Police Remove NorthEscambia.com From Youth Football Championship At ERC League President’s Request

November 3, 2019

A NorthEscambia.com editorial

NorthEscambia.com does not have coverage of Saturday’s Escambia River Conference (ERC) youth football championship games after the league president had NorthEscambia.com removed by police for taking game photographs.

The man pictured, who identified himself to Flomaton Police as ERC President Dewayne Higdon, asked the Flomaton Police Department to remove NorthEscambia.com from not only the field, but the entire Flomaton High School stadium. He stated media had no right to take or run photographs from the games because the league had a contract with a sports photography company that was selling action shots at the game. Higdon allowed an employee of a printed weekly newspaper to remain on the field.

NorthEscambia.com was removed from a freshman football championship game between NWE (Northwest Escambia) and Flomaton. NorthEscambia.com has covered NWE Football for over a decade, and has covered games involving other ERC teams like Flomaton and Jay for years.

We do not sell or otherwise make money from taking youth football game photos. It actually costs us many hours of time and use of expensive cameras and equipment. In most case we could sell reprints, and many newspapers regularly do. But NorthEscambia.com does not sell photos; our photo coverage is part of what we do in our commitment to the communities we serve.

It’s our understanding that the out-of-town sports photography company was only selling prints, DVDs and any other products on-site at the stadium Saturday during the series, not at a later time on a website or other means. We find it hard to understand how our news coverage Sunday would impact their profits on Saturday. And, notably, our photographs are not published with a file size and quality that is well suited for printing. We in no way ever discourage someone from buying a company’s photographs.

Numerous sports we cover have contracts with action photography companies. Well-managed organizations from little league teams to the Florida High School Athletic Association and member schools welcome NorthEscambia.com at their games.

It’s also worth noting that there are now hundreds and hundreds of photos, many taken with professional camera equipment, published on social media by parents and other fans that took their own photos at the ERC championships and cheerleader competition Saturday. There was no policy against camera equipment in the stadium, which is public property owned by the Escambia County (AL) School Board. Simply put, on that public property the public has the right to take photos.

NorthEscambia.com wishes to make it unmistakably clear that no one affiliated with NWE or Flomaton youth football asked us to leave or conveyed any issue with our presence. We were, in fact, encouraged to attend and cover the games by coaches. Also, we emphasize this not about the Flomaton Police Department or their outstanding officers. Higdon apparently represented himself to police in such a manner that led them to believe he had some authority over the property and they should follow his request.

We do take issue with the freedom of the press being stymied on public property during an event open to the public by the president of a youth football league.

Youth football and cheerleading should not be about the profit. Clearly, youth leagues must make money to operate and provide the best possible experience for our kids. But when did it stop being about the kids?

NorthEscambia.com has always fully supported youth sports. We have published an immense number of youth league announcements, registrations, car washes, bake sales…the list goes on and on. We do all we can to help youth leagues in all sports be as successful as possible by letting the public know about those registrations or fundraisers. We fail to see where media coverage of youth sports is harmful as we celebrate athletes’ accomplishments for many tens of thousands of people to see. Why would you not want publicity?

We cover youth sports because it is about the kids in our communities, not profit. Sports give our youth the opportunity to succeed, to have an activity to stay out of trouble, and to feel accomplished and grow personally whether they win or lose. Youth sports like NWE and Flomaton football draw our communities together, and are good for all of us.

Those NWE players we photographed years ago are the now the young men playing high school ball on Friday nights or that have gone on to play at the next level. When a star high school player says he remembers that photo we took of him and published on our front page when he played for NWE, we hope in some way our coverage was an encouragement.

And we hope just as much that the child who came off the bench even a single time was encouraged by “making the news” in one of our photo galleries. Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant perhaps said it best: “I’ll never give up on a player regardless of his ability as long as he never gives up on himself. In time he will develop.”

It was unclear Saturday night if the Escambia River Conference will allow NorthEscambia.com to photograph ERC league teams like NWE, Flomaton, and Jay in the future. We encourage the ERC board to do some soul searching and examine if their focus is on profits or players as they move forward and choose a new league president.

In the meantime, we’ll be back hard at work covering the youth sports leagues and other events in your community.  If you want to let us know about any youth sport, school, church or other event, always feel free to drop us a note at news@northescambia.com. And thanks for being part of the NorthEscambia.com family.

