NAS Pensacola Shooting Investigation Continues; Four Dead, Eight Injured

December 7, 2019

Investigators are working to determine what caused a Saudi national training at NAS Pensacola to go on a deadly shooting rampage Friday that left four people, including the shooter, dead.

The shooter and two other victims passed away at the scene of the shooting; one later died at Baptist Hospital. Eight others were injured, including the two Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that “did negate the threat”, according to Sheriff David Morgan.

Navy and law enforcement officials identified the shooter as a Saudi pilot in training on the base. He was identified by multiple national news organizations as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani. Fox News, The New York Times and other national media outlets reported late Friday that the FBI had arrested six Saudi nationals in connection with the shooting, several of which may have video recorded as Alshamrani opened fire.

Guns are not permitted on NAS Pensacola outside security forces, but  Morgan said the shooter managed to get a handgun onto the base before targeting individuals on two floors of classrooms in Building 633.

“There was some real heroism today,” said the base’s commanding officer, Capt. Timothy F. Kinsella. “I am devastated, we are in shock, this is surreal, but I couldn’t be prouder to wear the uniform that I wear because of my brothers and sisters in uniform, civilian or otherwise, that did what they did today to save lives.”

The FBI is now leading the probe into mass shooting, which Congressman Matt Gaetz called an act of terrorism.

“This was not a murder. This was an act of terrorism,” Gaetz said. “…It remains to be seen if whether or not this person acted alone, or whether there were other individuals were involved in the planning, inspiration or execution of this act of terrorism.”

“We are praying hard for the victims and families impacted by today’s shooting at NAS Pensacola. As a Navy veteran, today hits especially close to home,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said. “NAS Pensacola is a special place and these brave warriors who wear the wings come here for flight training to protect and serve our great nation. My administration and state agencies have deployed and will continue to provide support personnel and services to all of the military, civilians and families impacted by today’s senseless act of violence.

“Today’s shooting not only strikes at the heart of Northwest Florida, but for the Navy nationwide and around the world,” DeSantis continued. “The response we saw from the deputies at Escambia County Sheriff’s office and active personnel responding to the scene is commendable and lives were saved because of the bravery of those wearing the uniform of the U.S. Navy and our local law enforcement, including from those who were wounded and still worked to help others. Their bravery will not be in vain. We have learned that the shooter was a foreign national in the employ of a foreign service and the government of Saudi Arabia needs to make things better for the victims and they’re going to owe a debt here.”

President Donald Trump tweeted Friday that he had been in contact with King Salman, who offered condolences. “The king said that the Saudi people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the shooter,” Trump said.

Later, Trump told reporters at the White House, “It’s a horrible thing that took place and we’re getting to the bottom of it.”

In a statement, Saudi King Salman called the shooting a “heinous crime” and said he expressed his sorrow over the attack in his phone call with President Trump. The king said he has directed Saudi security services to cooperate with American agencies to uncover information that will help determine the cause of the “horrific attack.”

A sailor shot three civilians at a base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Wednesday, killing two of them before committing suicide.

In a response to both shootings, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in a statement Friday, “The Department of Defense continues to monitor the situation in Pensacola and gather all the facts of each attack.” He said he is “considering several steps to ensure the security of our military installations and the safety of our service members and their families.”


14 Responses to “NAS Pensacola Shooting Investigation Continues; Four Dead, Eight Injured”

  1. Lee on December 9th, 2019 7:44 pm

    What happened when Khashoggi was methodically sawed apart in Saudi Arabia? Nothing. Trump has interests there, so I’m not confident anything will happen. THIS is a perfect example of why enforcement of the emoluments clause is important. It’s not rocket science. There are rules in many businesses to avert conflicts of interest. Makes sense that the leaders of our country abide by such protections.

  2. DAVID HUIE GREEN on December 8th, 2019 12:04 am

    “Open carry and concealed carry is one way to send a message that if you try to carry out a mass shooting that you will be stopped before you can inflicted great bodily harm.”

    Imagine Gunman A sees what looks like a crime to him so he shoots the culprit.

    Gunman B sees A shoot someone, assumes A needs shooting and does.

    Gunman C has heard several shots, comes around the corner, sees two down and B holding a gun, assumed B shot them both, saves the day by gunning down B.

    Gunman D has heard several shots, comes around the corner, sees three down and C holding a gun, assumed C shot all three, saves the day by gunning down C.

    Gunman E shows up from another direction after hearing all the shooting. D assumes E was in on it since he is also holding a gun and looking suspicious…

    It probably wouldn’t happen like that… but it might.

