It’s No Joke: School Threat Charges On The Rise In Florida

September 18, 2019

The number of children make school-related threats has steadily increased over the last three years, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice said Tuesday during the announcement of a new awareness campaign.

In fiscal year 2016-2017, 629 Florida youth were charged with school threat related offenses, followed by 687 in 2017-2018, and 779 youth in Fiscal Year 2018-2019.

The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice announced a new awareness campaign Tuesday aimed at addressing school threats made by students in Florida. The “It’s No Joke” campaign aims to dissuade youth from making school threats, because doing so can lead to being arrested and charged with a felony.

“We want young people in Florida to understand that, in today’s environment, every threat is taken very seriously and, even if made in jest, can lead to devastating consequences,” said DJJ Secretary Simone Marstiller. “There is nothing funny about threatening a school, and there is nothing funny about being charged with a felony.  We want young people to think twice before casually threatening violence in their schools.”

School related offenses include making false reports concerning a bomb, explosives, or firearms and possessing or discharging weapons or firearms on school property on a school-sponsored event. The “It’s No Joke” awareness campaign seeks to educate youth and parents that even threats made online, including on social media and gaming sites, can lead to a youth being charged with a felony offense.

Youth, parents, and teachers are also encouraged to report any and all threats they see or hear. They can notify law enforcement of a threat or can report a threat anonymously through Florida’s FortifyFL app, a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.

“Our top priority is the safety and security of students and teachers,” said Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran. “It is critical that students take threats very seriously and report suspicious activity. I encourage all students and educators to download the FortifyFL app to report potentially unsafe situations, which could prevent a tragedy.”


6 Responses to “It’s No Joke: School Threat Charges On The Rise In Florida”

  1. A parent on September 19th, 2019 11:25 pm

    Ruth parents either can’t or feel they can’t do anything because if they do then someone will report them. When that happens well it’s over for any parenting because it teaches the kid they can do anything. Society has caused that.

  2. Ruth on September 19th, 2019 9:12 am

    I personally think the “training” needs to start at home, with parents teaching kids that making threat of any kind to anybody about anything is not allowed in society. There is no reason for all the violent threats going around, and if parents will stop issuing empty threats to their kids, perhaps the numbers will drop.

    Meanwhile, since others are encouraged to tattle, it is always a good excuse to get out of school and provide a little excitement in their day. The whole situation is pitiful and has gotten out of hand…

  3. David Huie Green on September 18th, 2019 1:20 pm

    “at least until the person is rehabilitated.”

    How do you rehabilitate someone from making a bad joke or a joke in bad taste? Where would they send all of us???

    All you can do is scare them into silence, and that scare doesn’t generally last well.

    David for better jokes on other subjects

  4. The Meesters on September 18th, 2019 1:16 pm

    Whoever makes a threat kids of any age or adults should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Felony charges all around for everyone.
    This situation Is Not a joke nor anything to kid about.
    Of course this is only my opinion. It’s not to upset anyone else with different thoughts on this matter.

  5. retired on September 18th, 2019 10:20 am

    they don’t care they think it’s a joke until they want a good job, buy a gun, military service, ETC. Then it’s i’m sorry let it slide.

  6. Brian on September 18th, 2019 9:25 am

    I think any juveniles or adults guilty of making these threats should be the focus of gun control. A juvenile’s record of making these threats needs to follow the child into adulthood or at least until the person is rehabilitated.