Century Taking Extra Steps To Ensure Sunshine Law Compliance

October 22, 2019

Century is taking additional steps to ensure compliance with Florida’s Sunshine Law after missteps led to a violation earlier this month.

As the council held a Community Redevelopment Agency and as a regular council meeting got underway Monday night, the first order of business was asking the town clerk for confirmation that the meeting were properly advertised.

Public notices advertising the meeting were distributed to the media a week in advance and were posted at locations including the front door of town hall.

Interim City Manager Buz Eddy told the council that an internal checklist was now being used by staff to insure various steps like posting notices is taking place, and staff members will sign off as tasks are completed.

Monday night’s CRA meeting was a do over of a CRA meeting held October 7  — same agenda, same discussion — because the earlier meeting violated the Sunshine Law according to Eddy.

Pictured below: The Century Town Council meets Monday night after being assured their meeting was properly advertised. Pictured top: A notice for the meeting was posted on the front door of town hall and other locations. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Century Taking Extra Steps To Ensure Sunshine Law Compliance”

  1. Concerned citizen on October 24th, 2019 1:31 am

    We are not running a circus get rid of the clowns and start all over again so we can save our town .How long are we going to let them steal our money

  2. Chris on October 22nd, 2019 9:31 am

    A big step forward for the council.

  3. Wayne J. on October 22nd, 2019 8:55 am

    Well Thank you Mr. Eddy for setting up a check list for the City Clerk and Clerks. Being a City Manager you are responsible for all actions of your staff and departments heads. Evidently the Mayor has quit and holds the position as name only which is ok if we have a manager that is going to get the job done. just saying