It Was Colder This Morning Here In Florida Than It Was In Anchorage, Alaska

November 13, 2019

It was colder in Northwest Florida this morning than it was in Anchorage, Alaska.

An automated personal weather station in Walnut Hill fell to 23.5, and weather network station at Northview High School fell to 24.9 degrees.

The low this morning in Anchorage? 29 degrees.

Here are lows from around the area Wednesday morning:

Walnut Hill (personal weather station) — 23.5

Northview High School — 25 degrees

Molino (personal weather station) — 26

Tate High School — 26 degrees

Pine Forest High School — 27 degrees

UWF — 27 degrees

West Florida High School — 27 degrees

Washington High School — 28 degrees

Pensacola High School — 28 degrees

Pictured: The temperature fell to 24.9 degrees at 3:56 a.m Wednesday at Northview High School in Bratt.


4 Responses to “It Was Colder This Morning Here In Florida Than It Was In Anchorage, Alaska”

  1. Whew on November 13th, 2019 8:20 pm

    That word would be “scientists.”

  2. JB Cuthburt on November 13th, 2019 4:25 pm

    yet scientests keep telling us the earth is getting hotter. now tell me this…how is it gettin hotter outside when its colder in florida than alaska? sounds like global cooling to me! maga 2020.

  3. Not S Florida on November 13th, 2019 2:50 pm

    Folks, it does get cold here. People move from up north and they think it’s 80F year round. This is NOT Miami or Orlando. Guess what else? It does Snow here sometimes, too. Not often, but sometimes. The Florida Panhandle and the Peninsula are two very different climates.

  4. Rebecca on November 13th, 2019 1:42 pm

    So thankful for our garage this morning! The last 13 winters we haven’t had one. :)