Highland Baptist Church History

October 25, 2019

provided by Highland Baptist Church, October 2019

Highland Baptist Church was organized in 1919 after Miss Ruth Riddle, a local school teacher, began a Sunday School at Highland School on Molino Road, west of Highway 29.  With a gift of $200 from the State Mission Board and the donation of some land by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hastings, a building was erected in 1922 across the road from the school. The Molino Baptist Church, constituted in 1908 with twenty members, voted to join the fellowship of Highland. “Molino-Highland Day” was set aside as the two churches combined their congregations.  The building materials from the Molino Church were used to enlarge the educational building.

In 1942, Highland, striving to be more centrally located in the community, purchased land with a gift of $75 from the Pensacola Bay Baptist Association.  Under the leadership of Rev. E. E. Roberts, a lay pastor, the church began to grow; and on April 30, 1950, a new block building consisting of an auditorium and six classrooms was dedicated.

In 1953, the same year Rev. C. D. Fant became pastor, the church built a pastorium. This pastorium served as “home” for the next six pastors.  After Bro. Tim Patrick was called as pastor of Highland, and living in the pastorium for a period of time, the church purchased and renovated a home on Firehouse Road that Bro. Tim and his family lived in.  The pastorium was then turned into the church office, as it still is today.

On September 30, 1973, the two-story interim sanctuary and educational space was dedicated.  So different from the past, of baptisms being held in rivers, swimming pools, creeks, or a baptistry in a sister church, for the first time, baptisms were held in the baptistry that was built in this interim sanctuary. The mortgage on this building was paid off several years early, with a note burning on April 25, 1982.

Started by Highland Baptist as a home bible study in 1983 under the leadership of Rev. J. W. Dubose, the Dogwood Park Mission was established. With ground breaking in 1985, during the time Bro. Rick Wolfe was pastor, and a sanctuary with classrooms being built, the mission was constituted as Dogwood Park Baptist Church in 1986.

The current sanctuary has a seating capacity of 500 and was dedicated on November 18, 1990.Through many blessings from God, the commitment of His people, and the vision of the faithful people of Highland, the note on this building was also paid off several years early in March of 1998.

The sanctuary, having seen many souls come to Jesus, baptisms, babies dedicated, and faithful members laid to rest, continues to shine bright as a beacon for all to be drawn to this “high-land” as a place of refuge and strength.

As the winds of time found us on our knees both through plentiful and lean times, September, 2004 found us battening down for the winds of Hurricane Ivan.  Although we lost the original block “Highland Baptist Church” sign that announced a new pastor even before he arrived, as well as much damage due to the winds, the sun shone again in the morning!

Then, on February 17, 2008, at the close of Morning Worship, God held His mighty, protective hand over us again as a tornado passed over us taking the steeple and causing much damage to the property before making its way elsewhere.  Truly, God Is Good . . . All The Time . . . And All The Time . . . God Is Good!”

The spring of 2013 gave us the opportunity to pray about and seek God’s will in purchasing the property located just north, across Nancy Lane, of the existing property.  We consider this a blessing and a testimony to the faithfulness of God and His people. We began a “40 Days of Prayer” in September 2013 so that we could seek God’s will in how we could help in paying off the debt incurred by this purchase.  This season of prayer culminated on November 3rd, which was designated “Chest of Joash Sunday.”  A special offering was received to kick-off a campaign to pay the property off in one year!  The title of this offering emphasis was, “For Future Generations.” “For The Glory of God.”  God has continued to bless the efforts of His people as this note was paid off early.  May we always continue to be good stewards of the Lord’s resources. The property, deemed the “Highland House” is used for additional parking and a Sunday School Classroom space for our College and Career Ministry, (CCM).  This group of young adults also come together each Wednesday for a time of devotion, prayer, and fellowship. CCM has set about for their mission to be that of “service”. They have been able to serve here at home with projects around the church as well as implementing some clean-up work outside our community. These young adults are growing in their faith walk as they receive the blessings from God as they serve others.

For several years now, we have had the opportunity to be a Partner in Education with Molino Park Elementary. We hold an annual paper/supply drive to help the teachers and students with much needed items to start the school year off right! Programs such as Brotherhood and WMU, that have been in place and ministering to both men and women for many years, have been joined by the “Care Ministry” a homebound and Widows and Widowers Ministry, “New Beginnings,” a singles and singles again ministry, “CCM”, “Outreach Ministry”, and a “Missions Ministry”.  This new “Missions Ministry” is a group of ladies that sew lap quilts, port pillows, personal hygiene kits for OCC, as well has many other projects to help bless those that are under the weather, homebound, or ill, to share the love of Jesus in a cozy, comfortable way.  Many of these quilts have been given along with a “goody” basket put together by the “Care Ministry” to be delivered to both members of our church family as well as those in our community that could use a special touch.  The Outreach Ministry has held Wild Game Dinner’s, Open Car Show’s, Pinewood Derby’s, Night With The Wahoos, and a Corn-hole Tournament/Football Big Screen Night!  By far, the most wonderful part of these ministry opportunities is the fact that through these events people pray to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!

All these ministries are successful due to the faithful believers at Highland that have the visions for ministry and choose to act on the leading of the Lord.  Due to that faithfulness, Highland has continued to grow.  It continues to meet and exceed every missions offering goal set by the church.  As you can see, we are striving to impact our community one life at a time.  In addition to all of the activities and events listed, we also have an ongoing evangelistic relationship with The Strength Team.  They have ministered through our local schools, community, and our church.  The Lord has blessed this evangelistic ministry with over 50 people making professions of faith.  God is truly  AMAZING!  We only have to seek to do His will and give Him ALL the glory! It is so good to be a part of a church that truly desires to “impact eternity . . . one life at a time!”

Pastors of Highland Baptist Church

  • Rev. W. H. Rumbley 1920-1926
  • Rev. H. S. Higdon 1927
  • Rev. C. C. Eiland 1928-1929
  • Rev. B. A. Davis 1931-1933
  • Rev. C. W. Crim 1934
  • Rev. C. M. Agee 1935-1936
  • Rev. W. H. Williams 1936-1940
  • Rev. C. O. Stewart 1941-1942
  • Rev. E. E. Roberts 1943-1953
  • Rev. C. D. Fant 1953-1960
  • Rev. Carl Franklin 1960-1963
  • Rev. John K. Smith 1963-1969
  • Rev. E. McCoy Bynum 1969-1971
  • Rev. J. W. Dubose 1971-1984
  • Rev. Rick P. Wolfe 1984-1987
  • Rev. Tim Patrick 1987-1993
  • Rev. Gene White 1993-1996
  • Rev. Mark Boyd 1997-1998
  • Rev. Troy Massey 2000-2003
  • Rev. Brad Hockensmith 2004-2006
  • Rev. Brian Calhoun 2007-Present


One Response to “Highland Baptist Church History”

  1. kc mathews on October 26th, 2019 4:07 am

    Brother Mike Rollwagon should most definitely be mentioned in beautifully written article. Never the Pastor to the whole church, however the most touching wonderful youth minister the kid church could have ever asked for in the 90s. The youth group went from about 15 of us to 30+ every Wednesday and Sunday night. He also led the the group to the most amazing and intimate Godly church retreat in Adaline Illinois (just outside Chicago) Were quite a few of us asked Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and Savior. Brother Mike got us, and instead the traditional teaching of Southern Baptist Bro. Mike reached out to the kids and we worked along with what was going on with us, and WWJD. We all proudly shouted every service God is GOOD All the Time and All the Time GOd IS GOOD!!!! Thank you Mike for your leadership I know where I am spending Eternity!!!