One Month Old Baby Suffers Displaced Shoulder, Fractured Arms; Cantonment Woman Charged

December 11, 2019

A Cantonment woman was charged with aggravated child abuse after a baby was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital with multiple fractures.

Chyianne Lee Smith, 22, was booked into the Escambia County Jail where she was being held without bond.

The baby had a displaced shoulder and fractures of both arms, according to an arrest report that noted hospital staff said the injuries were indicative of someone pulling on the child’s arms.

The baby was taken to the hospital by Smith and a second person. The second person said when he asked Smith what happened, she said the child “might have slept on it wrong”, the arrest report states.

Smith’s statements were redacted from the arrest report, but the deputy wrote that her inconsistent statements that were not consistent with the victim’s injuries led to the arrest.


19 Responses to “One Month Old Baby Suffers Displaced Shoulder, Fractured Arms; Cantonment Woman Charged”

  1. Mike on December 15th, 2019 5:35 pm

    “Sybil on December 12th, 2019 3:06 pm
    I am a therapist and it would appear many on here are misguided and need professional help and educated”
    Absolutely, you are 100% right. The folks here show their darkest instincts – I want to dismember her, maim her, kill her etc. All they need is for somebody to point a finger and say “Attack”, “Get her (him) you’re in your right!” No matter how bad the perpetrator is, those willing to execute are the same, with the only difference: they got the justification. Once given, they will all do the same.

  2. Kane on December 14th, 2019 1:27 am

    HiYa horrible

    That bill just added stiffer penalties it didn’t give it a different crime designation and it only added 6 years to the penalties already present on the state level here in Florida. Point is your facts still aren’t accurate.

    Matter of fact it only adds those penalties in the situation that an “Animal Crushing Video” is made did you not even take the time to read the actual bill???!!!

    Here my last hand out (i’m not the government after all) have a link!

    That’s to the actual bill it’s pretty short not to tough to read.

  3. horrible on December 13th, 2019 4:56 pm


    “Animal abuse (cruelty) is only a first degree MISDEMEANOR”


    ” You come back with made up stuff about “drug dealers, rapists, and murders” being what, free to roam around or something (you are a little incoherent there)”

    Look at the front page of North to see plenty of this.

    “Either you are to lazy or to busy to get real information so I am done with this conversation.”
    Nice try.

    “I am a therapist and it would appear many on here are misguided and need professional help and educated”

    And I’m a Russian Billionaire. I made my money in selling baloney to Democrats. They still buy it by the square ton.

  4. Kane on December 13th, 2019 3:41 am


    I gave you actual facts ie: child abuse is a Third degree felony in Florida and Animal abuse (cruelty) is only a first degree MISDEMEANOR. You come back with made up stuff about “drug dealers, rapists, and murders” being what, free to roam around or something (you are a little incoherent there). Seems that you cannot back your claims up with facts so you make things up. Either you are to lazy or to busy to get real information so I am done with this conversation.

    Here have some links if you are not to lazy you can learn the truth instead of making it up.

  5. Sybil on December 12th, 2019 3:06 pm

    I am a therapist and it would appear many on here are misguided and need professional help and educated

  6. horrible on December 12th, 2019 1:14 pm


    Folks who abuse animals get off with a slap on the wrist? That’s news to me. Seems I hear more about drug dealers, rapists and murderers walking the streets because “he’s really a good boy” or “she has potential” while the book gets thrown at the person who couldn’t afford to feed their neighbor’s horse. I’m not in the position at the moment to cite specific case law to you, but, we live in a screwed up society when it’s prison and an enormous fine to shoot a predator hawk or eagle but a woman can walk into an abortion clinic to have her unwanted child ripped to pieces because that’s “her right to choose”.

    You say “is one greater than the other” and then indicate that they are the same. Abuse of humanity is ALWAYS worse. People have more value than other living creatures. It doesn’t mean that other living creatures shouldn’t be protected. They are, and they should be.

  7. Kane on December 12th, 2019 12:35 pm


    You’ve got it all mixed up there. The penalties this woman will face for harming this innocent baby will be severe. She will face prison time and a slew of other things such as counseling before she can see this child again, if she ever gets to see the baby again.

