FWC Report: Baiting On The Perdido River, Pot At Fillingim Landing, Illegal Berries

October 14, 2019

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following activity during the weekly period ending September 26 in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.


Officer Specialist Clark and Officer Long found bush hooks along the side of the river while on patrol on the Perdido River in the Perdido Water Management Area. The hooks were not marked and were baited with pieces of bream. Officer Specialist Clark saw the operator of a vessel checking the same bush hooks that he had recently inspected. He contacted the operator, and confirmed that the bush hooks were his. The subject was cited for using bream as bait and given a warning for not properly labeling his bush hooks.

Officer Cushing was working enhanced patrol at Fillingim Landing in Perdido WMA. He saw four subjects after hours in the parking lot next to their vehicle. Upon contact, Officer Cushing could smell marijuana. The owner of the vehicle admitted to purchasing marijuana and retrieved two baggies (less than 20 grams) from his vehicle. The appropriate action was taken for the violation.


Officer Roberson was on land patrol and saw three individuals fishing next to a bridge. He contacted the individuals and found one in possession of three undersized sheepshead and one undersized redfish. All undersized fish were seized, and the individual was issued a notice to appear.

Officer Roberson was on land patrol at Brown’s Fish Camp on the Yellow River when he saw a fishing kayak come to the boat ramp. Officer Roberson contacted the individual and found him in possession two legal sized redfish, one over the bag limit. The appropriate citations were issued.

Santa Rosa county officers arrested two large groups of people for the unlawful take of saw palmetto berries inside the Eglin Wildlife Management Area. FWC officers arrested 11 persons and seized 14 large bags of berries. The subjects were transported to jail and interviews with some of the individuals strengthened suspicions that human-trafficking was taking place. Immigration Customs Enforcement officials were contacted to assist with the investigation.

This report represents some events the FWC handled during the time period; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. Information provided by FWC.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


21 Responses to “FWC Report: Baiting On The Perdido River, Pot At Fillingim Landing, Illegal Berries”

  1. David Huie Green on October 18th, 2019 1:25 pm

    “David Green, how can a Christian support Bidden after he supports killing babies after they are born!”

    To the best of my knowledge, he doesn’t. I suspect you are believing liars.

    Regardless, that was not the question. The question was whether or not he has been involved in Ukrainian corruption. Despite attempts by our president’s personal attorney and our president holding up military aid to force them to find anything, it has not happened yet.

    Saying he hasn’t done what is made up against him is not the same as saying he would be good or bad in other ways. He has expressed more resolve to obey the nation’s laws than other candidates
    I don’t enjoy having lawd enforced by outlaws.

    “At least our President does’t support this!”

    Actually, he does. He abandoned the Kurds and the Christians and children they protected to be slaughtered by Islamic Turks, knowing full well that they would — and still are, last I heard

    David for truth and honorable people

  2. Baa on October 16th, 2019 5:31 am

    David Green, how can a Christian support Bidden after he supports killing babies after they are born! Bad business! At least our President does’t support this!

  3. 429SCJ on October 15th, 2019 5:15 pm

    And that is why I always camp on a sandbar, offering the security of a billabong on it’s backside.

    It is always best to receive unexpected guest via the foyer, as opposed to the mud room. FWC seems to always fall into that unexpected category.

  4. Libertarian on October 15th, 2019 5:01 pm

    You “orange man bad” people see so funny. Talk about obsession, TDS, etc. Does your life have any meaning beyond what the president says and does? I guess not. I can’t wait to see the videos in November of next year. The ones from 2016 were great, but the meltdown is going to be nuclear this time around!!! Haha!!!

    Oh, and Biden’s in deep. Barr’s going to have a field day with this. Grab the popcorn, it’s going to be a good show. Just like watching Hillary go down.
    Libertarian for dirty politicians getting exposed

  5. Elizabeth on October 15th, 2019 1:06 pm

    You “conservatives” kill me. So hypocritical, but mostly so uninformed and unwilling to see anything wrong with your orange messiah. G’head. Worship him. But I will not.
    Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes and don’t believe your lyin’ ears. Only what your leader and state-run TV tell you. Yikes at the hypocrisy!

  6. David Huie Green on October 15th, 2019 12:28 pm

    “He has not raised taxes.”

    Actually, tariffs ARE taxes and he HAS raised them.. in the most part placing taxes where they didn’t even exist before.

    David for truth

  7. David Huie Green on October 15th, 2019 12:24 pm

    “Biden is in trouble thanks to his foreign deals he made, and the truth will come out, like it always does.”

