IP Donates Headphones For Jim Allen Elementary Second Graders

October 24, 2019

International Paper recently donated 75 headphones to Jim Allen Elementary School to be used in second grade classrooms for computer-based curriculum.

“International Paper makes sustainable investments to address critical needs in the communities where employees live and work. One of our signature causes is children’s education and we want them to be able to have the right tools to succeed. When we heard there was a need for headphones for students to use while learning on computer programs, we had to help. Our administrative team members collected money, purchased and donated 75 headphones for second grade students at Jim Allen Elementary school,” said Whitney Fike, International Paper Pensacola mill communications manager.

Pictured: Jim Allen Elementary second grade students with Principal Rachel Watts; Lee Anne Adams, IP; Marcina Rogers, IP; Angela Genes, IP; Scott Taylor, IP mill manager; Amanda Lambert, Jim Allen Elementary, teacher; Cheryl Johnson, IP; and Whitney Fike, IP. Photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


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