Cantonment Man Charged With Battery Of Deputy

November 1, 2019

A Cantonment man was charged in connection with battery of Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy at a local trailer park.

Kristopher Karl Jernigan, 42, was charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting an officer with violence. He was later released from the Escambia County Jail on a $20,000 bond.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded a report of juveniles burglarizing a vacant mobile home at a trailer park on Old Chemstrand Road.

The trailer park owner told deputies that she believed one of the juveniles to live in the neighboring mobile home.

The deputy walked over to the mobile home where Jernigan was extremely angry and yelling obscenities, and Jernigan was warned that he could face arrest for impeding the investigation, according to an arrest report.

Jernigan walked toward the deputy with clenched fists, at which time the deputy informed him that he was under arrest. As the deputy attempted to pull Jernigan’s hands behind his back, he “brutally threw his left elbow back, striking the left side of my neck just under my ear. Jernigan then threw his right elbow and struck me in my right shoulder,” the deputy’s report states.

Jernigan then tried to escape, running inside the trailer, the arrest report states. The deputy believed he ran into the residence possibly to retrieve a firearm or other weapon. He quickly ordered several child and people in the street to get out of the area as he called for backup.

As a supervisor arrived on scene, Jernigan stepped into the front doorway.

“I grabbed Jernigan and assisted him onto the front porch of the trailer, where his head hit the floor cause a slight cut over his eye,” the deputy wrote. After a continued struggle, he was handcuffed.

The deputy suffered a cut on his thumb and lump on his neck just below his ear but did not require medical attention.


14 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Battery Of Deputy”

  1. Albert Ray Sanders on November 6th, 2019 11:01 am

    I’m so sick of stupid people rattling off their opinions about stuff
    they know nothing about..
    Stay at the station until they’re called. I mean really you don’t put oil in your car after your engine blows up. You do it before it blows its called preventive maintenance. and just to let you know they were called out

  2. Tabby on November 3rd, 2019 9:58 am

    Mr. Nobody, yes, the sheep are out in full force. They will say things like, “The man should have minded his own business”. And that may well be true. I’ve also witnessed officers tell people to shut up or they’ll be arrested for this very same thing when people are saying things the cops just don’t want to hear. Or threat of same when people stand around to watch what’s happening. They’ll be in no way interfering, LEO just don’t want anyone to witness their own possible actions. THAT IS a violation of liberty. Cops should sit at the station until a call for service. You don’t see firemen roaming the streets.

  3. Jim Lee on November 2nd, 2019 7:19 pm

    The law requires a person to “Comply with all lawful commands of a Law Enforcement Officer”.

  4. Mr. Nobody on November 2nd, 2019 10:35 am

    Well I AM law enforcement. I also know that there’s a bit of overreach. At what point will citizens wake up and realize that complying to all orders given by a law enforcement officer is not a requirement? His actions were wrong yes. Who said he was on drugs?? Just because a citizen hates law enforcement doesn’t give anyone the right to begin defamation of him. And if your neighbor says there’s something going on inside YOUR home you think that law enforcement should be able to just stroll right on in there? If people are ok with that then there is no liberty.

  5. Whisperjet on November 2nd, 2019 6:23 am

    ..when are people in the city and county going to realize that when you resist arrest in any circumstance , and escalate a bad situation , you increase the odds of harm to yourself and the LEO’s. .cooperate with law enforcement and you won’t get a tag on your toe..common sence..

  6. mike on November 1st, 2019 2:54 pm

    Good job Officers! one thing: Taser. Woulda saved a lot of trouble. Meet The Fockers: “Sir, remain calm. 50,000 volts of electricity are now passing into your skeletal muscle tissue. Your central nervous system has been incapacitated, but you will regain motor functions momentarily.” :D

  7. Haha on November 1st, 2019 12:06 pm

    Mr. Nobody,
    He was given the option to walk away. Instead he chose to walk up to the cop.. Then proceeded to resist. I suggest learning what Freedom of speech is before trying to throw it out all willy nilly.

  8. Ann on November 1st, 2019 11:59 am

    I fought the law and the law won!!!!

  9. ELW on November 1st, 2019 11:21 am

    Mr. NoBody really seems to be confused. The man was in the wrong. Drugs totally change a person’s personality.

  10. Kim on November 1st, 2019 11:01 am

    First of all Mr. Nobody why you saying lawsuit? The deputy was doing his job. When the deputy walked over maybe Mr. Jernigan should have let the deputy do his job. Our deputies do put themselves in danger each and everyday. Deputies may not always be right but hey this one was trying to do his job. Maybe when or if Mr. Jernigan cleans up he will realize what he did. Sorry I have to take the deputy side in these one.

  11. Charlotte Bates on November 1st, 2019 10:45 am

    Mr. Nobody, were you there? Do you know everything that was said and done? Unless you were there and know everything that went on, I suggest you have your smelly nose checked out. Our officers go through more crap then any of us know. They are under paid, put their lives on the line every stinking day of their lives to keep your butt safe. No, I have no one in my family that is in law enforcement, but I was raised to respect them, because I know when I need them, they will be there.

  12. seriously on November 1st, 2019 9:30 am

    Don’t bring a trailer to a cop fight! P.S. Don’t fight the deputy when he is there to help you! Actually, don’t fight the law, PERIOD! You can not win!

  13. Jeannie on November 1st, 2019 9:06 am

    Alcohol and drugs.. This man was a good person when he wasn’t on drugs and alcohol.
    He use to work with my husband.. It breaks our hearts to see this. He needs help.

  14. Mr. Nobody on November 1st, 2019 7:37 am

    Not a suspect but still went to jail. Freedom of speech is now impeding an investigation? I smell a lawsuit