Central Water Works, Town Of Century Consider Interconnect, Mutual Aid Agreement

November 21, 2019

The Town of Century and Central Water Works are working toward a mutual aid and interconnect agreement.

Century currently has no interconnection with any other water system except their own system, according to Interim Town Manager Buz Eddy. Central Water Works would provide the town with a backup for their water supply in the event of an emergency or the need to make a major repair.

The town has a well on Blackmon street that delivers 520 gallons per minute, a well rated at 320 gallons per minute on Academy Street that is currently not operational and in need of repair, and a well at the prison that delivers 320 gallons per minute but needs major repair work.

The town is proposing a physical interconnect with Central’s system on Tedder Road near the prison or on Highway 4 near Williams Street. Under the proposed agreement, the town would use Central’s water supply only in the event of an emergency, and the town would be required to submit a service deposit if the interconnect is operated and pay $2.50 per 1,000 gallons used. It would take a representative from both utilities with a key to open the connection.

Century typically would not be able to provide significant amounts of water back to Central due to elevation and pressure issues, according to the town.

The town will pay for the interconnect equipment and meter at an estimated cost of about $60,000 to $70,000, plus engineering work estimated at $22,500.

Central is also proposing to make equipment and personnel available to Century on a non-emergency, as-needed basis to repair or replace water lines, replacing water meters and other services. For instance, Central would charge Century $45 an hour for a licensed water operator, $25 an hour for an assistant, a mini excavator at $85 an hour, a work truck at $15 an hour and other hourly rates for additional equipment.

Central Water Works was founded in 1965 and provides water for about 1,000 members in Byrneville, McDavid and outside the municipal service areas of Century and Flomaton.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


14 Responses to “Central Water Works, Town Of Century Consider Interconnect, Mutual Aid Agreement”

  1. David Huie Green on November 24th, 2019 7:01 pm

    “Murphy’s Law states “If it can happen it will happen””


    If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.

    David for listening to Murphy

  2. David on Crary rd on November 24th, 2019 12:38 pm

    The town has all this free money to spend on these things that are really not needed. But can spend 100,000 for water that they mightNeed when I only got to spend 10,000 to help a flooding issue on Craig Road by moving the gas line that should have been moved when the road was done. Sounds like a town for a little extra money to spend if they need to get rid of do it in the places that it’s really needed those he’s doing a great job better get him out of there before he spends all the money

  3. Concerned Citizen on November 23rd, 2019 11:17 am

    This is a bad idea. No benefit to Central Water Works. Murphy’s Law states “If it can happen it will happen” This law very much applies to “All Things Town of Century”

    To the members of the Central Water Works board of directors, your members are watching. Hold a vote, record of your action is a public record.

  4. Old Puppy on November 22nd, 2019 2:40 pm

    The entire north system would have to be turned around and tedder road would have to swap from south well to north well. This cause the pressure on tedder rd to sky rocket uncontrollably (even with the pressure valve). Causing pipes to burst, hot water heater pop-off valves to bust. Not to mention the havoc caused by the south system losing tedder rd. PSI at mcdavid for dept is almost 150 PSI already .

  5. Old Puppy on November 22nd, 2019 2:38 pm

    Just like Rodney said…. As a previous manager of CWW, with first hand knowledge of the system, the only upside for CWW is IF(not when but if) TOC needs to purchase water from CWW. This interconnect below TOC not CWW, except monetarily. But where is broke TOC going to allocate the required money to pay CWW for water usage? Especially if the prison is using 350k gallons a day. That’s over 9 million gallons a month.

    BAD IDEA CWW…. Might wanna reconsider this investment

  6. Just Me on November 22nd, 2019 10:20 am

    Why all of a sudden is Century needing all of these outside “must haves”? Buz, come on…quit pulling in your good ole boys for jobs. Hasn’t been mentioned but waiting on the boom cause its coming.

  7. sam on November 22nd, 2019 7:19 am

    sounds like a good idea. the town needs to get its act together. there are so many things lacking in the basic services the town should provide.

  8. M in Bratt on November 21st, 2019 8:04 pm

    It just seems like that if Century has money laying around, they would fix their own wells before some catastrophe strikes. If I read this article correctly, they only have one fully operational well. If it fails the town, including the prison would be in a crises. Maybe the prison should consider buying their water from Central, that way they would at least have a reliable source.

  9. Rodney Burkett on November 21st, 2019 6:43 pm

    The costs for this interconnect would exceed 70,000, unless you do less than 6 inch main, or circumvent the required regulations for the required connections. The cost was why it wasn’t reconnected over 20 years ago. It was nearly 50 k then. Century is the only one that benefits here. But the costs should be split, because the main reason to connect is the prison. That is a money making proposition. As a member of CWWI, and someone who has firsthand knowledge of the system, it wouldn’t be a good deal for the members of CWWI. Especially the way the system has been divided up due to poor valve operations. The pressure on Tedder Rd is already dipping during high usage and randomly at other times due to the distance of water transmission, what would you expect it to do when the prison comes on line using another 350k a day?

  10. Byrneville Resident on November 21st, 2019 5:56 pm

    I don’t see any benefit for Central Water Works. We have a great community system and I don’t think we should be grabbing on to a sinking ship. I’m very concerned that this could put our system and our water supply at risk. Please don’t do this.

  11. Central Water Works Member on November 21st, 2019 3:58 pm

    no, No, NO, don’t do it Central! Century is not and has not been taking care of business as they should have been. Their Water Wells, Sewage, and Gas Dept. are in shambles. They are playing Government and Mayor. Do NOT let them drag our thriving water company down with theirs.
    As David said, we were once in an inter-connect with Century, and Century used that inter-connect to benefit themselves. It was at that point the inter-connect was removed. Once again Century’s shady dealings have come back to bite them in the butt.
    Don’t do it! As a member of Central Water Works I vote NO!

  12. David Huie Green on November 21st, 2019 1:08 pm

    We used to be interconnected but cut the connection in response to the actions of a previous mayor and the fact that the elevation point for Century is far below that of CWWI. Their water wouldn’t make it up many of our hills.

    David for good neighbors

  13. retired on November 21st, 2019 9:41 am

    where is Century getting this 80 to 100 thousand dollars?

  14. Oversight on November 21st, 2019 7:16 am

    Helping each other in areas of common effort is a good thing. However, Central Water Works should NOT shoulder a penny of financial responsibility for connecting Century to Central’s water system.