Beulah Master Plan, Century Wastewater Plant Among New Escambia County RESTORE Funding Requests

November 20, 2019

A master plan for Beulah and wastewater treatment facility improvements for Century are two of eight new projects added to Escambia County’s RESTORE Act funding requests.

Escambia County will receive approximately $70 million through 2031 in RESTORE Act Direct Component (Pot 1) funds as a result of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The RESTORE Act requires a Multi-Year Implementation Plan (MYIP) be approved by the Treasury Department prior to submittal of individual project Grant Applications and dispersal of funds.

The county also removed a funding request for an OLF8 Master plan, replacing the funding ask with a campus expansion at the Pensacola International Airport.

A 45-day comment period on the the requests is required before projects are submitted for possible funding.

Beulah Master Plan
$300,000 to develop a master plan for the Beulah area

Escambia County will procure the services of an urban/land-use planning firm to develop a master plan for approximately 30,000 acres in the Beulah community of Escambia County. The master plan will be based on the University of West Florida HAAS Center Citizen Survey, an existing conditions analysis, technical analysis, and on stakeholder engagement and community participation.

The Beulah Master Plan will establish a vision for allowing for the continued growth in the area while preserving the quality of life and sense of place enjoyed by the current residents. The final deliverable will be a master plan and/or zoning overlay district and implementation plan, dependent on the technical guidance provided by the procured consultant and concurrence provided by Escambia County Developmental Services staff.

The Beulah community has experienced extensive growth resulting from improved economic conditions and the expansion of Navy Federal Credit Union’s Beulah campus, which is expected to employ over 10,000 people by 2022. Subdivision development orders in Beulah have increased exponentially, with 7,000 residences permitted for development since 2010. Beulah does not currently have a master plan nor zoning overlay district to effectively plan or manage growth. Development of the Beulah Master Plan will balance the highest and best land uses of the subject area with the needs of the County, region, and the Beulah community in creating a plan for sustaining growth while preserving the character of the community.


Town of Century Wastewater Improvements
$500,000 to design and permit repairs to Century’s failing wastewater treatment facility

The wastewater treatment and collection system has fallen into disrepair as the town has struggled financially for the last decade to keep pace with maintenance and replacement activities.

Direct Component funds will be utilized to fund planning, design, and permitting associated with wastewater treatment and collection system improvements, including lift station, treatment plant, and piping repairs and replacements.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has strict requirements for the proper operation and maintenance of the utility system, and Century is responsible for meeting these requirements. Funding design and permitting of wastewater treatment and collection system improvements will allow the town to work with FDEP to secure funding to implement the improvements from the State’s Revolving Loan Fund as a rural, disadvantaged community.


Pensacola International Airport Campus Extension — $1.524 million, replaces OLF8 Master Plan on funding request
Perdido Bay Boat Ramp — $2.5 million for the construction of a boat ramp
Brownsville Community Center Renovation — $300,000 to renovate the interior and exterior, add incubator retail space
CRA Community Center – $500,000 for a community center in a yet to be determined CRA but likely in the Palafox CRA
CRA Economic Development Program -- $1.5 million to institute the complete streets program in CRAs
Little Sabine Bay Restoration Program – $2 million for a multi-tiered restoration effort

Pictured top: The Century Wastewater Treatment Facility, photo, click to enlarge. Pictured below: The Navy Federal campus in Beulah.


7 Responses to “Beulah Master Plan, Century Wastewater Plant Among New Escambia County RESTORE Funding Requests”

  1. mark on November 21st, 2019 9:01 am

    All this money for planning,community centers, boat ramps and not one word mention about completing the road work on Muskogee Rd. This section of road is a eye sore for this county let alone the damage it does to the vehicles that use it. Oh by the way this section of the road, the width is under state specs.

  2. Citizen on November 20th, 2019 3:44 pm

    Wonderful the Century waste water project was finally added. TOC handles the State prison waste that is also outside the town limits. The Pot I RESTORE was designed to protect the class III waters in Escambia. Source Point Pollution.

    For the complainer still thinking it should just be used on the shore–remember we are upstream and we know about stuff and rolling downhill and down stream– do you advocate dumping sewage in the river? That’s pretty stupid.

    If the project would have been properly advocated by the town a few years ago when it was originally submitted that would have prevented a lot of problem but they didn’t even when provided with info and numerous emails from citizen.

    Better late then never.

    Keeping the incorporation is an avenue to maintain the status to receiver state grants.

    Hat’s off to the peanut gallery. Enjoy your afternoon.

  3. Lewis T on November 20th, 2019 3:12 pm

    Wouldn’t it had been better to develop a Beulah plan before the impact of growth in that area?

  4. David Huie Green on November 20th, 2019 1:33 pm


    Or keep up with their gas purchases/sales.

    David for better tracking

  5. retired on November 20th, 2019 10:14 am

    “Century has struggled financially for the last decade”

    I say DON’T give them a cent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Dizz on November 20th, 2019 7:57 am

    I would have hoped that the money from that disaster would go directly to our coast line. Not sure how any of these projects were directly affected by the spill.

  7. Rasheed Jackson on November 20th, 2019 6:57 am

    “$300,000 to develop a master plan for the Beulah area”, “$500,000 to design and permit repairs ”
    $800,000 dollars to look. What is the actual cost to do the work? I guess I am in the wrong business. Seems that looking and planning are a pretty lucrative businesses.