Remains Of NAS Pensacola Shooting Victims Arrive At Dover Air Force Base

December 9, 2019

The remains of the three sailors killed Friday were moved to Dover Air Force Base.

Their remains were transferred from Naval Hospital Pensacola to NAS Pensacola and then flown to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware where dignified transfer ceremonies took place for each.

The victims are:

-Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, Student, Naval Aviation Schools Command, 23, from Enterprise, Alabama
-Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, Student, Naval Aviation Schools Command, 19, from St. Petersburg, Florida
-Airmen Apprentice Cameron Scott Walters, Student, Naval Aviation Schools Command, 21, from Richmond Hill, Georgia

Pictured: Dignified transfer ceremonies for the victims of the NAS Pensacola shootings were held Sunday night at Dover Air Force Base. Photos for, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Remains Of NAS Pensacola Shooting Victims Arrive At Dover Air Force Base”

  1. David Huie Green on December 11th, 2019 7:55 pm

    “sorry ‘remains’ sounds bad.”

    It is consistent with the Christian teaching included in
    Psalm 90:10 “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”

    The idea is that we are more than flesh and blood, bone and brain. That that which is really us leaves all that behind. What remains after we are gone to Heaven is NOT us.

    David for Christ

  2. David on December 9th, 2019 4:28 pm

    After the men and woman are through the process in Dover, what ever the families wish is for their loved one will take place where ever the family wished.
    Be it a funeral or cremation the choice of burial place will be at the families discretion.
    Many choose the hometown for a resting place others choose other places of their choosing
    The military administers ultimate respect for our military fallen ones
    God Bless them all

  3. David on December 9th, 2019 4:20 pm

    @ help you and others understand what Dover is about…watch Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon.
    You will have a appreciation what respect these men and woman are given when they arrive
    Its actually true

  4. William Reynolds on December 9th, 2019 3:27 pm

    ” “remains’ going to Dover sorry ‘remains’ sounds bad.I know you don’t like criticism but the headline and this article suck worse than some of your other ones”

    “Remains” is the term always used by the Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations at Dover AFB. It is the correct term.

  5. Nana on December 9th, 2019 9:09 am

    I am so sorry this happened to each of you….you didn’t deserve it! And I pray that God will pour His love and comfort over your families each and every day. Please know your family is proud of you….and so is your country!!
    Thank you for your service….and for the ultimate price you have had to pay.
    We will never forget you!

  6. david shields on December 9th, 2019 7:36 am

    Fair winds & following seas.

  7. Citizen on December 9th, 2019 2:58 am

    this doesn’t make sense “remain”s are going back to their home town? “remains’ going to Dover
    sorry ‘remains’ sounds bad.
    I know you don’t like criticism but the headline and this article suck worse than some of your other ones

    Heroes going to be laid to rest with honors at Arlington..??