Woman That Threw Drink At Congressman Matt Gaetz Gets 15 Days

November 18, 2019

The woman accused of throwing a drink at Congressman Matt Gaetz during a June town hall meeting in Pensacola will serve 15 days in federal custody.

Amanda L. Kondrat’yev was charged with assaulting a U.S. Congressman for throwing the drink at Gaetz as he was leaving his “We Won’t Back Down” town hall event at a Pensacola restaurant. The drink hit Gaetz in the back as he was making his way to his waiting car outside the main entrance of the Brew Ha Ha Restaurant.

“”I am pleased with the court’s decision today to sentence Amanda Kondrat’yev to 15 days in jail and one year of probation,” Gaetz said. “Physical assault has no place in our political discourse, and if individuals choose to engage in such activities at our events they will be prosecuted. I am grateful law enforcement and our judicial system recognized this principle today, and I remain committed to maintaining a safe environment for my constituents at future events.”

Kondrat’yev was sentenced Monday in federal court in Pensacola. She will report to U.S. Marshals on December 2, the Monday after Thanksgiving, and begin to serve her sentence.

Kondrat’yev ran against Gaetz for his Congressional seat in 2016, along with Cris Dosev and Mark Wichern. She is also the lead plaintiff in the Bayview Cross case against the City of Pensacola.


18 Responses to “Woman That Threw Drink At Congressman Matt Gaetz Gets 15 Days”

  1. Injustice... on November 20th, 2019 11:32 am

    It’s sad that she gets 15 days in jail for throwing a drink on some one, really doesn’t matter who she threw it at, but drunk drivers rarely see the inside of the jail beyond the initial arrest. Probation for everyone. Florida is getting about as liberal as New York and California. In this current climate, I’m surprised she didn’t sue Gaetz for emotional distress due to her election loss. Put a bunch of younger folks on a jury and they would award her winnings due to hurt feelings.

  2. Carl on November 19th, 2019 5:54 pm

    Henry Coe, the milkshaking perpetrators were arrested in the UK for common assault and could be fined or face a six-month prison sentence. So the woman here got off easy. But, I think, if you respect our country, you must not disrespect elected officials. Just be civilized and work for your candidate in the next election.

  3. Wayne J on November 19th, 2019 12:21 pm

    To agree or disagree with our elected officials is something we should all do in tune with conforming to society. If you can’t do This, I would suggest you keep your feeling and stay at home.

  4. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2019 12:17 pm

    “more jail time than many drunk drivers causing injury to innocent folks.”

    True injustice. Crazy woman running around loose after a couple of weeks or so and drunks endangering our loved ones daily.

    Yell at the suck up all you wish, but don’t throw things at him. You might miss. (I was too close to someone else’s Target on Bourbon Street once and wound up wearing their beer.)

    Drink yourself to death if that’s what the Lord leads you to do. Just don’t endanger our loved ones by driving or operating potentially deadly machinery while doing so.

    David for better people

  5. paul on November 19th, 2019 10:17 am

    Give her a ticket out of town to the left coast…her civic mindedness sucks

  6. tg on November 19th, 2019 8:45 am

    Like Hillary Clinton a sore loser.

  7. Lol on November 19th, 2019 7:16 am

    You are exactly right, what a waste of a good drink.

  8. James on November 18th, 2019 11:25 pm

    Linda domestic terrorism is far more dangerous than DUI. A drunk kills a person. A terrorist can kill a democracy through fear and intimidation. The red drink was clearly an message that blood would be spilled if Gaetz didn’t fall in lockstep with liberal views and wishes. Elected offices must not fear for their or families safety. We already have seen gun violence from liberals on a Washington softball field and Vegas concert. The judge should have gave her the max time.

  9. Henry Coe on November 18th, 2019 10:55 pm

    Did she get the 15 days for the bad throw and not really hitting him or for the splash of drink that landed on his sleeve?

    Btw, to add some context to her doing this, not that it makes what she did ok, at the time she did this there was a short trend in the UK of “Milkshaking” politicians. I don’t recall what the UK topic was for why they milkshaked a few politicians, but this local drink throw happened the same week after the UK milkshaking.

    In the UK the politicians wiped themselves off and put on a fresh shirt.

  10. Carl on November 18th, 2019 10:23 pm

    Preston, it was a serious attack. Politicians should not be attacked in any way except at the ballot box. Physical threats or actions against them is an attack against Democracy.

  11. Carl on November 18th, 2019 10:19 pm

    Linda, what she did and drunk drivers have nothing in common. Why do you compare the two. You should be working for stricter penalties for drunk driving, period

  12. Dale Flowers on November 18th, 2019 9:57 pm

    It’s a small slap on the wrist for that kind of uncivil behavior in political discourse. It might have been useful for her to have had a year or two of probation with a quick return to jail is she stepped over the line again.

    I think the lesson learned here for others is that you can do these kinds of things with little consequence. It’s likely to be a lesson unlearned for this lady.

  13. JR on November 18th, 2019 9:24 pm

    Assault is assault. Spitting on someone is assault.
    If you are unable to disagree with someone, without getting violent, you have a problem.

  14. Linda on November 18th, 2019 8:57 pm

    Sadly, she got more jail time than many drunk drivers causing injury to innocent folks. Something to think about!

  15. Molino Resident on November 18th, 2019 8:15 pm

    Sounds like a case of sore loser

  16. Preston Hardy on November 18th, 2019 7:37 pm

    This was a VERY serious attack. Matt Gaetz could have melted.

  17. Good grief on November 18th, 2019 6:53 pm

    Only 15 days?

  18. Dale on November 18th, 2019 6:09 pm

    This is absurd…those slushies go for 4 bucks for a large cup. I would not have wasted it