FHP Out In Force During Holiday Period

December 27, 2019

The Florida Highway Patrol has joined law enforcement across the nation to crack down on impaired driving by sharing the message “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”. The enforcement campaign runs through January 1, 2020.

“Florida Highway Patrol troopers and law enforcement officers statewide are trained to spot the signs of impaired driving, and will be out in force this holiday season,” said Colonel Gene S. Spaulding, director of the Florida Highway Patrol. “Impairment can cause drowsiness, an inability to react appropriately in simple situations, and a false sense of alertness. Please make good decisions and Arrive Alive this holiday season. Never drive impaired.”

Data shows that last December there were 549 alcohol impaired driving crashes in Florida, which was the most for any month in 2018, as well as 57 drug impaired and 34 alcohol and drug impaired crashes

Troopers are out in force on the highways to aid motorists and remove impaired drivers from the road. FHP Auxiliary troopers are also volunteering to augment the FHP during the holiday period.

The FHP offers the following travel tips:

  • Every time you get in a vehicle, no matter where you are sitting, buckle up.
  • Never drive impaired. Don’t get behind the wheel if you have been drinking or took drugs that cause impairment.
  • Let your passengers help you navigate or change the music. Don’t drive distracted. Keep your hands on the wheel, eyes on the road and mind on driving.
  • Make sure you get enough rest before you drive. Stop to take a break every 100 miles or two hours.
  • Move over for stopped emergency, sanitation, utility service vehicles and wreckers when it is safe to do so.
  • Be aware of the speed limit and adjust accordingly. In Florida, the limit will never be higher than 70 mph.

The said theirincreased presence throughout Florida helps to deter traffic violations and enhance services to motorists who need assistance while traveling.


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