Two Top Escambia EMS Administrators Have Resigned

August 8, 2019

Two administrators have resigned from Escambia County EMS.

Interim Emergency Medical Services Manager Leon Salter and EMS Captain Jim Bonoyer have submitted their resignations, according to Escambia County.

EMS Supervisor Jimmy Maddrey has been named interim EMS operations manager as of Thursday morning.


9 Responses to “Two Top Escambia EMS Administrators Have Resigned”

  1. Me on August 8th, 2019 8:30 pm

    “Resigned” is a Euphemism. Both of the men who were asked to resign were good people, this is true. The problem is they didn’t have the will or ability to move the agency forward in order to better care for a growing and aging Escambia County. All the while employees are being overworked and underpaid causing burnout, fatigue, and mistake. The department can’t provide for the heath and safety of the citizens just doing things “the way they always have been done.” The community is changing and Public Safety has to change along side it.

  2. Jean Moore-Dubbs on August 8th, 2019 5:57 pm

    Joe Utnage – you had that right!

  3. Not another one on August 8th, 2019 4:33 pm

    actually you must not understand Anti SLAPP laws in Florida. Once the defendant”s attorney files that motion because the plaintiff is in government employ, it will force the plaintiff to have to prove “actual malice” and actual defamation and injury. Plaintiff is still employed. Then she will have to pay the defendant’s attorney fees and will lose.
    She did not threaten a LEO. apples and oranges.

    Government employees are not afforded the same protections against criticisms as average citizens.

    Watch and see.

    However just like a citizen can’t resist arrest or not answer a summons, they are in it.

    Don’t start what you can’t finish.

  4. John Doe on August 8th, 2019 2:06 pm

    @Quicksilver You nailed it. Lots of keyboard warriors with an opinion and very little actual knowledge… much like someone I can think of in DC.

  5. Quicksilver on August 8th, 2019 11:57 am

    Everyone has comments and opinions based on hearsay or assumptions. Has anyone actually talked to any of the employees that work at EMS? They are the only ones who really know what it has been like to work there. People should be held accountable for their actions. Finally, someone is stepping in and doing just that. Maybe everyone with a comment should get all of their facts straight, first.

  6. joe Utnage on August 8th, 2019 10:08 am

    I can not believe the Drama associated with the fire service and EMS , reading about this for years since the onset of the MSBU funding for the fire service and now EMS , there is obviously some shady stuff happening ,we never had this when we were a volunteer service. In loving memory of chief Womack (401),RIP Chief.

  7. David on August 8th, 2019 8:27 am

    @not another…the first amendment right of free speech..we all have that freedom…just as anyone who impunes or liables another can’t hide behind the 1st your reasoning you can threaten a LEO…you just don’t understand the 1st amendment

  8. Clarenda on August 8th, 2019 7:28 am

    Mr. Salter is a long-time EMS employee with an outstanding record with Escambia County. He has always been one of many that could be depended upon to help cover shifts during emergency declaration times for Escambia County. I firmly believe Leon stepped up to the Interim Position because he believed he would be able to assist with correcting any alleged issues within EMS. I wonder when the Board
    of County Commissioners are going to recognize just how many years of
    experience they are losing by employees resigning or retiring in order to avoid negativity on their hard earned professional reputation reputation. It is truly a shame that Leon has resigned after giving so many dedicated years of service to Escambia County and because of things that allegedly happened prior to his taking the interim position. Leon’s absence, like that of many other long-time County employees, will soon be realized by the department and the County. While it Is true that other employees are available and willing step up to Interim positions – how long before they will exit the County’s employment by retirement or resignation?

  9. Not another on August 8th, 2019 3:30 am

    Wish they could have just straightening things out with out all the drama and lawyers and people losing their good names and livelihoods. Did you see the Dr. sued a private citizen for comments made on social media? She should drop that It’s going to be reversed on her most likely. First amendment right is protected to speak out against public servants, It seems like Matilda walked in and blew the place up.