Pensacola Stepping Up To Help Century With Commercial Gas Meters

October 10, 2019

The City of Pensacola is stepping up to help Century repair or replace 10 commercial gas meters in an effort to boost the town’s financially troubled natural gas department.

At their last meeting of September, Century authorized a request for proposals and advertising to find a contractor to install eight commercial meters. In

Century has now accepted an offer from Pensacola Energy to install the eight commercial meters, plus two additional, for a total cost of $17,171.

It is expected that improvements will result in additional revenue for the gas department, except the bill for one business may actually decrease. According to their proposal, Pensacola Energy states Lakeview Center is being overcharged because the delivery pressure and index on the current meter do not match.

The majority of the cost is for the replacement of the meter at Century Correctional Institution for $10,255.  The prison is the Century gas department’s largest customer.

Other meters to be repaired or replaced and the cost are:

  • Century Health and Rehabilitation, Industrial Boulevard, $3,462 for replacement
  • Lakeview Center, Industrial Boulevard, $2,876 for replacement with new industrial meter and regulators
  • The Sandwich Deli, North Century Boulevard, $73 to install regulator on existing meter
  • Hudson’s Grocery, North Century Boulevard, $73 to install regulator on existing meter
  • Century Millworks, Industrial Boulevard, $77 to correct index and install two new regulators on existing meter
  • Campfire USA, Industrial Boulevard, $135 to correct index and install new regulator on existing meter
  • Escambia County EMS Post, Industrial Boulevard, $77 to install new regulator on existing meter
  • Century Community Center (Ag Building), Industrial Boulevard at West Hwy. 4, $73 to install new regulator on existing meter
  • Renal Care Group, Industrial Boulevard, $73 to install new regulator on existing meter and move improper relief vent away from an ignition source

Once work begins, it is expected to be complete in under two weeks.

The Town of Century will be required to idemnify  and hold harmless the City of Pensacola from any and all claims., click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Pensacola Stepping Up To Help Century With Commercial Gas Meters”

  1. Rico on October 13th, 2019 9:54 am

    Century oh Century, what happened to the ole Town of Century? I myself work in the natural gas industry. And I understand the importance of this utility for both homes and businesses alike. And I also understand the importance of managing said utility. Key word being management! Too often have I seen situations arise with this town that from the outside looking in, were caused by waiting until things are at its worst before taking action. Stop waiting until your stuck deep in the mud to lock the hubs!

  2. df on October 12th, 2019 6:59 am

    How many employees are in the gas department, technicians, maintenance personnel, and admin type people. I have heard mention of only one, the superintendent. It appears to me that a properly by maned gas dept should be able to be making some of the minor repairs such as replacing a single regulator. Granted replacing a complete meter would require some planing for operations personnel, and the customer, but with a work order issued these jobs should be able to be carried out by the Century gas dept. Somebody has to issue a work order to set the wheels in motion, visit the sight and plan for material and personnel. Thus writing a JSA, Job Safety Analysis goes a long way for planning these types of jobs.

  3. Concerned on October 12th, 2019 12:02 am

    The gas department is CAPABLE of installing meters but it seems like other people think they are incapable. The council chooses to spend money that they don’t have to pay someone else higher pay than the regular employees to install the meters looks to me like and some of the employees has been there a long time.

  4. M in Bratt on October 11th, 2019 10:28 am

    The other question I have is; How does Century operate a gas dept. without any employee on staff capable of installing meters?

  5. My2Cents on October 11th, 2019 10:14 am

    You would think that they would have cut the gas off for everyone receiving it without paying by now. They could have a significant boost in income if they do this.

    There should be a reality show on Century. How NOT to run a city.

  6. retired on October 11th, 2019 9:51 am

    @ M

    We keep asking to see this list but they won’t show it, to many of them and thier friends are on it

  7. Dave on October 11th, 2019 8:06 am

    Pensacola steps up? They are getting paid to do the work or at least in theory they will be. This will be a one time thing unless they require Century to pay for services up front. With what? So this is supposed to help the town recover some revenue but it may end up putting businesses out of business at the same time. If a business has been budgeting X amout of $ for gas and suddenly they have a 300% increase what happens then. They will raise the price of their product or go out of business.
    I am not saying leave the meters as is but take into account how this may affect some businesses. If they have been paying customers all along they did not know they were underpaying. Consider a graduated increase for those businesses. If they close or raise prices the town folks and the town government will loose more than ever. The most obvious problem is the town government and we need to remove them from office and start fresh.

  8. M in Bratt on October 10th, 2019 7:59 pm

    The City of Pensacola could probably help the Town of Century more if they loaned them money enough to pay postage so they could send bills to the 50% of customers that have not been getting bills. It’s no mystery why the gas dept. is losing money when they don’t collect for over half the gas they deliver. I still want to know how may of the officials sitting around the table have been getting free gas.

  9. David Huie Green on October 10th, 2019 12:16 pm

    “when the cost for the “fix” will actually lose money with new meters that lower gas bills.”

    But a more honest way to live. Charge for all you provide but only what you provide. Had they done it consistently, they would be much better off.

    David for honesty…when possible

  10. TJ on October 10th, 2019 10:18 am

    The inept employees of the Century Gas Dept. need to step aside and let Pensacola do the job properly, something you don’t seem to be able to do, they don’t need your help.

  11. David on October 10th, 2019 9:43 am

    Everyone is getting giddy,the problem will still be there when the meters are in…it appears the good people of Century love unethical,law breaking , run by the seat of your pants town leadership. It will take a legal action with consequences to solve that little meter problem.

  12. ensley boy on October 10th, 2019 8:50 am

    Good news. When the gas meters are fixed or replaced, the folks of Century need to replace the towns supposed leadership. It appears there is no way to fix them.

  13. Bob on October 10th, 2019 8:29 am

    You still have not fixed the problem with poor leadership and incompetent employees. Now the Town of Century has more money to make personal loans to board members!!!

  14. Anne on October 10th, 2019 6:48 am

    GREAT Beginning, now to quickly carry forward and hook-up and repair/replace meters EVERYWHERE so that All consumers are paying their Fair Share.
    Maybe, just maybe a baby step toward gaining revenue for this suffering town.
    Thank you City of Pensacola for your assistance.

  15. Oversight on October 10th, 2019 6:38 am

    You just can’t make this stuff up… when the cost for the “fix” will actually lose money with new meters that lower gas bills. But it is good news for customers of Century and its bunch of hard working rocket scientists at town hall.