    Actually, neither Hunter is Joe Biden is currently in trouble despite the fact that our beloved president clearly made attempts to find dirt on his potential political opponent a requirement for providing military aid to the country invaded by our Russian friends.

    Maybe he will eventually find dirt as he asked China to get in on the Biden witch-hunt as well. It is interesting that he never sought dirt on others, but probably just a coincidence…you have to start opposing corruption somewhere if you are ever going to oppose it, rather than embrace it.

    David for a president with honor

  8. Libertarian on October 15th, 2019 11:21 am

    May it please the crown…for me to catch something to eat on His Majesty’s land…Please don’t throw me in thine prison for catching too many of ye fish, oh magnificent one…I recall that we fought a war from 1776-1781 over this nonsense.

    @John Q. Public- LOL. You’re kidding, right? The president (he’s still yours, by the way) was being threatened with impeachment before he was even elected. Biden is in trouble thanks to his foreign deals he made, and the truth will come out, like it always does. Get used to being told a lot about impeachment but never seeing it happen.

  9. Wanda Brun on October 15th, 2019 11:04 am

    I was curious about the berries too until it occurred to me that it would be the same thing as stealing a farmer’s crops only these are owned by the state (farmer). Those berries are big business and they should not be allowed to be harvested and taken out of the country or sold on the black market. In addition, if sex trafficking was involved, bravo to our local FWC officers for possibly saving someone’s life from sex slavery and who knows what else.

  10. JOHN on October 15th, 2019 10:44 am

    @ John Q Public. TV rots your brain.

  11. EMD on October 15th, 2019 10:01 am

    John Q. Public

    The President is not even accepting a salary. He has not raised taxes. He has not had one day of peace since taking office due to the relentless harassment or the Communist infested Demoncratic Party, which is even more corrupt than the Republican party. You must only listen to the lying mainstream media. Look deeper.

  12. Robinhood on October 15th, 2019 7:58 am

    Not sure how Politics got into this conversation OR how Jason turned this into a political subject BUT while we are on it I guess there is a need to EDUCATE John Q Public which has let his head be filled with crap by the democraps. The President only asked to look into the dirty dealings of those same democraps that want to bring up fake and false charges on him now for the past THREE years and have done nothing to get anything done for the Citizens who voted them into office. The President has not taken not one check for being the President of the United States of America and the ONLY President that has done so. The President takes nothing from the Citizens of the United States of America because He pays for everything out of his own pocket. Check it out, That is FACTS not made up bull crap like the democraps are famous for doing.

  13. A Alex on October 14th, 2019 7:24 pm

    Jason, $109m…. what does this section due with political lies????

  14. Willis on October 14th, 2019 1:37 pm

    All we need is a campfire and some beer to carry on this conversation for a while.

    But not on management land.

  15. CW on October 14th, 2019 12:44 pm

    I’m pretty sure those palmetto berries would end up being sold overseas where they can be turned into prostate supplements. It’s a big business, but they need to pay for them just like every other commodity.

  16. Susie Q on October 14th, 2019 12:10 pm

    What is the reasoning behind picking those berries and why is it illegal?

  17. John Q. Public on October 14th, 2019 12:07 pm

    The fines are a means of enforcing conservation efforts in our area. Size and bag limits are there to ensure that there’s fish to be caught for years to come.

    On the impeachment tip, our President enlisted the aid of a foreign nation in order to swing an election. As far as the money goes, he has also spent $109 Million on golf outings alone since taking office. $109 Million dollars that he is also spending on security details/lodging at properties that he owns. Putting your tax money into his own pocket.

  18. miixster on October 14th, 2019 11:11 am

    It’s called generating revenue for the coffers

  19. Jason on October 14th, 2019 10:45 am

    Seriously we pay people money to ride around and worry about the size of a darn fish…this is a real job…oh no u can’t pick them berries your a criminal…lol I tell you what let’s waist some more tax dollars and social security money. That’s the problem with our federal government all they do is waist and we the tax payers get over taxed to pay for it. I can’t be the only person who feels taxed to death and then sees our government just blow billions of dollars on retarded things like trying to impeach the president.

  20. John Q. Public on October 14th, 2019 9:59 am

    @Mark Pat Joe Bill Dinosaur

    If the bush lines are set on the Florida side of the river, they fall under Florida law.
    Same as fishing license requirements for Perdido.

  21. Mark Pat Joe Bill Dinosaur on October 14th, 2019 7:36 am

    Well I mean bream as bait is legal in Alabama which he technically was still in too but I mean the palmetto berries. There’s a special place in purgatory for criminals like this.