Pictured: This man, who identified himself to Flomaton Police as ERC President Dewayne Higdon, asked the Flomaton Police Department to remove NorthEscambia.com from the Flomaton High School stadium on Saturday. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


78 Responses to “Police Remove NorthEscambia.com From Youth Football Championship At ERC League President’s Request”

  1. V.Alex on November 4th, 2019 2:23 pm

    The person who profited off the pictures should send all profit as a donation to the sports association. As the for the person who had the news removed your a fool. You violated the papers rights and should stepdown effective immediately. As for the police department we need the officers involved trained to resolve press issues and where they are allowed.

  2. Jay Nelson on November 4th, 2019 8:45 am

    I personally know Dewayne, and he works tirelessly for the league and kids. Did he make the wrong decision, yes. However, the statements about him being a hot-head, accepting “kick-backs”, or power tripping is laughable! He sacrifices his family time and spends his own money for the benefit of these kids.
    As most people start out saying you don’t know him so please don’t assassinate his character.

  3. Butch Lee on November 4th, 2019 7:51 am

    Ok, this should be a no brainer. First, if the person who is requesting someone to leave must have the authority over the property to do so. Second, is it a public event? Third, the first amendment right allows freedom of the press. This I think is because they wanted one person who is receiving money for the pictures. If someone acts so aggressively to toss out another reported then I must ask, what do or did they receive in return for the photographs that would be bought from the professional photographer. Lastly, law enforcement. Know the constitution. Study it, learn about it and even take classes on it. If you are not sure then contact the town attorney to get some guidance who I believe is also your prosecutor. This was just completely unavoidable.

  4. BrianH on November 4th, 2019 6:56 am

    I do hope that North Escambia has reached out to Dewayne Higdon for comment and lets us all know what his response is.

  5. Harold Smith on November 4th, 2019 1:59 am

    Correction to my earlier post. I mistakenly used the term “Coach”, I meant This man, who identified himself to Flomaton Police as ERC President Dewayne Higdon, the one who allegedly asked the Flomaton Police Department to remove NorthEscambia.com from the Flomaton High School stadium on Saturday.

  6. Harold Smith on November 4th, 2019 1:52 am

    As a lifelong media guy here in Pensacola, former newspaper owner and 2 time past President of the American Advertising Federations Pensacola Chapter, member of the American Advertising Federations 4th District consisting of all of Florida and the Caribbean… you should have stood your ground with the coach and the law enforcement officers … and refused to leave. You know the law and if the person present didn’t, he or she should be versed on what the law states. This coach looks like he’s to busy trying to block his face from being captured on film. I may be wrong lol I have been often, lol … but I would venture to say that … There is another story here. Investigate it. Or bring a suit against both parties that blocked your access on public property … I support you being a local newspaper … please keep free press and journalism alive. Do not just ignore this … or someone will think that you’ve been either intimidated … or paid off. Please don’t let anyone come to either of those conclusions. I really do support you and your job … I know it’s not easy. GOD Bless you … and rock on free press !

  7. J.A on November 3rd, 2019 11:22 pm

    Too much attention on this guy and not the police department that should know the law. Anyone can film or take photos on public property, really simple. I understand the FPD probably doesn’t have proper training, but it should be required to know simple laws and the constitution.

  8. DLo on November 3rd, 2019 11:17 pm

    I know you’re not trying to blame the Flomaton police, but they need to be held accountable, what they did violates freedom of the press, seems like I read something about that in the Bill of Rights.

  9. Confused on November 3rd, 2019 11:13 pm

    One question I have is that even though he identified himself as the president, did he actually show any proof that his name was Dewayne Higdon and did he show proof that he was the president? Now I have no idea what this guy looks like but if he is not the real guy he could just have said that his name was Higdon to say he has “authority” to do that which does not make sense. I have so many other questions but would rather not waste my precious time on this crazy guy.

  10. Disappointed on November 3rd, 2019 11:09 pm

    As I watched the two championship games on Saturday which NWE won, I looked toward the sidelines and end fields several times looking for William and/or someone who represented Northescambia.com. Just had a difficult time understanding why he was not there. Throughout the years, I have appreciated his commitment to our community in reporting youth programs.

    I’m disappointed as I read the reason for your absence from this big event which included hundreds of kids, coaches and fans- parents and other. I do hope that the ERC organization addresses what happened on Saturday – too late to change Saturday’s outcome, but to avoid a reoccurrence in the future.

