School District Announces Superintendent Search Timeline, Online Survey

September 10, 2019

The Escambia County School District has announced a timeline leading to the selection of the first appointed school superintendent in Escambia County, and they are also asking for the public’s input.

In 2018, voters approved an appointed, rather than elected, superintendent in Escambia County. The search is being guided by the Florida School Boards Association leading up the selection of a superintendent in about one year and a November 24, 2020 start date.

The search timeline is below. The actual application period will run from April to June 2020.

The school district has also posted an online survey seeking the public’s input into the qualities needed by the next superintendent.

Malcolm Thomas, the current elected superintendent, will retire after 12 years on the job.


10 Responses to “School District Announces Superintendent Search Timeline, Online Survey”

  1. Jack on September 11th, 2019 3:29 pm

    This is suppose to be a government of the people by the people not the select few.
    Appointing the superintendent has taken that away from the people. The position will no longer go to the best qualified to lead our schools but to the one best qualified to make make friends at the school board.

  2. John on September 11th, 2019 2:52 pm

    One of the reasons I voted for an appointed superintendent was for this. I want the best possible person that we can get, not just someone who lives in Escambia county and is good at running a political campaign. We need someone who’s experienced and who can turn our failing school system around.

  3. Citizen on September 11th, 2019 2:38 pm

    I vote to not be able to vote… seems legit, right Escambia County?!

  4. Bonnie Exner on September 11th, 2019 11:24 am

    The main reason I voted against appointed superintendent is because I,as a taxpayer, don’t wont to be on the hook for paying 2 salaries..the one that the future board members select and then fire and the new prospective superintendent that the board wants to hire.

  5. Now and then on September 10th, 2019 1:12 pm

    So, if a HIGHLY qualified applicant came along, who had contributed to turning a school system from the mundane to exemplary, and who had a set of fresh ideas and potential educational policy that got discipline under strict control, improved and implemented a very competitive teacher pay system that attracted highly qualified individuals (instead of keeping the existing low end pay scale), and embraced 21st Century courses and policies for students and faculty… would you give a thumbs down simply because they were an “outsider”?

    In other words, as graduated students face an even more competitive globalized workforce staring down massive automation and IT changes, financial efficiency, and substantial global security and environmental climate change challenges, just keep schools “inside” and “as is”?

    Further, it is highly speculative to say that simply because a superintendent is appointed will lead to that person not being able to be reached or return phone calls. That makes no sense.

  6. scott on September 10th, 2019 12:45 pm


    I agree. Once we vote away our right to vote, it is not likely we will get it back. It is the same as voting against your own interest.

  7. thetruth on September 10th, 2019 12:36 pm

    Sandy, the superintendent will answer to the school board, who answers to the voters. Maybe now we will pay attention to who we vote for school board. Right now we have people on the school board who have no business being on the school board. One of our districts elected a person who has a great military background and I thank him for his service but he has never worked in the school district. At the same time we need better candidates to step up and run for these positions. Go ask the teachers and school administrators you know if they want elected or appointed. Superintendents need to do whats best for the students and their future and not look at parents as potential voters.

  8. Sandy on September 10th, 2019 11:27 am

    There will be a lot of unhappy people when someone is appointed. This person will most likely be an outsider from the area which is a shame. We have a lot of good people locally who would qualify and do a great job. When this appointed person is placed in office you won’t be able to get him/her, out when you are extremely displeased with their decisions, because you can’t hold them accountable. The superintendent will no longer answer to you.

  9. Gene on September 10th, 2019 9:31 am

    WHY, would anyone want to vote away their right to have a say is beside me.

  10. Preston Hardy on September 10th, 2019 8:11 am

    Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.