#prayforPensacola – Local, State Officials In Their Own Words On NAS Pensacola Shootings

December 7, 2019

Local and state leaders are reacting and reflecting on the deadly shootings. Here are their thoughts, in their own words:

“Today, I was able to witness both the dark and the light of our amazing community,” Escambia County Administrator Janice Gilley said. “There has been tragic and senseless loss and we will grieve for the victims and their families. But, there was also a well executed response by emergency medical services, law enforcement, and medical personnel. These teams worked together and lives were saved. I am proud of our first responders and hope folks will thank them for all they do each day.”

“#prayforPensacola,” Gilley ended her text to NorthEscambia.com.

“Our hearts are with the victims of today’s horrific tragedy. We pray for comfort and support to all those affected,” Florida Senator Doug Broxson said. “If you are in Pensacola, you can help by donating blood at the Northwest Florida Blood Center.”

“This  morning we woke up to horrible news,” Representative Mike Hill said in a statement Friday. “A gunman launched a hate-filled attack in our Naval Air Station in Pensacola, leaving three innocent lives behind and many wounded. Our Escambia County Law Enforcement Officers responded quickly and courageously. We are so proud of their heroic efforts. We are praying for the victims and their families. Our office resources are available to assist.”

“My thoughts and prayers are certainly with all the innocent victims and their families,” Escambia County Commission Chairman and District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry said. “It’s something I never could have imagined happening in our community. I would like to express my most profound gratitude to all law enforcement, EMS and fire personnel, and all first responders who not only rushed to action, but they also rushed directly into a deadly scene this morning. Their courage and dedication clearly saved lives, and kept this tragedy from being even worse. Our community will forever be in their debt.”

“Today was a tragic and sad day and all of our prayers are with the victims of today. We should also be very, very proud of our local first responders who stepped up like the heroes they are and met the threat head on and neutralized it. And, I also want to give special appreciative thanks to our Escambia County EMS personnel for the swift an expert care of the wounded,” said District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, who was headed to work aboard NAS Pensacola at the time of the shooting.

“Tragedies such as this are the tests that challenge how well we are prepared to respond to crisis,” remarked District 2 Commissioner Doug Underhill. “Our first responders, in collaboration with our Navy partners, performed exceptionally well when it mattered most. Today Escambia County and the Navy reaped the rewards of systematic collaboration and training, and almost certainly prevented what could have been a much greater loss of life. Every one of us should say a prayer for the victims and the first responders, and take a few minutes to consider our own resiliency and preparedness that we might perform as with honor if ever called upon.”

“We are praying for the families, friends and loved ones whose lives have been changed forever by the tragic shooting at NAS Pensacola today,” said District 3 Commissioner Lumon May. “We ask God to bring comfort to those who are grieving and strength to those who are recovering. Our deepest condolences are with all who have been affected.”

“NAS Pensacola is such an integral, important part of Escambia County and we are very supportive of our military and are keeping all of our thoughts and prayers with them,” remarked District 4 Commissioner and BOCC Vice-Chair Robert Bender. “We continue to support them as Escambia County and as citizens in this time of grief.”

“Today is a tragic day for Pensacola. Our hearts go out to those affected by this senseless act of violence, and we ask that the community continue to support and pray for the victims’ families and loved ones. Naval Air Station Pensacola has been an integral part of our city for nearly 200 years, and the impact of this tragedy will be felt throughout our community,” Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said. “I express my sincere gratitude to the men and women aboard NAS Pensacola who selflessly serve our country every day, and to our first responders who bravely answered the call of duty this morning and put their lives on the line to restore public safety. All of you are true heroes, and we are grateful for your service.”

The City of Pensacola is here to support NAS Pensacola with mutual aid and any resources they may need during this incredibly difficult time,” Robinson continued. “This will certainly take a toll on our entire community, but I know” Pensacola is stronger than any tragedy. The worst of times often bring out the best in humanity, and I truly believe the people of Pensacola will come together and become even stronger through this ordeal.”

Pictured: #PrayForPensacola – the Pensacola Graffiti Bridge on Friday. Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “#prayforPensacola – Local, State Officials In Their Own Words On NAS Pensacola Shootings”

  1. Teddy on December 7th, 2019 10:11 am

    Send these people back to where they belong

  2. Fred on December 7th, 2019 3:42 am

    I have some of my own words to add here, by saying what I’m sure many are already thinking – it’s time to stop training those whom we will oppose in battle. During the 70s, we had Iranian flight students here, and look where things went with Iran after that. We do not serve our country’s interests by training these foreign pilots, some who we now know are sleeper agents on our own soil.
    Let’s end this, send them home, and train loyal Americans.