    Always enjoy the write ups and pictures! Thank you William for your commitment to the children of our area.

  11. Bamagirl on November 3rd, 2019 9:54 pm

    I would like to hear what the ERC committee has to say about this situation. William@northescambia has always been a reliable source of news and supportive of all our area sports.

  12. Jennifer Simmons on November 3rd, 2019 9:54 pm

    Crazy!!! I still have newspaper clippings of when I played Minor and Major league softball as a kid still! I am 42years old now and my kids and now my grandkids love seeing my pictures! Memories are great ones to have not including I also used those and High School clippings from Tri-City Ledger and Pensacola News Journal for college scouters! These kids I am sure seeing sport articles along with pictures in online news and papers helps them boost confidence and much more! Fire the President of this league, just as long as there is no horrible other side to this story!

  13. Marcella Wilson on November 3rd, 2019 8:04 pm

    Mr. Higdon did not make a good decision in having you removed from the property. I don’t know him but I do know you and the truth and integrity you live your life by. Northescambia.com has a proven record of top quality unbiased reporting which includes photography. I hope the unfairness shown to you can be remedied. There is much to lose as things stand for now.

  14. Wayne on November 3rd, 2019 7:21 pm

    He should run for Century mayor…he fits right in. Funny money galore going on perhaps on this issue….or not….nahhh funny money galore

  15. Chelleepea on November 3rd, 2019 6:53 pm

    Looks like some people don’t understand the Freedom of the Press….you would think law enforcement would know better……..

  16. Mickey Powell on November 3rd, 2019 6:05 pm

    William I’m on you side. To me it looks like the superiors of all involved need training. Flomaton police to the town attorney and anyone else that has anything to do with these young young men just wanting to play ball. Did someone pull somebody’s hair. What we got here the Pee Wee police?
    Sad, sad, sad. Mickey Powell FLomaton

  17. cj on November 3rd, 2019 5:09 pm

    Sounds like this should be investigated! I sincerely hope there are no kickbacks they are hiding. If the police did something they did not have the authority to do, the entire police force should be educated regarding this issue. Everyone enjoys your coverage of these events.

  18. Knowledge on November 3rd, 2019 5:03 pm

    1. The Flomaton Police should have known better. They were asked to enforce an illegal or unjustified request.
    2. The league President can only enforce this agreement by not allowing any other person to sell photos or packages during the time of the agreement. He absolutely cannot tell anyone that they can’t take pictures.
    3. Was the agreement or contract made available to the officers who enforced it by making the NE publisher leave.
    4. Is the league President receiving compensation from contract photographer.
    5. Get ready for all the rules to change.

  19. NWE parent on November 3rd, 2019 3:05 pm

    What a shame! Some parents don’t have the extra money to buy pictures. My son was disappointed not seeing his teams picture on NE.

  20. Wyatte on November 3rd, 2019 1:47 pm

    Will Northescambia do a story on the outcome of the games? Maybe all the parents who took pictures could share?

  21. me on November 3rd, 2019 12:56 pm

    Woww!! Wrong in so many ways!! Wonder what Nick Sabin and the University of Alabama would have to say about this guy’s decision, since he is sporting their Logo while acting out!

  22. North end Flash on November 3rd, 2019 12:48 pm

    William…keep up your good work….You covered my granddaughter a few years ago, great pictures of her and her cheer group when they won the cheer championship in Jay… no problems there…

    I came on here to see who won and see pictures…disappointed can’t see them…..I hope this so called president is happy. Can’t attend games anymore..handicapped and can’t go to games…Love to see the young people who participate, this man won’t let me.

    Sorry for him, he has to live with this memory that he is depriving people from seeing young people. Again, William keep on spending out good articles and great pictures of young people when you can.

  23. Just saying on November 3rd, 2019 12:41 pm

    For those arguing freedom of press yadda yadda. Football stadiums can and do control admissions even of the press. Try taking a local press credential to a Bama game or Auburn game without having been Pre-approved.

    The question is does a league President have the authority to ban or trespass someone?

    My guess is no but that’s a question for the school principal or superintendent.

    Does the league have a contract giving them authority over the stadium? The devil will be in the details of that contract. Just because it happens on public school grounds doesn’t mean the public has any rights.

    Whether it’s legal or not is to be determined but whatever it was was small minded and plain stupid.

