ECUA Rate Increase Effective For Water, Sewer And Garbage

October 1, 2019

Rate increases took effect Tuesday for Emerald Coast Utilities Authority water, sewer and sanitation customers.

In late August, the ECUA board approved a 2.3% rate  increase for water and sewer, which ECUA said translates to just a few cents for the average customer.

“For the single-family residential, it means an increase of .28 on the base rate and an increase on the volume charge of .06.  In total, the proposed increase to a household with an average consumption of 6,000 gallons would be an increase of .64 per month,” ECUA Public Information Office Nathalie Bowers said about water rates.

For sewer, the base rate increase equates to 33 cents plus 17 center thousand gallons, or $1.01 for the average residential customer.

Following a motion by District 5 board member Larry Walker, the motion to increase water and sewer rates pass unanimously.

The board also approved a sanitation rate increase on a 3-1 vote, with District 1 member Vicki Campbell dissenting.

Base sanitation collection rates will increase 5%, but a disposal fee on sanitation bills will remain constant. For single family residential customers with one 90-gallon or smaller container, the sanitation rate will increase 91 cents from $23.25 to $24.16.

The water, sewer and sanitation rate increases also includes commercial accounts.


17 Responses to “ECUA Rate Increase Effective For Water, Sewer And Garbage”

  1. Tim on October 1st, 2019 8:25 pm

    My ECUA bill is $94 a month, actual water usage dollar amount is $16. We are paying $78 a month in garbage disposal and fees, can anyone tell me why?

    I live at Blue Angel apartments in Myrtle Grove.

  2. Kim Little on October 1st, 2019 8:05 pm

    It’s outrageous that the money that ECUA collects annually..they have broken down raises for employees..and customer service that is aware we have no other options..WTH..who’s managing ECUA and what is their salary…better yet what is the salary of all these board members that keep raising the rates…I think it’s time for the governor to do some investigating ..smh

  3. David on October 1st, 2019 7:36 pm

    Cry me a pity river, name one service in the world that does not increase in cost…like all you whiners pay raises you cry about…its never enough is it
    Friggin whining losers

  4. Think about it on October 1st, 2019 6:56 pm

    It actually cost to live so even though you have the right to complain. Why would you no matter where in America you live we will never be happy with any prices, truth be told we complain even it stuff is free.

  5. paul on October 1st, 2019 6:25 pm

    death and taxes folks

  6. Whyohwhy on October 1st, 2019 5:14 pm

    With the price of everything going up and ecua employees not getting a raise unless it is based on their evaluations for the year, I am not sure how they expect people to live on their pay. If sanitation had trucks that were actually working and not so old that every little thing breaks in them, then maybe we could have better service. If they had enough drivers too, maybe we could have better service. If customer service had enough people then maybe we could have better service. Santa Rosa has a set of rules, black and white. Escambia does not. The board voted on what they want, not what could help the EMPLOYEES. Sanitation customers have it made, up north you don’t get yard trash picked up for free if it is the right size, recycle bulk items are free pick up (tires, refrigerators, washers,..etc), recycle cans are free, bulk items like a couch is free pickup. You pay for garbage pickup, if you don’t put your can out on time they charge you to come back THAT DAY. Up north you wait.

  7. Luther on October 1st, 2019 4:02 pm

    How about you complainers cut down on your trash usage and do us all a favor and help the environment. Then maybe utilities can be more efficient….

    Its never the customers fault ;)

  8. mike on October 1st, 2019 3:46 pm

    i like the water rate. unfortunately i am too far out to get ECUA water. so i pay 30 bucks minimum for water. :(

  9. Ford Fleet Salesman of the Year!!! on October 1st, 2019 2:03 pm

    No….. No…….. No!!!! yal got it all wrong… They (ECUA) need a new fleet of trucks so the employees will have something to drive home each day. Go out on Chemstrand Road @ 3:30 p.m. and see how many are racing out of the sewer plant road while running the stop sign… Go look for yourself!!!

  10. Mark on October 1st, 2019 2:00 pm

    All I want to know is, if they miss picking up my recyclables, can I prorate my bill?

  11. Captain Obvious on October 1st, 2019 11:22 am

    If you’re unhappy with ECUA’s service and you’re constantly complaining then pack up your belongings and leave. I’m sure you can all find another city with amazing trash service!! #takethetrashout

  12. ensley boy on October 1st, 2019 11:06 am

    Next we need to raise the ECAT fuel tax to ten cents a gallon. It’s coming anyway.

  13. Recycled by ECUA on October 1st, 2019 10:59 am

    Over-charging for #PatheticService.

  14. NativeTongue on October 1st, 2019 10:46 am

    What rate increases will Santa Rosa county ECUA customers see?
    Do Escambia customers really pay more for the same services?

    When will my garbage can be emptied? Because it surely isn’t done on the same time every week without a phone call to customer service.

    We shouldn’t have to continue to pay MORE for less than stellar service.

  15. Phillip Ware-ehlers on October 1st, 2019 10:39 am

    Service is a joke. They do nothing but drop trash all over the road. They don’t deserve any rate hikes. Glad I left them years ago. Cheaper to haul your own trash to the dump. $5.00 a month, and the garbage doesn’t end up all in the road.

  16. Denbroc on October 1st, 2019 6:05 am

    With this additional money the grand jury investigation from last year can be postponed even longer. Let’s hope these board members get a raise too!

  17. Alice Knutson on October 1st, 2019 2:25 am

    If the garbage was actually picked up
    I would not mind. But we sometimes have
    our cans left full in Barrineau Park. It doesn’t
    do any good to report the problem, no one will
    come back out until the following week at the
    scheduled pickup day.