Cantonment Woman Charged With Child Neglect After Boy Gets Lost In The Woods

November 4, 2019

A Cantonment woman was charged after a child was found walking out of a wooded area unsupervised.

Collean Tiffany Cozart, 31, was charged with felony child neglect last week and later released from the Escambia County Jail on a $5,000 bond.

A resident of Hillock Drive reported that a boy and his dog had walked from the woods behind his property, and the boy stated that he became lost while walking the dog. The age of the child was redacted from the arrest report.

The deputy transported the boy and his dog back to his residence where Cozart was responsible for watching him.

Cozart said the child had been watching television about 30 minutes prior, according to an arrest report, and she did not know he was missing. The report states the child had walked about a half mile through a heavy wooded area once he left the residence and had been gone for an estimated hour.

The incident was also reported to the Florida Department of Children and Families.


30 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Charged With Child Neglect After Boy Gets Lost In The Woods”

  1. Sara D on November 6th, 2019 7:41 pm

    My little brother and I were walking to the store when we were little and we were approached by a cop in his car saying we fit the description of someone who had just stolen from the store that was 8 blocks away from where we were. He wanted us to get into the vehicle and take us to the store to rule us out as suspects but I refused to get into the car and would not allow my little brother to get in the vehicle either. Since we both wouldn’t get into the car he sped off and we quickly went the half a block back to the house to tell my grandmother what had just happened. She called the authorities and they wanted to know if we could describe the man and if we saw any numbers on the car which we did and needless to say I’m thankful for the fact that I did pay attention to what DARE had been teaching us in school at the time because God only knows what the outcome could’ve been. people need to teach their children to ensure that the person that you think is there to help is actually there to help a d not a creepy person trying to lure your child into their car (maybe it’s a stolen police car( cuz you never know anymore. Just a thought

  2. 429SCJ on November 6th, 2019 9:19 am

    @Jimbo, “drain the swamp”, absolutely.

    When the bad days come and things become difficult for our antagonist, I pity the ones who/that have to fly out commercial.

  3. Jimbo on November 5th, 2019 7:21 pm

    This is ridiculous. It really seems like the county is profiteering of the poor and ignorant. Sure she should’ve known where her boy was, has the LEO never had a kid wander before? I wonder how the mother was able to care for her child while incarcerated. And now this boys household income is $500 plus court fines short and I’m sure all of us will pitch in to ensure this kids welfare. Tired of the actual crimes our local government has no interest in solving, while banking of people acting like idiots. Aren’t our property and sales and gas taxes enough? So sad. Just don’t even understand. I’d say let’s drain the swa
    mp but we’ll just have more good ol boys cracking down on foolishness.

  4. mike on November 5th, 2019 5:31 pm

    unfortunate that the lady had to be arrested. i bet the kid gets a nice buttwarming with a belt or switch. but, if you are gonna get all the gov benefits of having a kid you gotta take care of them.

    ladies, i think the species is propagated, you all can take a breather on being human being factories, we have plenty of people, if you don’t believe that take a ride in the bumpertobumper traffic on 29 around about 4-5pm. i think the environment could use a 10-15 year break. :)

  5. Kane on November 5th, 2019 1:11 pm

    Wow a lot to unpack with this story. I myself have been running around this town on my own since I was 8 years old. Sometimes I would be with my friends of the same age sometimes on my own. I never had a problem but I did have some wonderful adventures.

    These days kids can’t do that because they have to be micro-parented and before you “in my day we were put outside tp play by ourselves” start up you’re probably just as guilty ask yourself “would I put my young grandkids out to play by themselves?”. I bet the answer would be not no but hell no. This was not good parenting then and it isn’t now you should always know where your kids are.

    Now on to the “the worlds not the same as when I grew up” group. Yes it is the same ol’ world there were just as many (if not more) sick people then as there is today. The only difference is you didn’t know about them. We live in a world were information is literally available at your fingertips. If Brad Pitt farted in a restaurant everyone in the U.S would know about it in less then five minuets.

    I know, I know you are going to start pointing out school shootings (no different then the race wars back in the 50s-60s school has always been a dangerous place people just refuse to see it or choose to forget it) and Internet predators both of those had their equivalents back in your day as well they just weren’t as publicized and you wouldn’t know about it if you didn’t live close to were it happened.

    So to summarize know where your kids are and the worlds just as crappy now as it was then we just know more of the bad stuff faster.

  6. mnon on November 5th, 2019 8:37 am

    My2Cents, predators have always been around, we just know more about it now because we are so connected by having apps telling us where they are living and apps for every kind of news alert. Statistically we live in a safer era than any other era before. We just think everything is worse because we hear about every minute thing now-a-days, it is all perception and most are skewed.

  7. CHRIS on November 5th, 2019 7:17 am

    I spent half my childhood in the woods. Got lost a couple times too….JUST SAYING!

  8. Mr. Nobody on November 4th, 2019 8:27 pm

    Seems as tho we as a society are very afraid of the what if. Children have been abducted for centuries but that never caused a child to be kept from playing outside. We only know about as many abductions as we do now because of technology. I have a bit of knowledge about human trafficking from my education and the numbers are unbelievable but if we keep hiding in the closet from the boogie man we will never be able to enjoy the world we live in. I think this woman should not have been arrested but I’m just a Nobody

  9. 429SCJ on November 4th, 2019 7:32 pm

    When I was a kid seven years old, I was in and out of the woods with my dog and usually a Stevens single shot twelve gauge.

