Century Charter Committee Examines Its Role

November 5, 2019

The Century Charter Review Committee (CRE) took another look at the town’s charter Monday night, and they took steps to establish their identity and roles.

Early in the meeting, member Mary Hudson Bourgeois brought forward a list of items for the committee to consider before actually tackling the charter. Her list included a better location that council chambers that would facilitate a roundtable type discussion setting for 10 members and the need for an agenda.

She also requested that meetings not be held immediately prior to council meetings, which limits the amount of time the committee has for deliberations. And, she suggested that the committee should have a chair and vice-chair.

Committee members agreed, and on a vote, Hudson was elected chair, and Shelisa Abraham was named vice-chair.

In future meeting, the committee intends to early-on tackle the possibility of adding a city manager to the charter, Century’s overall form of government, and review charters from other cities and towns in Florida.

The next meeting date and location for the Century Charter Review Committee had not yet been set. All meetings are open to the public.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


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