Navy Suspends Flight Training For Saudi Students Following NAS Pensacola Shooting

December 10, 2019

The U.S. Navy has temporarily suspended flight training for over 300 Saudi Arabian students following last week’s deadly shooting at NAS Pensacola.

Saudi Flight student Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani shot and killed three sailors and injured eight others Friday morning.

The order impacts about 140 students at NAS Pensacola, 35 at nearby Whiting Field and nearly 130 at NAS Mayport.

Navy Commander Clay Doss says classroom training is starting this week, and flight training for other students will resume. He says it’s not clear how long the flight stand-down for the Saudi students will continue


6 Responses to “Navy Suspends Flight Training For Saudi Students Following NAS Pensacola Shooting”

  1. Concerned Citizen on December 13th, 2019 8:49 pm

    The USA has a marked history of being a beacon of hope demonstrating compassion, gracious good will.. Particularly in the darkest hours of the 19th, 20th century.To support a nation that treats its women cruelly is to support oppression which is against everything the US stands for. The USA is a great nation that many nations admire and respect it should not compromise with oppression but lead by example.. .

    Saudi Arabia says one thing publicly to the US but behind closed doors works secretly works to under mine US interests in the middle east. The US is walking knife edge in dealing with Saudi Arabia and will get burnt again..

  2. mike on December 12th, 2019 1:16 pm

    the only way this will cease permanently is to vote people into office that promise to get them out of the country and back to Saudi Arabia where they belong. the plane makers will need to send flight instructors over there so the money will keep coming in. this should their responsibility, since they are the ones that profit from selling planes to the Saudis. this should go for all weapons sold to the Saudis, not just planes. Eisenhower had strong words about this kinda thing, look it up. :(

  3. Anita on December 11th, 2019 7:11 pm

    The US used to send our people over there to teach them to fly the planes by radar that we gave them. I don’t know what they gave us in return. It’s all politics that we don’t hear about.

  4. American on December 11th, 2019 4:38 pm

    Good! Send them all back to their country. Wake up Americans… these people are NOT your friends and never will be.

  5. Citizen on December 11th, 2019 9:13 am


    Unfortunately this won’t be permanent, but it should be.

  6. Sue on December 10th, 2019 6:32 pm

    They need to remove them from our bases immediately and send them back to Saudi Arabia and these programs need to be stopped forever