Longtime Incumbent Walker Prefiles For District 5 ECUA

October 3, 2019

Incumbent Larry Walker prefiled as a Republican Thursday for the Emerald Coast Utilities Authorities District 5 for the 2020 Election.

Walker was first elected to the ECUA board in 1988. He ran unsuccessfully for county commission in 2000.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


15 Responses to “Longtime Incumbent Walker Prefiles For District 5 ECUA”

  1. Larry Walker on October 6th, 2019 5:28 pm

    For kind words, my appreciation: for those who are tired of me, well, the voters will decide again in 2020. Chris, that face in the photo? I was at a called meeting at the Century wastewater treatment plant—outside—at high noon. It felt like 110 in the shade, and maybe it was. But perhaps ECUA will be involved in a final solution to one of Century’s problems. Only one other response, to Mr. Reality: ECUA’s Materials Recycling Facility is a successful operation, still, and it will be long after both you and I are gone. Tours may be arranged.

  2. MR REALITY on October 4th, 2019 3:25 pm

    30 years and nothing but rate increases…He voted to WASTE 14,000,000 thats fourteen MILLION dollars on our recycle plant and WE ARE LOSING MONEY….WTF LARRY!!!!!!! You are a joke!!!!

  3. David Huie Green on October 4th, 2019 12:16 pm

    Actually, we have never done better than Larry Walker…or even as well with any other.
    I doubt we ever will.

    David for better people
    like Larry.

  4. Don Neese on October 3rd, 2019 10:30 pm

    30 years in office!!! That’s a lot. For a man to stay in an elected position that long says a lot!! You have to put up with a lot of sour people to stay in something for that long. And, you have to keep getting back up when John Doe Public knocks you down.
    Might as well give him another go at it.

  5. chris on October 3rd, 2019 7:50 pm

    That face though….so happy

  6. Worker on October 3rd, 2019 5:48 pm

    Move on
    He does customer service jobs
    Doesn’t let them.or supervisor handle things
    Time for.new blood

  7. Worker on October 3rd, 2019 5:46 pm

    He has a God complex from what I hear..
    u have a staff set in place it’s called customer service n supervisor let them handle complaints n calls not u.
    Pay sucks n turn over is unrealistic.
    Time for change.
    Go Retire move on!!!!!!

  8. Sunny on October 3rd, 2019 1:48 pm

    Living in Santa Rosa County for years and just moving to Escambia County, I know little about Dr. Walker as my friends refer to him. But serving in a position as long as he has, he knows the business. It takes more than one person to vote to raise rates. Just saying, he’s not the only one in favor of raising rates. The current raised rate is $.91 per month is what customer service stated to me. If this is true, seriously that small amount is less than a bottle of soda or a candy bar.

    @ Mark – a great comment and I’m sure Dr. Walker will appreciate it.

    @ Howie – I hope you get your can issues resolved. Dr. Walker will most likely see your comment and take care of it if he is the stickler for getting it done ASAP as they say he is.

    The remaining comments are opinions by the poster and everyone has a right to voice their opinion.

    Enjoy the weekend. Cooler weather is on the way (at least that’s what they have forecast)

  9. North end Flash on October 3rd, 2019 1:05 pm

    Put some trash out on Monday night….Thursday it is still there…call ECUA told them it was still there on Wednesday….I was advised they will pick up next week. Have fun picking up wet mattresses and springs….Do you think if Larry Walker had items out…would he have been told this?

  10. Term Limits on October 3rd, 2019 12:27 pm

    First elected in 1988? That’s 32 years by the time the elections happen. The people that voted for him the 1st time will be at least 50 years old. How old were you in 1988? That’s a lifetime he’s spent in office. How many times has he voted for a rate increase in three decades? Time for a change with anybody else.

  11. Howie on October 3rd, 2019 12:20 pm

    I’m glad this article is here today. This week the WILD sanitation and recycle drivers left cans in a disarray on Hwy 297A.. I’m old and trying to pick up my cans left turned over, can be difficult to do. I could possibly fall reaching that far down (to the ground). My Grandson was called to bring my cans to the house. I noticed that others were left looking like a combat field along the highway.

    Drivers please leave the cans like you found them. If you turn one over, show some common sense. Get out of the truck and replace the can in an upright position. I’m lucky to have my recycle picked up on the designated day for the past 2 weeks.

  12. Mark on October 3rd, 2019 10:51 am

    Larry Walker is a man of integrity, yes he’s been on the board for years but he’s there because the voters put him there. Nobody likes rate increases but come on do you really think that they will never go up. He knows the job and he is accessible. Thank you for your public service sir.

  13. Jim on October 3rd, 2019 8:48 am

    I just can’t believe this! 30 plus years on the board, significant customer service, poor fiscal controls, and perpetual rate increases all because of this guy.
    COME ON District 5, you guys can do better. I guess he wants to go out like McCorvey and Gindl.

  14. Denbroc on October 3rd, 2019 6:42 am

    MAYBE the grand jury investigation of the ECUA from last year will be released before we have to vote again.

    Where do you stand, Candidate Walker, on the release of the report?

  15. Well on October 3rd, 2019 6:21 am

    NO !!!