  24. Moe de Lone on November 3rd, 2019 12:11 pm

    I’ve never met Mr. Higdon. Noting his attire, I just wonder if he attended the University. If he did not, how would he feel if some “authority” told him he could not represent that institution in any fashion?

  25. Nat on November 3rd, 2019 12:06 pm

    Not quite sure why Flomaton PD cooperated with ridiculously illegal demands from Higdon. Obviously, of course, Mr Higdon is one of the good ole boys…. And we ALL know that is who runs that area.

  26. Nita Owens on November 3rd, 2019 11:50 am

    Your paper has a history of being honest and able which your followers appreciate. We look forward to seeing our young folks being recognized in print for their efforts. Thank You.
    It is my understanding that officials can always ask a photographer to leave the field but not the stadium unless he has done or said something worthy of being ejected. Since I wasn’t there it’s hard to have an informed opinion but sounds like Mr. Higdon over reacted. I’m sure he will reconsider his actions and make better choices in the future. Remember he is volunteering a lot of time and effort so our children and grandchildren can have the opportunity to compete. If he persists in this policy, that’s another story and he needs to be replaced ! Please keep us updated

  27. RONNIE SHORT on November 3rd, 2019 11:42 am

    Look what the guy is wearing…….nuff said !!!

  28. Coach Bell on November 3rd, 2019 11:36 am

    Well youth sports in our area just took a step backward. If Higdon is allowed to stay in his position look for participation to go down. If this is a read on his decision making nature then what else has he influenced in a bad way?

  29. Marshall on November 3rd, 2019 11:36 am

    William…I’m confused about one thing. If parents or other attendees were allowed to take photos from the public area of the stands, how could they, legally, remove your organization from the entire stadium? Seems that you should have been able to photograph from the public areas of the stadium. I hope you follow up on this and get it straightened out. This is totally wrong to keep these kids from seeing their photographs, for free. Many of these families may not have the extra money in their budgets to purchase these “professional” photos or have ceras.

  30. Paul on November 3rd, 2019 11:26 am

    If it’s a public forum, then there’s a constitutional right for you take pics. Period.

  31. Coach NWE on November 3rd, 2019 11:22 am

    Why not all parents send kids pictures and do a article?

  32. Hawghead on November 3rd, 2019 11:22 am

    He most definitely is benefiting somehow from this “professional” photography company. I think there should be an investigation. He should either step down or be removed immediately. As far as the FPD they should have been more professional and ask why this guy thought he had the right to do what he did. The first amendment protects North Escambia. There’s a skunk in the wood pile

  33. Ame on November 3rd, 2019 11:22 am

    Wow. North Escambia.com had more right than anyone to be there and take pictures. Noone was updated through the games and no pictures for family that couldn’t make it to the games. Not everyone in families were there to buy pictures to profit whoever were making money off the kids participating in sports. Its disrespectful and just wrong. Whoever the man is that had you removed should not hold a position anymore period. Hes just there for profits and profits for others not the kids and families paying already for participation,uniforms, and admission. It’s sad money is more important. I hope you continue to do and cover all the events good and bad to keep us all informed. You do a fantastic job and I appreciate you and commend the work yall do. Thank you.

  34. Matt T on November 3rd, 2019 11:14 am

    The more I think about this the more and more it doesn’t make sense. So in my mind the football game was hosted by the school, hence when you pay for a ticket you’re paying the school, so they get to dictate who is at the game or not. ERC is really just the club that ties the schools together for the games and makes sure the games are performed legally and properly. So in a sense if a parent hires a professional photographer to document their child’s game, they can’t tell everyone else that that photos or videos can’t be posted publicly cause they paid for someone. This is my layman’s terms view of this so if I’m wrong please somebody tell me, this still just doesn’t make sense …….

  35. Angela Thompson on November 3rd, 2019 11:13 am

    Higdon might be a nice guy, but we should NEVER accept our Constitutional Rights being tampered with. Freedom of Press has protected our country too many times to count.

  36. Northendbratt on November 3rd, 2019 10:55 am

    Who does Dewayne think he is?!! Where is he from? Not North Escambia ,that’s for sure! Now he’s deprived us of seeing pictures of our children and grandchildren doing what they love! Over the years all five of my grandchildren have appeared on NE at one event or the other,sometimes a surprise,sometimes not,but it’s wonderful to look on NE everyday,as we do,and see them. Now this morning,because of some smarty pants,we are missing out!

