Want To Help The Family Of Fallen Fire Chief? Here’s How To Donate

November 7, 2019

According to Escambia County, donations for the family of fallen volunteer fire Chief Dwain Bradshaw can be made to:

“Escambia County Professional Firefighters Charity C/O Dwain Bradshaw” at any BBVA/Compass Bank. All donations will be given directly to the family.

Bradshaw leaves behind a wife and two daughters.

A GoFundMe account has also been established. Click here.

Previous stories:

Escambia County Mourns Loss Of Fire Rescue District Chief Dwain Bradshaw

Fire Chief Passes Away After Being Hit By Log Truck At Fatal Motorcycle Crash Scene


7 Responses to “Want To Help The Family Of Fallen Fire Chief? Here’s How To Donate”

  1. Emily Stimmell on November 8th, 2019 2:10 am

    @chas @Timmons anyone wishing to donate that doesn’t have means or a way to the bank or wishes not to use go fund me I have a way you can. I am one of the coordinators for this family. I am in charge of food and we still have a lot of things we need. You or whomever may contact me at my email emily.stimmell@gmail.com or on facebook for more information.

    As a Assistant Chief’s daughter (here in Escambia county) a fellow fire wife, a fellow fire fighter and a friend of his, I want to say thank you to everyone for all that has been done so far by our county. Northescambia you too have been amazing at getting info out there and I thank yall also.

    Emily Stimmell
    Ferry Pass Fire Department
    Secretary of the Board of Directors

  2. chas on November 7th, 2019 11:06 pm

    We should all come together and have a bake sale or a fundraiser and all proceeded go to his family. I’d be willing to help anyway I can! I just don’t know how to get one going!!!

  3. Anne on November 7th, 2019 5:58 pm

    @ Kim
    AGREE 100% with you. We do Not Trust that Go-Fund-Me thing, or any other on-line requests, have seen some stupid things being put out there for “gifting”.

    @ Timmons
    No idea how you conduct your financial affairs.
    We plan to write a CHECK as outlined in the article and go by one of the bank branches to donate.
    Sure, it may be a bit out of our way to do that. However, OUR First Responders sure never hesitate to step up when We Need Them.

    That’s all.

  4. Kim on November 7th, 2019 12:06 pm

    Timmons……………. Just a suggestion. The Go fund me charges to use them. I myself do not trust those accounts.

    Prayers to this family. Thank you Chief Bradshaw for your service. And all you have done for Escambia County.

  5. Timmons on November 7th, 2019 8:40 am

    We need an easier way to donate. Do they have a go fund me?

  6. molino resident on November 7th, 2019 8:28 am

    This is tragic. So very sorry. Prayers for your family. Thank you Chief Bradshaw for your dedicated service to Escambia County.

  7. Anne on November 7th, 2019 7:13 am

    Thank you. Prayers for the family in this tough time.