Escambia County Settles Frontier Communications Phone Bill Due Since 2015

September 4, 2019

Escambia County has settled a billing dispute with local telephone company Frontier Communications involving service at the fire station in Bratt.

Frontier agreed to accept a $9,958.98 full payment on a $15,446.63 bill for the Escambia Fire Rescue Bratt fire substation on Highway 99.

In November 2018, Frontier contacted Escambia Fire Rescue to seeking full payment on a bill that had not been paid since March 2015. It was discovered that the address on the bill had been wrongly changed, and the billing statement were going to an unknown address. In the meantime, monthly charges for two business telephone phones and broadband internet service continued to accrue without payment.

The county attorney’s office said $2,119.19 of the bill was undisputed for authorized services since $2,119, and Frontier countered with an offer of a 90 day credit on the account. The parties settled on the $9,958.98 amount, and the account has billed correctly. Frontier eliminated all charges for broadband internet service.

Pictured: Frontier Communications Bratt central office (foreground) and the Escambia Fire Rescue’s Bratt substation (background). photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Escambia County Settles Frontier Communications Phone Bill Due Since 2015”

  1. dishearted on September 8th, 2019 6:42 am

    with the figures given why are we paying $300 to $400 a month. for what

  2. Florida Kid on September 6th, 2019 7:27 pm

    Frontier has scam going where they promise 1 year of Amazon Prime for taking their
    Wireless service….the wireless seems to work flawlessly but the Prime offer is a scam…crooked inducement IMHO

  3. troubled on September 5th, 2019 7:18 pm

    You know when I call I get New York City and they don’t have ANYONE in FL! I have to aurge with them about everything. I finally told them spouse has medical problems and to fix it! So far it is working.

  4. jason ward on September 5th, 2019 10:55 am

    If someone says their happy with frontier u can bet they or a family member work thair

  5. citizen on September 5th, 2019 2:29 am

    I had Frontier for over 7 years. I switched over to Hughes Net. It is even worse. What is the best service for Molino area? Help!

  6. Former frontier user on September 4th, 2019 7:29 pm

    Local Frontier Communication employees are second to none. The issue with Frontier is their Corporate game heads who in fact are sucking the company dry. Frontier is a large rural exchange carrier that has great coverage in small areas. Upper management is to blame as they know what deceitful tactics they’re using to bill innocent people of their telephone/broadband services. They better get it together here locally or Uniti Fiber is going to run them dry!

  7. Dace on September 4th, 2019 4:07 pm

    Frontier has a long history of billing people for services not provided. California
    Attorney general brought this up.

    One state attorney in minn filed criminal charges

    Wv gave them millions for rural internet service and squandered that away

    A simple google the company will open your eyes.

    They charged me $400 for inside work never done

    Claimed their truck broke down and could not fix mu service

    Their stock is below $1 now and per exchange regulations will be delisted if it does not reach $1

    Some of the wire in my area is from the $50’s

    I could go on and on.

    I suggest everyone contact the attorney general

  8. JJ on September 4th, 2019 12:08 pm

    Wait. You mean to tell me that they’re next door and didn’t know the right address ?

  9. M in Bratt on September 4th, 2019 10:24 am

    @Oversight; It’s obvious from your post that you have never had the pleasure of dealing with the fine people in customer service at Frontier. Iv’e been two months trying to get them to discontinue my service after years of trying to deal with them over unexplained charges on my bill, and random rate increases. They still try to act like they are the only game in town. WRONG!!!!!!!!

  10. Oversight on September 4th, 2019 6:44 am

    Stupid is as stupid does. This should have been taken care of years ago by both parties and not allowed to become a news story. The county shouldn’t expect to get services for free and someone in the billing department being proactive would have realized and inquired about the “missing” bill, especially after paying it monthly for years. The telephone company needs better protocols on its billing procedures; if a customer isn’t paying the bill, cut the service off.