  37. Pat on November 3rd, 2019 10:52 am

    Don’t know this guy , or either of the schools ,but He needs to hide his face and step down from his position, he clearly isn’t doing his job for the kids, he probably got a kick back from the action shot people, I’m siding with NORTH ESCAMBIA.COM

  38. Escambia Man on November 3rd, 2019 10:46 am

    Violation of Northescambia.com 1st constitutional amendment rights at social public event.

  39. A Alex on November 3rd, 2019 10:46 am

    Really, removed from the public place. Freedom of press out the gates by one individual without any warning. Higdon should be removed

  40. Cosmo Spacely on November 3rd, 2019 10:31 am

    I’d get with legal counsel on this issue. Being ejected from a ball game on such spurious grounds is one thing, but what happens when the Century town council learns the idea and does the same thing? I really don’t think what he did was legal.

  41. Molino Mom on November 3rd, 2019 9:56 am

    I have two boys that have played football since they were 5 years old. We’ve always seen NE at the games, not once did they offer to sell pictures to a parent. To be honest my boys would see NE there and couldn’t wait to see his picture on the internet
    Or in the news. When they would she them self they noticed their good or bad forms and then would correct it. We played for NWE this year (didn’t make it into playoffs) and never once did this so called League President stop or say anything to NorthEscambia. Makes you wounded was he upset that his team was losing?
    Someone need to seek anger management classes or simply take a “Chill Pill”!
    Remember everything we as adults do or say, are seen by our children and they learn from them actions.
    When do they vote on a new league president? Could he be impeached?

  42. fisherman on November 3rd, 2019 9:54 am

    I think Mr.Dewayne Higdon ERC President should immediately step down from his position and issue an apology to Mr. William if not he should be removed from that position. He denied someone like me who reads the North Escambia.com several times a day the opportunity to see these kids in action. Mr. Higdon you were wrong in doing this and your actions caused me to miss some good pictures of kids playing. Mr. Higdon I soon hope to read that you apologized for your actions and stepped down as ERC President.William please keep us posted. Mr.Higdon you know you were wrong and that’s why your trying to hide your face.

  43. Angie on November 3rd, 2019 9:50 am

    I love the stories you cover.If not for you guys we wouldn’t see alot that happens on the north end.yall do an awesome job keep up the good work.and thanks for all you do for the kiddos you are appreciated.

  44. john on November 3rd, 2019 9:49 am

    Higdon is probably getting a kick-back from sports photographers, he should be investigated by county, and he might get banned from school property himself.

  45. Really on November 3rd, 2019 9:40 am

    What a shame! For years we have enjoyed and relied on the hard work of Northescambia.com for local news, information and great photos of our community…I think I am in agreement with Allen Jay …. sounds like this “president” may have some financial interest in that professional photography group! Hmmmm?!!!

  46. Kristen D on November 3rd, 2019 9:36 am

    I’m not sure what happened or why, but I do know that the guy being talked about must have had a reason for doing that. I don’t know him at all, but he saw that my daughter dropped her champion trophy and shattered it. He made sure she had a new trophy to remember her win. We should just be nice, move on because all these parents took the pictures they wanted anyway, and stop writing stories to make everyone mad at one person (who is probably giving all that time to the league as a VOLUNTEER) when no really knows why they were asked to leave. The out of town paid pictures are always great shots of my kid and I love that they’re there!

  47. Vicky on November 3rd, 2019 9:31 am

    I don’t have kids or grandchildren playing youth sports anymore but I still enjoyed seeing the coverage of neighborhood kids. What lessons are these actions teaching kids, as adults we can see the wrongs but kids are going to see it as lack of support for their efforts. Once again adults turning their backs on their achievements. Personally I’d boycott all professional photographers work at these functions, if this is about cold hard cash, take the cash away from them until they understand it’s about the kids not about making money.

  48. Trina Coburn on November 3rd, 2019 9:29 am

    This is totally unacceptable. I hope this never happens again. As a parent that has a wall full of sports pictures. My child’s photos in print and from NorthEscambia are up there alongside the action shots. NorthEscambia taking photos has never stopped me from purchasing an action shot, nor has any photos taken by the newspaper. Children look forward to seeing all the photos that NorthEscambia post. I hope that this issue gets resolved and the man is removed from his position. I also wonder what was his incentive for the removal? Does he personally benefit from action shots? What is next? Will this man try to prohibit parents from using their cell phones to take pictures…

  49. Niknak50 on November 3rd, 2019 9:18 am

    Dear NE.COM.
    I encourage you to file suit. You may not want to, but you not only have grounds but you have a winnable case. I don’t care how many contracts the league had with the action shot entity. That all this took place in and on public property puts the ball in your court. No pun intended. People like Mr. Higdon make me sick. You can bet he was promised something.

