everything and anything that happens,” Esper told Fox News’ Chris Wallace.

  2. Dave on December 9th, 2019 2:09 pm

    The reports that someone filmed the attack are false. Careful what you read and beleive on the internet.

  3. Citizen on December 9th, 2019 1:15 pm

    I’ve supported him, but where is President Trump?
    He’s been here for countless rallies, but no sign of him now.

    I can promise you that if all he is going to say is “Saudi Arabia is very sorry” and carry on being silent and soft on the matter, then he is going to lose the panhandle.

    If you lose the panhandle, you lose Florida.

    If you lose Florida, you lose the election.

  4. rance on December 9th, 2019 11:51 am

    Screw the vetting, let them train their own. No more. Have we forgotten the scumbags that took part in bringing down the twin towers – they trained in civilian aviation here in the US – laid down the cash, got the training most likely with no vetting at all.

    Regardless that Saudi Arabia is considered an ally – that country has plenty of people that hate Americans as well as the rest of the middle eastern/southwest Asian countries. We are at war. The terrorists will take every opportunity to spill American blood. Again the politicians inaction cost American lives time and time again.

  5. Carolyn C Smith on December 9th, 2019 9:03 am

    I have Never understood why we train foreign nationals on our military methods. The idea that they will “understand” us is ridiculous.
    I also think all those who celebrated with the shooter “before” the incident should be gathered up and transported back to their countries Tomorrow!

  6. 429SCJ on December 9th, 2019 7:24 am

    Only a fool would invite heathens into his home.

  7. Bewildered on December 9th, 2019 4:53 am

    When PRE-PLANNED fights in middle schools are recorded by other students we know these kids were aware of it ahead of time and should also be held accountable. The FBI’s version that the shooter’s friends who video taped this horrific killing spree at NAS had no prior knowledge of what was about to happen is totally ridiculous, beyond stupid, politically correct rhetoric.
    What is the government’s plan now? Are the other Saudis on Base continuing their flight training as if nothing has happened? Disgusting that we sacrifice American lives to protect our Elite’s financial interests in hell holes like Saudi Arabia.