Inmate On Death Row Gets Another Death Sentence For Killing Cellmate

November 18, 2019

An inmate already on Florida’s death row has received another death sentence for the first degree premeditated murder of a Santa Rosa Correctional Institute inmate.

Rocky Ali Beamon previously pled guilty to the January 2017 murder of inmate Nicholas Anderson.

Beamon and Anderson were cellmates at the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution. Beamon punched the victim in the face, tied his hands and feet together, and strangled him with bed sheets. Beamon also stabbed the Anderson in the neck with a homemade weapon, but the cause of death was strangulation.

At the time of the murder, Beamon was already serving a life sentence for a 2005 murder case from Hillsborough County. Earlier this year, Beamon was sentenced to death for the July 5, 2012, murder of an inmate at the Apalachee Correctional Institution in Jackson County.

The investigation was conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.


14 Responses to “Inmate On Death Row Gets Another Death Sentence For Killing Cellmate”

  1. Jeff on November 21st, 2019 8:56 pm

    So they put him in a cell with another inmate after he already murdered another inmate at another prison….you think the state would have kept him in solitaire knowing he was a danger to others…even if it’s another con….state kinda failed on this one unless it’s their version of population control….smh now hurry up and execute him……

  2. Beth on November 21st, 2019 3:48 pm


  3. Peach on November 20th, 2019 1:48 am

    He’s killing out for help. Kill Him Already!!

  4. Steve on November 19th, 2019 8:37 pm

    Just put the dude down already! Stop wasting our money keeping this guy alive!

  5. Bmr on November 19th, 2019 7:54 pm

    So now he has two death sentences. How can both be fulfilled? When they kill him the first time, will they resuscitate him and then kill him again? The government is really not using their heads. Of course this isn’t anything new.

  6. OHYOUknow on November 19th, 2019 12:48 pm

    I wonder how much money he has saved the state so far?

  7. Oversight on November 19th, 2019 6:38 am

    To the Gov: Now sign the death warrant before he kills again.

  8. James on November 19th, 2019 12:09 am

    Torture for murder would not be cruel and unusual punishment for a person already on death row for murder. After all you can only be put to death once. Torture would be a very good deterrent for death row inmates who presently know a 2nd offense is not punishable.

  9. BIN on November 18th, 2019 8:32 pm

    well, maybe he could put his app. for city manager in century.

  10. Well on November 18th, 2019 7:12 pm

    As Ron White says…
    We need an express lane.

  11. Good grief on November 18th, 2019 6:57 pm

    Just do it!

  12. paul on November 18th, 2019 5:25 pm

    Expedite the sentence

  13. Whisperjet on November 18th, 2019 5:04 pm

    ..firing squad tomorrow..

  14. liza on November 18th, 2019 4:12 pm

    I’m noticing a pattern. Perhaps he should be bunking solo.