  50. Comment on November 3rd, 2019 9:16 am

    Dewayne Higdon and Flomaton Police Department need to first issue an apology to NE and then submit for a brain scan. It angers me the action shots for $ was more important than a bona-fide news outlet.

  51. Dawn Carter on November 3rd, 2019 9:15 am

    Keep doing what your doing!!! My daughter plays in the band at Jay, and you got a wonderful shot of her. I of course shared it on fb, I was so proud!! Thank you for covering all our local news. I often go to North Escambia just to see what’s going on that hasn’t made the big news station. Hopefully, they will be enough mad parents, that he will be voted out.

  52. Sedition on November 3rd, 2019 9:14 am

    Welcome to th USSA.

  53. Matt T on November 3rd, 2019 9:06 am

    Now mind you I’m not a lawyer by any means but I would guess that a private companies contract with a organization can’t dictate other’s coverage of the event on public property. If this was on private property I would say that there was a possibility to have you removed if you didn’t have prior approval to be there. Wouldn’t that mean all the family, friends and other spectators couldn’t post any photos or video they take on any social media outlets? There are sport venues all the way up to professional that have their own media professionals with news outlets also documenting the events. I went through what rules I could find with the organization and there wasn’t anything dictating media or other coverage of sport events. Still doesn’t make sense……

  54. Ruth on November 3rd, 2019 9:05 am

    How can they keep the members of the press out? If it is an open event, anybody should be allowed in! Perhaps Northescambia.com needs to just go dressed as a citizen and take pictures…

  55. What the.... on November 3rd, 2019 9:04 am

    That’s crazy.
    Well ERC Football and Cheer has a public Facebook page and Dwayne is admin. Just saying for folks that would like to join.

  56. Florida logger on November 3rd, 2019 9:03 am

    He should not be wearing Alabama clothing to a Nwe game that sir is hypocritical false advertising. He must’ve been doing side hustles and didn’t wanna be caught lol

  57. Willene & Preston Bryan on November 3rd, 2019 9:00 am

    I feel so sad for the children that didn’t get the recognition and their pictures on NorthEscambia as they should have. Shame shame on this man. I know when my grandson was little and playing on NWE, I looked forward to seeing all the pictures and write up on the teams. Even when playing for Ernest Ward and now playing for Northview Chiefs. This was so wrong of this man. He cheated these children out of recognition on NorthEscambia that they so well deserved.

  58. sam on November 3rd, 2019 8:53 am

    there is no reason why this had to happen. the high school is on public property. if the association wants to have control over who can and can’t take pictures or cover the game just buy some property, barring that the guy was way out of bounds.

  59. Debbie Volpe on November 3rd, 2019 8:42 am

    You know…. There was a pretty big event happening before the football game I wonder if you were going to report on that also? It was the cheerleading competition. Those girls work very hard all season long preparing for that one competition and never get any coverage.

  60. Sara on November 3rd, 2019 8:42 am

    Finally what goes around comes around…I’m sure there is more to story than published…as usual only one side reported…karma gets all…

  61. Well on November 3rd, 2019 8:40 am

    So Dewayne Higdon denied young children the thrill of seeing their pictures on a news media. Not just them but also their family and friends.

    So what were you thinking ?

  62. Chris Paul on November 3rd, 2019 8:36 am

    POWER TRIP !!!
    but football does lead to CTE
    just sayin

  63. Mike on November 3rd, 2019 8:30 am

    What a loser

  64. Harry J on November 3rd, 2019 8:17 am

    1. I’ll bet the photographer with exclusive rights is family or a friend of this guy.
    2. I like the way you used a Bear Bryant quote toward this guy, since he is in his Alabama costume

  65. Whisperjet on November 3rd, 2019 8:14 am

    . He should have removed his hat and jacket before doing this..North Escambia .com is the best news source we have in Escambia county…thank God for the service William and his staff do every day…

  66. Dr. GGH on November 3rd, 2019 7:57 am

    They better find a GREAT lawyer and start a bake sale to pay back the public funds they receive. They are playing on public property and they receive public funds they can’t kick anybody off the property much less a legitimate press organization.

