FBI Officially Identifies NAS Pensacola Shooter

December 8, 2019

The FBI has officially identified the NAS Pensacola shooter who shot and killed three people on Friday.

The shooter was Mohammed Alshamrani, a 21-year-old second lieutenant in the Royal Saudi Air Force who was a student naval flight officer at the Naval Aviation Schools Command at NAS Pensacola.  The FBI has not determined a motive for Alshamrani’s rampage.

The FBI, which did not hold a news conference on Saturday to provide an update on the investigation,  posted a statement on Twitter as they released Alshamrani’s identity.

“FBI Jacksonville is not aware of any credible threat toward the Pensacola community at this time,” the FBI posted.

The victims were also students at the flight school.  They have been identified as Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, 23, from Coffee, Alabama; Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, 19, from St. Petersburg, Florida; and Airman Apprentice Cameron Scott Walters, 21, from Richmond Hill, Georgia.

“The sorrow from the tragic event on NAS Pensacola will have a lasting impact on our installation and community,” Captain Tim Kinsella, the commanding officer of the naval base said in a statement.

Anyone with information regarding his activites is encouraged to call 1-800-CALL-FBI.


20 Responses to “FBI Officially Identifies NAS Pensacola Shooter”

  1. mike on December 10th, 2019 4:23 pm

    i was thinking that American flight training instructors could go to Saudi Arabia and teach the Saudi pilots. That way the plane makers could still get their cash and keep their mansions and Lamborghinis, and we could keep Saudis in Saudi Arabia.

  2. David Huie Green on December 10th, 2019 11:17 am

    “David: apologies to you, I’m just going by what I’ve heard.”

    Doesn’t bother me and do what seems right to you.

    The problem with going by what we heard is that people lie to us or repeat lies they heard or misunderstand what was said and repeat the mistake.

    I have heard lots of lies which stopped with me because I checked. There are probably plenty I didn’t catch, though.

    There is much bad about any kingdom and especially Saudi Arabia. We don’t need to embellish.

    David for better hearing,
    better people, fewer kingdoms

  3. Terri Sanders on December 9th, 2019 9:11 pm

    so it was not a terrorist attack..
    but merely a get even attack because his professor insulted his mustache….and these are supposed to be intelligent adults??heaven help us if we ever go to war with this bunch of idiots…

  4. mike on December 9th, 2019 2:49 pm

    David: apologies to you, I’m just going by what I’ve heard. 3 of the hijackers listed their addresses as 10 Radford Boulevard, but were not the pilots, just extra muscle onboard. So I take back what I said.

    America sells the Saudis planes and have to train Saudi pilots as part of that. So it all comes down to money, as usual. Sad. Nevertheless, Saudi training here in the states must end. :(

  5. muhammad on December 9th, 2019 7:44 am

    Any non citizen can buy a Gun all they have to have is a hunting license. just ask any NRA member.

  6. David Huie Green on December 8th, 2019 10:31 pm

    “when the 9/11 pilots were found to have trained at NAS,”

    Except that they didn’t?

    From https://nypost.com/2019/12/06/some-9-11-hijackers-believed-to-have-trained-at-pensacola-naval-base-that-was-site-of-shooting/

    “But none of them received training at the Pensacola base or at any Naval flight school, a Navy spokesman said on Friday night.

    ” “None of the 9/11 hijackers received any training from the US Navy,” said the spokesman, Commander Ron Flanders.”

    [ Unless you believe the Commander-in-Chief ordered him to lie to us about it....always possible but unlikely, even for him. ]

    David for truth
    (if I’m wrong, set me straight)

  7. pencil on December 8th, 2019 7:45 pm

    NWFLA LINDA please forgive me for mistaking the difference. Green Card members are less then human after all. Even though they can work and live in the United States and have a pathway to citizenship that small difference excuses their kidnapping and torture by their enemies.

    Our President as he often does, first denied the Saudis were responsible and then claimed the CIA got the facts all wrong and his analysis of the situation was more accurate than the professionals. He pandered to the King and the royal family and turned a blind eye to someone who should have been under his protection.

    Jamal Khashoggi had children who were U.S. citizens, he graduated from Indiana State University, he was a reporter for the Washington Post who advocated for women’s rights and criticized the Saudi government.

    He deserved better than to die like a dog and we can draw a direct line between our nonresponse to his torturous death last October and what happened here on Friday!

