Discrimination Lawsuit Against Sheriff David Morgan Settled

November 1, 2019

A discrimination lawsuit again Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan has been settled out of court.

The federal suit was filed by former Col. Laura Montoya against Morgan, the county and other employees of the Sheriff’s Office. Montoya claimed she was passed over for promotions, berated and demoted because of race and gender.

A $100,000 settlement was reached in the case by the Florida Sheriff’s Risk Management Fund (“FSRMF”), which is ECSO’s insurer, and Montoya, according to a statement released Thursday afternoon by the Sheriff’s Office.

The complete statement from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is below.


5 Responses to “Discrimination Lawsuit Against Sheriff David Morgan Settled”

  1. Dale Flowers on November 2nd, 2019 1:11 am

    Ask for the ceiling, settle for the basement. It is often cheaper to settle than to litigate (win or lose; merit or no merit) and a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. For some folks (not all and I won’t speculate in this case) it’s a great day when you can get offended by something. It’s like having a potential winning lotto ticket.

    Our society is too litigious and we all pay for it.

  2. John D Bodie on November 1st, 2019 7:05 pm

    Something must have went on, otherwise why pay. Hmmm. I smell a dang rat.

  3. Bob C. on November 1st, 2019 12:30 pm

    From the article, “A $100,000 settlement was reached in the case by the Florida Sheriff’s Risk Management Fund (“FSRMF”)”

    Wondering if the $100,000 is Maximum amount of payout from the insurance?
    Have heard that state governments and municipalities have a ceiling on amount of payouts for lawsuits.

    Hard to imagine that after all the press coverage that the victim is accepting only the $100,000 especially since it “…includes all of Ms Montoya’s substantial legal fees.”

    Is there to be another shoe that has not yet fallen?

  4. Bill M on November 1st, 2019 10:47 am

    Actually, insurance companies will pay to keep from going to court because it’s easier and they can just raise their rates later. I’ve worked for two construction companies who fought their own insurance companies because the complaints had no merit and they proved it. One time they caught the complainer doing heavy labor after he claimed he couldn’t. Another time the guy got hurt fighting on the weekend and not on the job. We found witness’s.
    I remember a case where an old man sued Winn Dixie for slip and fall on a wet floor. Winn Dixie is self insured so they didn’t roll over but investigated and found the man did the same thing at another store a decade earlier. The jury overturned the first verdict.

  5. Oversight on November 1st, 2019 6:29 am

    When insurance settles means they know there is a great likelihood they will lose in court and the settlement amount is acceptable over paying out even more.