  67. Ruth Bolen on November 3rd, 2019 7:53 am

    I saw the Flomaron Police arrived and wondered who they were there for. They were very low key (trying not to make a spectical out of the children’s event). Now that I know what was actually going on I want to say thank you to Northescambia.com for also acting in a respectable way and not disrupting the day and I urge ERC board to take swift action against ERC President Dewayne Higdon for his poor decision of Northescambia.com from the yesterday’s ERC Championship games.

  68. SW on November 3rd, 2019 7:47 am

    Well, William, you have been ruffling feathers with Century’s government.
    Maybe Mr. Higdon’s feathers are connected?

    Sounds like he had a personal agenda against y’all in particular. I’m interested to find out the lowdown.

  69. Allen Jay on November 3rd, 2019 6:36 am

    This is absolutely pitiful! This is without a doubt supposed to be about the kids, not about a power hungry adult (sorry I may have went too far by implying that “the powerful Wizard of Oz” was an adult). I would seriously like to know if there was quid pro quo withis president (definitely something there for Wiz to react in such a manner). It’s a sad day when a grown up (loose term) decisions affect true memories of the youth to be on the internet tryso the entire surrounding communities can see their pictures. Definitely smells of a follow the money scenario. Come on prez do some soul searching and change your position.

  70. Just saying on November 3rd, 2019 5:44 am

    I’m pretty sure the media will be allowed to take pics at the Alabama-LSU game even though it’s being exclusively broadcast on tv yet kids football is prohibited.

  71. Oversight on November 3rd, 2019 5:32 am

    The Escambia County School Board and principal of Flomaton High should quickly weigh in on this to correct the ERC president for his blatant violation. The Flomaton chief of police should also quickly check to make sure he or his officers didn’t violate rights of the press before they find themselves in court (although it doesn’t appear that NE would pursue such action). Lastly, it is hoped that if they were playing this game at Northview, Escambia County deputies wouldn’t enforce such a biased request.

  72. Mary on November 3rd, 2019 4:02 am

    WOW! This must have happened either before I got there or after I left, I didn’t see it.

  73. David Huie Green on November 3rd, 2019 3:47 am

    So if the town of Century sold rights to take “action shots” of council meetings…

  74. Kane on November 3rd, 2019 3:27 am

    Small people with small minds.

  75. KK on November 3rd, 2019 3:17 am

    This is not college or pro ball. These are children. Many of their parents barely manage to scrape enough money together so their children can play for the season. There isn’t normally a lot of extra money left over for extras like high dollar professional action shots taken and available for purchase. Most parents take their own photos and videos. Media coverage should always be a welcome part of these games. It sounds like someone is on a power trip.

  76. Woody Daw on November 3rd, 2019 3:16 am

    Little League Football these days are not about the kids anymore. Some programs even kick kids out of there program for using profanity during a game. Although it’s very disturbing and very wrongful for a child to say, instead of a Little league Program making a coach correct the child they just condemn the child and kick them out of there program! As for the coverage of Youth sports I think they should be recognized in EVERY way possible, SOCIAL MEDIA, NEWSPAPER Etc. Even more disturbing when a League President is concerned more about money than getting there kids recognized! Very SHAMEFUL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WILLIAM

  77. James Wilson on November 3rd, 2019 2:52 am

    I doubt he had any actual legal authority to have you removed from a public game. He could have simply asked you not take photos but he obviously is not smart. ANYONE ‘heading’ a sports league wouldn’t make such a stupid mistake unless they have an agenda. Of course no ON SITE selling contract of photos would have or could have been impacted by NEWS coverage! He probably didn’t like a story you did on his high school in the past. He took away from those kids being exposed to a wider audience and possibly even their exposure to future recruiters. He’s a selfish moron. Oh, wait. Investigative news time: why would he do such a thing? Does he get kickbacks personally from on site sales? Is he related to anyone in that company? That’s why you don’t do such things as he did—it raises the question: why?

  78. Bobby C. on November 3rd, 2019 2:46 am

    That guy should hide his face. He should also be ashamed of his actions. On a side note, the Flomaton Police should have known that there were being asked to enforce an action that is not against the law.