  8. mike on December 8th, 2019 12:36 pm

    The Saudis are our allies. But, when the 9/11 pilots were found to have trained at NAS, all Saudi pilot training should have ceased. This is why this incident happened and is the fault of the powers that be that continued Saudi pilot training. :(

  9. Howie on December 8th, 2019 12:34 pm

    It’s part of safe borders, and don’t allow anymore International students in here. Colleges or Military – referring to the Alshamrani group. The US is just asking for more problems if you don’t take care of this NOW.

    They either get their flight training or college degree in their homeland, or they don’t get it at all. It’s not our problem.

    It’s easy to bring weapons past a Security gate. Especially when Security does not check in trunks or under seats.

  10. Allen Jay on December 8th, 2019 10:35 am

    It’s time our brave Military is allowed to carry personal arms on ALL Military Installations. Our government doesn’t have a problem with the men and women of our armed forces being sent overseas with a weapon, but they aren’t trusted to carry personal firearms for protection on Military Installations. Extremely sad that our training facilities have become soft targets.

  11. rance on December 8th, 2019 10:30 am

    Hope the fires of hell are burning hot for this murderer…death to all terrorists.

  12. Steve Litton on December 8th, 2019 9:27 am

    Is it time we impress upon our allies, acts like these will be considered an act of war?

    Where and when did this guy obtain the weapon?

    How much assurance do we have, our allies are fully vetting people they’re sending here for training?

    I understand this is a very rare attack, by one individual. But, the number one priority of our government is to protect our citizens. Even though we had allied, foreign military trainees where I trained, I never had to worry about my safety, AND NEITHER should today’s brave soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines have to worry they will be attacked ON U.S. soil, WITHIN a military installation, BY a fellow Trainee, in such a manner as this.

  13. NWFLA LINDA on December 8th, 2019 9:10 am

    In response to pencil’s comment about “that American reporter”, Khashoggi was not an American citizen. He split his residences between Virginia, London, and Istanbul – he had a green card but was not a U.S. citizen. He went to that building where he was murdered to obtain documents necessary for his upcoming marriage. An American citizen would have gotten them from an American government office. He was viewed as an enemy of the state to the Saudis. He had been an adviser to senior officials in the Saudi government and worked for top news outlets in the country. He was long seen as close to the ruling elite there. Doesn’t make what happened to him acceptable by American standards but clarification of his citizenship status is necessary so it isn’t seen as a reason to be critical of our government’s response to his murder. Additionally, we’ve trained foreign flight students since the 1970s. Reviewing that policy should have happened long ago and especially after 9/11 even though the terrorists didn’t train at NASP or other military bases.

  14. Karen on December 8th, 2019 8:58 am

    The FBI has not determined a motive? He is Muslim and hates America that’s the only motive there is how many times does this have to happen before the so called higher ups put a stop to this crap of training them here to kill American’s on American soil?

  15. tg on December 8th, 2019 8:55 am

    Matt Getz had it right and people fofoed him.

  16. paul on December 8th, 2019 8:46 am

    Stop selling arms to other countries and send all of them home..
    Building a wall to keep people out while letting others in and on our bases just doesn’t make any sense.

  17. Anne on December 8th, 2019 8:13 am

    FBI and other Federal Authorities should be the lead factors in the investigation and release of information to We the Public.
    This is a Horrible Crime that was committed on a Federal Facility and anything within the fences of NAS Pensacola.
    As a Mom I felt it was completely out of place for the Sheriff of Escambia County to inject his description of the crime scene as being “like a movie set with broken glass, shell casings and blood everywhere”. Thankfully, none of my family was involved yet it was Awful thinking of the impact those callous words carried. Were they true? Perhaps yet just because you were there does not mean you have to be so descriptive to all who happened to be viewing.
    If the Sheriff’s Office can gather legitimate and proper evidence and interviews from citizens that assists the investigation then that is a GOOD Thing. Just don’t mug the cameras with thoughtless words at this time.

  18. Bill on December 8th, 2019 7:57 am

    A man named Mohammed shoots up a US military flight school and the FBI is searching hard for a motive . Are we living in the the twilight zone!?

  19. Bama on December 8th, 2019 6:10 am

    I don’t care who he is, I just want to know where he got the firearm he used.

  20. pencil on December 8th, 2019 4:12 am

    They no doubt believe we were weak and there will be no serious consequences after they were allowed to kidnap, torture and murder that American reporter last October and were still awarded an arms package of billions in munitions and technology.