    How the time have been made to change. It is a dangerous world that we live in today, no Halloween, no kids playing in the woods or the park for that matter. Watch you children.

  10. Bonnie on November 4th, 2019 1:02 pm

    “The deputy transported the boy and his dog back to his residence where Cozart was responsible for watching him.” Makes it sounds like she wasn’t a parent and was there to watch him

  11. I'm just saying on November 4th, 2019 11:09 am

    It all depends on the child’s age . If my kids were gone for an hour I think I would notice . I’m just saying

  12. William 2 on November 4th, 2019 10:49 am

    The punishment seems extreme.

  13. Theresa on November 4th, 2019 9:58 am

    FYI……a month ago in Daphne, AL a 13 yr old (no typo) boy was approached by a predator. He was around hundreds of people. The boy was smart enough to get out of the situation quickly. He was with the organization I was with so this is true The police was called and they said this happens all the time. So yes……this is another day and time from when I played outside from daylight to dark. If someone would try that on a 13 year old just think how easy it would be to get a child left alone without hundreds of people around. Wise up…….protect your children to the best of your ability. Prepare them how to react as well. It could save their life!

  14. david lamb on November 4th, 2019 9:40 am

    How old was youngster?

  15. bewildered on November 4th, 2019 9:38 am

    Can’t make a negative comment because I would have landed in jail 40 years ago myself for sure. They are smart to redact the ages of kids whenever stories like these break,,,, .

  16. My2Cents on November 4th, 2019 9:33 am

    What you people are missing is that she didn’t know he was gone. It’s one thing to say you are going outside to play and venture into the woods with your dog and another to do it and your parent has no idea where you are.

    Also, this is a different world than the one we grew up in. There are so many predators out there waiting on something like this to happen so they can come in and take the child. I feel sorry for the kids of today.

  17. Ruth on November 4th, 2019 9:29 am

    It all depends on how old the boy was, and how he was dressed.

  18. ROBERT on November 4th, 2019 9:01 am

    Wow..My Mon would have been in jail non stop. My brothers and I did this all the time as kids…took the dog or each other and went to the woods to explore and play.We would be gone for hours and even all day sometimes…Nobody ever called the cops etc. We weren’t neglected..we were just avoiding a little harsh to me..

  19. Wise Years on November 4th, 2019 8:19 am

    This story doesn’t feel right…need the boys age to know. Wandering in woods should be ok at a fairly young age. But I am getting old.

  20. c on November 4th, 2019 7:42 am

    Attitude is everything when it comes to dealing with LEOs and by her mug she looks to have a lot of it.

  21. Mike on November 4th, 2019 7:33 am

    Wow unless the person who was watching them
    Took them to the woods and left them deep in
    The woods how is this neglect? I went off on
    My own a lot when I was a kid went through the
    Woods for what felt like miles. Were in an age
    Now where people are becoming snow flakes
    And think that you should be charged for sneezing wrong
    If the kid simply walked off with out telling some one
    Then how is this neglect is all I’m asking.

  22. Linz on November 4th, 2019 7:30 am

    I really hope there is more to the story than this. If not, this arrest is a slap to the face of so many children who are actually being neglected.

  23. Greg on November 4th, 2019 7:07 am

    We act like victims…we are at present… but we need to VOTE to change this Bog Brother Mentality

  24. paul on November 4th, 2019 6:27 am

    I guess the days of Timmy & Lassie are over.. At least he didn’t get stuck in a well..

  25. M in Bratt on November 4th, 2019 6:21 am

    How did the deputy know where to return this child to unless the child told the deputy where he lived? If that was the case, he wasn’t lost, he was on a walk with his dog. At least he wasn’t mesmerized in front of a video game like most kids are these days.

  26. KK on November 4th, 2019 5:43 am

    The story doesn’t state the boy’s age. They must have arrested her based on what she was doing while the boy was lost in the woods.

  27. Piney Woods on November 4th, 2019 5:38 am

    Unless this was a very young child this seems to be another example of government
    Over reach.

  28. mnon on November 4th, 2019 5:08 am

    Remember back in the day when a boy and his dog could stay in the woods all day and no one called the law?

  29. Henry Coe on November 4th, 2019 4:06 am

    It takes a village, unless you are a single parent with a preteen boy who wanders off in the woods with his dog and gets lost like preteen boys have been doing for thousands of years.
    Back in the day a neighbor or a LEO would brings a kid home and the kid could figure out he learned something and the LEO might tell the parent they should consider getting the kid involved in scouting or bring the kid a two dollar compass and teach him how to use it so he can avoid getting lost in the woods.
    I wasn’t there but this seems like a teachable moment that was missed.
    I bet the next time the kid needs help he will avoid asking for it?

  30. Lisa on November 4th, 2019 1:35 am

    Wow this seems a bit extreme! I grew up in the woods and ventured all over the woods at a very young age! I hope there is more to the story besides a child walking a dog in the woods. What age? Why was she arrested?