    However if she were to have set a kitten, puppy, horse or any other animal on fire and watched it burn she would have been fined at most and free to go and get another animal and harm it as well. The penalties for animal abuse are almost none because animals are treated as property like your luggage not as sentient beings that deserve our protection.

    The reason there seems to be more outrage over animal abuse then child abuse isn’t because anyone thinks one is worse then the other it’s because there is an entire Government Agency that deals with child abuse and tries their best to insure the safety of children. Animals have no-one but you and I.

    Is one less then or greater then the other? No of course not no child or animal should ever be abused. This shouldn’t even need to be said yet here we are because you want to compare which abuse is worse and that my fellow citizen is why I think you need help. All abuse is bad.

  8. horrible on December 12th, 2019 10:07 am


    Why does my comment bother you so much? The reason I made it in the first place is because society places so much emphasis on pets and animals and there’s always an outrage over animal abuse, but it seems like nobody hardly cares about precious babies. Well, I DO! Of course I don’t want animals abused, that’s an acenine inference to make. And if you’re more outraged by animal abuse than human abuse, like I’m afraid many people in our society today are, then YOU might should get some counseling!

  9. Barbara Agerton on December 12th, 2019 9:40 am

    Somehow I wish she could have reached out and told someone,that she was tired,worn out,and overwhelmed with a new born,….it is so taxing to have a new born baby.sometimes they cry and cry……of course most of us would never think of harming a baby…….then some of us need help…………I am a Mother of seven.(adults now)…Thanks to God… has arrived for the baby and the Mom……..

  10. John Doe on December 12th, 2019 9:20 am


  11. Elw on December 12th, 2019 7:13 am

    I agree with forced sterilization. People who abuse babies deserve a long lasting treatment. If not, they will continue to have children and abuse them also, most especially drug users.

  12. Heart broken on December 11th, 2019 7:28 pm

    I’m heart broken for this baby. How can someone do this to a baby! I hope someone will beat the tar out of this sorry excuse of a woman. As someone who struggled for years to have a baby, finally being blessed with a beautiful healthy child, then being told I can no longer have children I am angry that people like her are blessed with children and they harm them. I hope there is a special place in hell for people who abuse kids and I hope she gets a front row seat for all eternity.

  13. kane on December 11th, 2019 6:37 pm

    @horrible Why are you trying to compare to disgusting awful types of crimes? What is the point? Are you just rabble rousing? The comments on this site for both animal cruelty (not even a felony by the way) and Child abuse (definitely a THIRD DEGREE felony) are both abundant this story has only been up a day not even up long enough for people to be off work to see it.

    Also why do are you so upset about how many comments something like this gets? There is something terribly wrong with you and you need help please talk to someone.

  14. Mark on December 11th, 2019 10:51 am

    This is a great case for forced sterilization. This woman should completely lose her rights to have children, as should all who abuse a child, especially an infant.

  15. horrible on December 11th, 2019 10:08 am

    Such a disgrace, and where’s the outrage? If this was a dog, the comments would be ceaseless. A precious little person has so much more value! I hope that they throw the book at her.

  16. Molino Mom on December 11th, 2019 8:30 am

    This just burns me up! It doesn’t state that she is the mother so I’m assuming she is not, which would be a blessing…but then there’s the question – where is the mother? Or the father? Dear God please set it in motion for someone to take this precious baby and give him/her a loving home that is deserved.
    And for all you despicable “mothers” out there, if you don’t want or need a baby DON’T HAVE ONE! We have safe harbors here in Pensacola. You can take your unwanted child and give them to a hospital staff member, a fire dept member, a police officer… questions will be asked. Don’t make a poor defenseless baby suffer for something they had no control over.

  17. Bartender on December 11th, 2019 8:01 am

    Some people dont deserve precious babies.i hope they never give her that baby back.

  18. Kathy on December 11th, 2019 8:00 am

    What kind of sick person does this. I hope she “sleeps” on her head wrong. God bless that baby

  19. Outraged on December 11th, 2019 3:44 am

    Ok. Can I have have her! The so called Mmma? I’d dismember her.

    I may be feeble. Disabled. But. BUT!! If I got my hands on her, she’d be hurting a lot worse than that precious baby. Give the little thing to someone that will love her, as she deserves to be loved. Being a victim of child abuse myself, I have more than a little empathy.