Century Delays Fix On Property Tax Increase That Violated State Law

November 6, 2019

The Town of Century held a meeting Monday night to correct a state law violation in the way they approved a property tax increase, and they instead voted to delay the fix for two weeks.

According to the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) the tax rate adopted by the council was too high to be approved by any less than two-thirds of the council members. When the rate increase was approved at a meeting September 23, only three council members — Ann Brooks, Luis Gomez and Sandra McMurray-Jackson — voted in favor, while James Smith and Ben Boutwell did not attend the meeting.

According to a certified letter from DOR, the millage rate adopted was between 100 and 110% of the maximum millage rate, requiring the two-thirds vote.

The DOR gave Century three choices: re-advertise and hold a new final hearing where the council approves the increase by a two-thirds or greater vote, re-advertise and adopt a lower millage rate, or have the DOR withhold all half cent sales tax funds from Century for 12 months.

Monday night, the council voted 5-0 to recess the meeting, on the advice of the DOR according to Town Clerk Kim Godwin, to correctly advertise a redo of both a budget and a tax increase meeting as required.

The meeting will resume  in two weeks for proper consideration of the property tax rate.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Century Delays Fix On Property Tax Increase That Violated State Law”

  1. Vicky on November 10th, 2019 12:43 am

    They just need to get rid of all this crap just convert everything to county at least they would not lose our money or let the town employee run off with almost $500.000 huh do the math and save up some shame

  2. William Reynolds on November 6th, 2019 1:56 pm

    >>My mama lives just outside city limits on Campbell Rd. What I find b.s. is that the city of Century wants to increase her property taxes yet she cannot vote for town representatives.

    If she lives outside the town, she should not be paying Century’s millage rate. If you would like to email us privately at news@northescambia.com we could take a look into this for you.

  3. B.S. on November 6th, 2019 1:12 pm

    My mama lives just outside city limits on Campbell Rd. What I find b.s. is that the city of Century wants to increase her property taxes yet she cannot vote for town representatives. Tell me how that is right

  4. Bob C. on November 6th, 2019 11:31 am

    Oh My Good Lord, will this trip down the rabbit hole Never End?
    Town of Century Council you need to go to a Training Class and Pay Attention on how to run — Not RUIN — a town.
    Saint’s Preserve Us and all who are “afflicted” by this mess.

  5. Dave on November 6th, 2019 8:56 am


  6. Mr. Metoo on November 6th, 2019 8:09 am

    What ? I hope they advertise the next meeting and let Mr. Smith know about it. Maybe he will show up to vote.

  7. sam on November 6th, 2019 7:07 am

    uh oh! advertising a meeting to raise our taxes? that’s not good. the public might not like that and show up with pitch forks.

  8. Oversight on November 6th, 2019 6:36 am

    The town of Century’s three ring circus continues to embarrass as well as entertain. By the way, how’s that search for a town manager going; any applicants yet?