Authorities Say Social Media Rumors Of Planned Tate High Shooting Are Unfounded

December 5, 2019

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the Escambia County School District are investigating rumored threats of violence Friday at Tate High School. Both say the threats circulating on social media are unfounded, and they are reassuring parents that Tate High will be a safe place on Friday and everyday.

One of the Snapchat images circulating on social media states that some is “gonna shoot up the school”, but does not actually state when or even what school.

“The Escambia County Sheriffs Office is aware of the rumors of a possible school shooting circulating social media. As of now there are no credible threats,” Amber Southard, ECSO spokesperson said. “We are going to continue to work with the Escambia County School District and extra personal will be in place at Tate High School.”

“We are aware of social media posts. Potential threats are evaluated by both school officials and law enforcement,” Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said Thursday night “Any student proven to make threats against a student or school will be charged with a crime and removed from the school.”

The rumored threats of violence at Tate come after the battery of a student on Wednesday. Read more… photo.


12 Responses to “Authorities Say Social Media Rumors Of Planned Tate High Shooting Are Unfounded”

  1. Shia J Evans on December 6th, 2019 1:04 pm

    I actually go to Tate High School. The school is getting recognition for the wrong reasons. This school is good but it is some of the students with no common sense that make the school looks bad. We do take safety very seriously. There is way more to the story of the fight than what was really told in the media. People may doubt that but I did investigate it and talked to many other students. I investigate the truth behind it because I was investigating into who was using my student ID number to get lunch.

  2. Melissa on December 6th, 2019 9:40 am

    Tate is probably safer today then it was on Monday of this week. If the kid was serious about shooting up the school he would have just done it not put it all over social media.

  3. Well on December 6th, 2019 9:33 am

    The thought they weren’t going to do anything to the 2 individuals probably would drive these comments.

    Nice about-face on charges.

  4. confused on December 6th, 2019 7:54 am

    If they know who made the threat, why didn’t they just pick him up and question him? That seems like a much safer way to avoid trouble than waiting to see if it happens.

  5. Insert name here on December 6th, 2019 7:50 am

    Pretty sure authorities that were notified in Parkland said the same thing…

  6. Stephen on December 6th, 2019 7:36 am

    Like Dad, I also.choose NOT to constantly walk around fearing everything. You can’t let ONE incident, which by the way could/would have happened at any school, dictate you opinion of the school. You have to stand up to and make examples of these people who would threaten to and actually harm our children, not let then win by being cowardly.

  7. Nikki on December 6th, 2019 7:07 am

    I’ve always said my baby’s won’t go to Tate . I know all schools have threats but I’ll be damned if mine go there.

  8. Trish on December 6th, 2019 6:13 am

    I have a child at Tate. Tate is a good school and Mr. Shackle is a good principle. Don’t judge Tate by what you see and hear on social media. I have every confidence they will take whatever measures to keep their students safe. What is disturbing to me is all of the students that stood around and watched or picked up their phone to film and not one of them tried to help. Is that what we are teaching our children today? I saw a woman on the news wanting more resource officers . okay are you prepared to pay higher taxes because they don’t work for free and they aren’t cheap. Teach your children to be kind and helpful. Teach them the value of respect . Man’s inhumanity toward man. How sad.

  9. What the heck on December 6th, 2019 1:08 am

    I’m going to be honest, Tate high school is very different than what I expected. You have kids who were doing these things, and with the stomping on that kids head and he was unconscious that’s just crazy! They need more resource officers everywhere at the end of hallways outside of the hallways they need their deans in the lunches and walking around the hallways check in the bathrooms making sure what’s going on. And then with that 40-year-old mom that is absolutely disgusting. What is going on with this world lately this is supposed to be high school not hell basically there’s children trying to learn and you have all of this in one week !!! How is that gonna help Tate be a great high school when these things are going on .

  10. not relevent on December 5th, 2019 11:58 pm

    Tate should not be having school. After the fact of what happened yesterday. We all knew that this would happen. Tate is not a safe school for students right now. Especially now that Tate is being threaten to get shot up.

  11. Dad on December 5th, 2019 11:53 pm

    I do not and will not live in fear. Rumors are just that. Rumors. I have full confidence that esco will an is investigating this matter and will act accordingly. Furthermore the perpetrators are not going to be in school tomorrow as they are facing the consequences of their actions.

  12. Concerned mom on December 5th, 2019 11:33 pm

    I take these threats seriously. My child will not be at school tomorrow. This child is probably just upset and angered with the two that hurt his brother and wasnt serious about shooting up the school. But I would rather my child miss one day of school rather than not be able to see her graduate, get married, have children, and live a long fulfilled life. I am so glad that this boy is recovering. But his brother needs to let law enforcement do their jobs. This family doesnt need anymore disasters. The two that attacked him need to be severely punished.