Atmore Cancels Williams Station Day Due To Weather Concerns

October 25, 2019

Williams Station Day planned for Saturday in Atmore has been canceled due to weather concerns.

Paid vendors for this year’s event will be automatically registered for next year’s Williams Station Day on October 24, 2020. No vendor fees will be refunded.

The BARK-Tober Fest Pet Costume Contest set for Saturday will be rescheduled. file photos.


8 Responses to “Atmore Cancels Williams Station Day Due To Weather Concerns”

  1. Duke of Wawbeek on October 27th, 2019 7:32 pm

    Might be deceased by next year.

    Someone place a brick in each of DELETED’s coat pockets, we would not want him to blow away.

    I knew it would come to this one day. Rocket scientist and car salesmen, do not mix well with public service.

  2. Rusty Shakleford on October 26th, 2019 12:03 pm

    The Atmore Chamber of Commerce did the right thing. We are in a wind advisory and all the tents and umbrellas would have been flying along with the wares folks are trying to sell. It would have been a dangerous situation. When was the last time you saw festival organizers refund fees due to inclimate weather? It’s the game you play if your a vendor who is part of the festivities. Thank you Atmore for allowing those that paid to come back next year for free. The weather can be aggravating for all of us at times.

  3. Sam on October 26th, 2019 10:36 am

    Sad to see it canceled. Vendors have tents and visitors have umbrellas….why cancel due to showers?? And I agree with previos posts, vendors should be refunded….not being refunded will increase chance they will not be back next year. They made that investment to make income off their sales, they need their money too. I could understand no refund if the vendor canceled, but not when the event is!

  4. Get the Facts on October 26th, 2019 9:46 am

    Check all the facts – vendors who purchase a spot for a booth sign an acknowledgement that states the money is non-refundable regardless of the situation. Those vendors knowingly paid that money with the understanding it is non-refundable. My organization paid for a booth and we are not complaining about the situation. We will attend next year. Atmore is not doing anything “shady” in this situation. I hate to disappoint.

  5. Trina Coburn on October 26th, 2019 3:05 am

    Chance of spotty showers… My granddaughters will be so disappointed… It was our adventure for this weekend.

  6. Bama on October 25th, 2019 7:09 pm

    Come on Atmore. These vendors paid their money in good faith, not knowing it would be canceled. Give their money back and maybe they will be back next year. This sounds like something Century would do.

  7. This Guy on October 25th, 2019 3:52 pm

    Hmmm, no vendor refunds offered at all. Seems inconvenient. What if vendors are unable to attend next year? Seems like a good way to get by with taking people’s money. I’d offer at least a partial refund with the other part put towards next year. I know you would be losing money, but that would be a better business practice. As is, all those vendors will now lose money and have nothing to show for it.

  8. Oliver on October 25th, 2019 1:55 pm

    WOW… this is the first time in 20 years it has ever been cancelled. We always just brought one of those new inventions called an “Umbrella”. It’s a sad day for Atmore!