    David for thinking
    and consolation to the families of the innocent

  3. mike on December 7th, 2019 10:14 pm

    100% agreement with Mr. Shultz. As a former Marine EOD operator – in EOD school foreign nationals students classes were separate from US service members and the information they received was restricted NOFORN for obvious reasons. In these times profiling/stereotyping or not – No more foreign nationals in US military training schools – enough is enough – no amount of diplomacy or student exchange is worth the spilling of even one drop of American blood. Also, check out the national news on what has been reported about the Saudi shooter and his friends – Terrorism is a cancer that spreads and manifest itself in so many ways to cause destruction – NAS Pensacola is just one example – God Bless the victims and their families…

  4. TR SPORT on December 7th, 2019 9:11 pm

    Why in the world are we even training all these fools. We train ‘em and they attack us. I say do what they did in WW2 round them up and put back across the pond. That goes for anyone that doesn’t love this country . LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!!

  5. Sedition on December 7th, 2019 9:07 pm

    Tell it from the mountain, Clif Elkins!!
    The REAL solution couldn’t be simpler.

  6. Olin Schultz on December 7th, 2019 6:13 pm

    Here are my thoughts about this cowardly attack at NAS Pensacola. The United States of America should have learned from the 911 attacks that we should not allow foreign countries to train at our military facilities. Some of our readers may think that this is a prejudice remark and everyone is entitled to there opinions. If this is what it takes to ensure the safety of our men and women, then so be it. My heart goes out to the families of the injured and deceased.

  7. Bewildered on December 7th, 2019 3:22 pm

    What are they going to do with the shooter’s six buddies who were video taping the shooting. Let them continue their training ? Just because their king says he is sorry he sent us 7 terrorists to be trained as pilots – should we just sweep it under the rug – business as usual? They hate Western civilization and will NEVER stop trying to destroy our country. I don’t care what Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Schiff, Trump say – let them stand in the line of fire like sitting ducks!!
    PS: I doubt Hussein Obama will come out of his new 12 million dollar seaside mansion – can’t wait to see how the others react. .

  8. Down On The Corner on December 7th, 2019 12:53 pm

    King Salman is not sorry for anything. Where were the Military Police???

  9. Carl on December 7th, 2019 12:44 pm

    It is numbing to know if were attacked by a hostile country at NAS…we call the ECSO to defend our country.
    The DOD better get their head out of their backside , wipe their face off and become defensive, not cower down like a cur dog.
    This is what the enemy loves.. a gun free zone…on a military base of all places
    So when we are attacked call the Escambia County Sheriffs Department…they are not political cowards.

  10. Clif Elkins on December 7th, 2019 11:29 am

    What is happening here has to be stopped. I believe that this is a pointed example that should be seriously considered. Open carry and concealed carry is one way to send a message that if you try to carry out a mass shooting that you will be stopped before you can inflicted great bodily harm.
    I know that when I see someone carrying I feel a lot safer. If someone chose to shoot up a mall, movie theater or a class room that person will think twice before carrying out their plan. This type of misguided justice has to stop. For some people you have to apply the theory of ” fight fire with fire “.

    With over 2000 gun control laws on the books, not one of them has stopped a deranged person from carrying out their plan to kill.

    States permit open carry without requiring the citizen to apply for any permit or license: (11)

    New Mexico
    South Dakota

    States permit open carry with restrictions: (13)

    North Dakota
    New Jersey
    Rhode Island

    States prohibit open carry: (7)

    New York
    South Carolina

  11. Allen on December 7th, 2019 10:57 am

    Well said David!

  12. Mike on December 7th, 2019 10:51 am

    Talking to gun banners. Please argue the following points:
    1) There are more good people than bad people.
    2) Good people abide by the laws, bad people don’t.
    3) If guns are banned, good people will not have guns, bad people will have guns (there are a lot of guns out there now).
    Please answer these questions
    1) Bad guy had a gun where the guns were banned. He opened fire. Good law abiding guys (the majority!) did not have guns and could not stop him. What would have happened if guns were allowed and good guys had them too?
    2) The gun laws are very strict in Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador. Who has the guns there and who shoots people right and left? How the situation would change if good folks (again, the majority) were allowed to have guns?

  13. David on December 7th, 2019 9:54 am

    Should have been a band of gun advocates there and no one would have been killed.
    Armed men and woman would not have been fish in a barrel as the advocates watched. Also a military base with a gun free zone is conforming to the old political correctness everyone is so fancy to throw around.
    Thank you gun advocates for making sure these men and woman conformed to your idiot ideology…..the dead men cant speak…and politics trumped the day.
    But we do not want to talk about that!
    Paint this picture..
    All in the building had many would have lived.
    I have a special word for gun advocates ..its cowardice.

  14. Bartender on December 7th, 2019 6:24 am

    You never think it will happen here but as long as they let them kind keep coming its gona keep happening .its gona be another 911 before its people complain about Mexicans coming dont see them killing everybody.give them hotels an stores an tax breaks an look what happens.