Cantonment Man Charged With Capital Sexual Battery On Underage Girl

September 30, 2019

A Cantonment man has been charged with the sexual abuse of an underage girl.

Adam Lee Bryant, 37, was charged with capital sexual battery on a victim under 12, capital sexual assault on a victim under 12 by a person in familial custody, and lewd and lascivious molestation on a victim under 12.

Bryant allegedly inappropriately touched and had sexual contact with a female family member under the age of 12. He called an adult female and confessed that he had inappropriate contact with the girl over a three year period and said he was ready to turn himself in and face his punishment, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. The exact relationship between the adult female responsible for the child and Bryant was redacted from the report.

Bryant is a truck driver who would be away from home for long periods of time. When not on the road, he would sometimes be home alone with the girl because she is homeschooled, the arrest report states.

If convicted as charged, Bryant faces up to life in prison.


14 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Capital Sexual Battery On Underage Girl”

  1. wtf! on March 20th, 2021 9:51 pm

    i know this guy very well he actually watched my daughters he is there uncle, one of my daughters saw a counselor and the counselor had a feeling that something had happened to her, we thought maybe it was this guys brother but now im pretty sure we know who it was. i would not have thought he could of done something like this but i guess you never know whats going on in someones head.

  2. David on October 3rd, 2019 10:25 am

    As I always said…one right between the yes..problem solved…how would you like to be his defense attorney, and one with children.

  3. Jim on October 1st, 2019 12:11 pm


  4. Leggrizer on October 1st, 2019 5:29 am

    Screw him he’s history , what about this ‘young’ child !

  5. EMD on October 1st, 2019 12:34 am

    Head Scratcher,

    I think you are addressing me. I mean that there needs to be the same punishment for those with money and power that do these things and worse. Politicians are just one class with money and power that seem to get away with a lot more than average citizens. There are actors, singers and many others that this applies to also. Right now politicians seem to be in the lime light the most often. . This country has never seen this degree of immorality, even among those that used to be held to a higher standard. As children, my generation was told that if we were in trouble and needed help to go to a policeman, mail main, fireman, teacher etc. Immorality is rampant today and those in the public eye need to be held to the same standard as the ordinary citizen. This is a terrible crime with life long repercussions for the victims, and not only for them, but whole families. Porn is almost always involved.

  6. Cindy on October 1st, 2019 12:05 am

    IF the man confessed then OF COURSE he’s Guilty. Shouldn’t be if found guilty. Somebody take this child away from the whole family and get her counseling where she won’t be made to feel guilty and ashamed. The idea that family’s take care of things like this is so demeaning To the victim.Where were you and why weren’t you watching then? And the family’s should man up and take care of it instead of sitting around saying what they all would of done. Get her good counseling and place all the focus on getting her well.This man is never going to be anything but what he is an evil twisted minded pervert.

  7. deLana Josey on September 30th, 2019 11:45 pm

    EMD your god obviously was not looking out for this child…. His confession was typical for a narsissic prediitor…. Hope the sick one gets life, because her life is changed forever.. Bless her heart

  8. Beth on September 30th, 2019 3:57 pm

    I’m all for that “back in the day” punishment by family! You can’t depend on our justice system to do it!! Child molesters are demons!

  9. Head Scratcher on September 30th, 2019 3:50 pm

    @ EDH:

    “Terrible, but if he gets life, A LOT of politicians should get the same, or worse”……

    What are you talking about?

  10. Eno on on September 30th, 2019 3:17 pm

    I used to work with this guy. Never would’ve guessed.

  11. EMD on September 30th, 2019 1:58 pm

    He confessed on his own and is admitting what he did. What he did is HUGE. That he confessed is BIG, and UNUSUAL. Terrible, but if he gets life, A LOT of politicians should get the same, or worse. They usually just get more money and more power. I hope someone gets good counseling for the girl ( hopefully good and professional Godly counseling). If she does not, she may play “musical marriages” and condone perversion in loved ones in her future. He needs that kind of quality counseling also, less he keeps on doing stupid things and does not know why. Also, if I were a gambler, I would bet all that he indulges in pornography. Just because this went on for three years or most of a life time, does not mean that those responsible for the girl knew it. But, the girl may never believe that, no matter what they say. Some people are too naive to know or to know what to do when they find out. Hindsight is often 20/20, but heartache can last until death. This stuff ruins lives and relationships, especially if they were not good to begin with. This is a sad world we have made out of the beautiful one God created. Yes, I believe that however it was done, God created it. Imagine having the audacity to believe that in 2019 in this “brave” new world.

  12. Richard on September 30th, 2019 12:29 pm

    There is a special place in hell for people that do this to children.

  13. SMH on September 30th, 2019 9:13 am

    Dang bruh… How do you get so strung out that you do this sorta thing.

  14. Bob C. on September 30th, 2019 6:11 am

    Ya know, “Back in the day” this would have been handled by the family quickly and justly.