Warrington Fatal Double Shooting Victims Identified As Father And Son

August 5, 2019

A father and son are dead after a double shooting Saturday in Warrington.

About 6:30 p.m., the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the shooting in the 800 block of North Corry Field Road and found two people shot in their heads. Scott Towers, 30, was pronounced deceased at the scene from apparent gunshots. His father,  58-year old, Alan Scott Towers was transported to a local hospital with apparent gunshot wounds but later succumbed to his injuries.

The Sheriff’s Office is looking for information on a vehicle of interest (pictured), described only as white, four-door 2000-2007 Ford Taurus.

Anyone with information on the shooting is asked to call the ECSO at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


16 Responses to “Warrington Fatal Double Shooting Victims Identified As Father And Son”

  1. Jennifer on August 9th, 2019 12:36 am

    @Stephanie Rennix, I am so sorry for yours and your mother’s loss. It is difficult to comprehend the disregard for human life. Their business would have been a positive contribution to that community. I’m praying for you both.

  2. Warrington resident on August 8th, 2019 10:58 am

    I live in Warrington, have for 2 years ,and I’ve never had any problems. Just like the other person said, IF YOU DON’T Associate with those types of people who do bad things and do drugs , YOU want have any problems yourself. I’m 55 years old and never had any dealings or problems with any of that mess, and I’ve always told my 3 boys the same thing. Choose your friends carefully. And I’ve never had any problems with the police , I live a very good and clean life , I have no reason to call them. And they’ve never stopped me for anything, because I have a current tag and current car insurance. The police will not pull you over and bother you for no reason. And I’ve lived in Pensacola area on and off since 2006. Originally from Montgomery, AL. . Now that’s a bad crime place.

  3. MtnDewey on August 6th, 2019 10:44 pm

    liberty or security???? cant have both, stop tying the hands of the LEO

  4. MtnDewey on August 6th, 2019 10:42 pm

    getting worse every year, people need to speak out, turn these people in. protect each other, neighborhood watch, take back our streets and neighborhoods.

  5. Hey on August 6th, 2019 10:32 pm

    Go back to Nashville then.

  6. Ritajennneryan on August 6th, 2019 2:10 pm

    I moved to Pensacola from Nashville a year ago because crime has increased there by 68% since 2016. The Mayor didn’t back the police. Police were pulled out of the worse neighborhoods instead of keepjng it contained. People wouldnt call police as night after night murders, drive bys, car jackings, robberies, assaults. Black Activists taunting police, accusing them of racial profiling. Black on black crime is like Chicago. Now Im seeing the same trend here. My suggestion is Better get a Handle on This before it becomes unmanageable like Nashville.

  7. Stephanie Rennix on August 6th, 2019 1:23 am

    These two men were my father and brother. They weren’t in a gang or the drug game. This was a senseless act of murder. I lost my baby brother 3 years ago this December to a hit and run. Now I’ve lost my only remaining brother and father.

  8. WORRIED RESIDENT on August 6th, 2019 12:27 am

    I’m sorry this family’s loss. While talking about WHY this has happened, let’s not forget that a family has lost two members of their family, as you would if they lived on Scenic Hwy.

  9. Tee bug on August 5th, 2019 5:55 pm

    We are getting taken over by the thugs here in the Pensacola area

  10. w.w. on August 5th, 2019 11:17 am

    Coming to a neighborhood near you!!! You can move/run out to the “country” but it’s a matter of time. Just ask the residents in S.R. County.

  11. Bewildered on August 5th, 2019 10:24 am

    “Not surprised” is totally correct. Police cannot solve a problem if the residents do not admit It exists. People in these areas constantly complain about being profiled and disrespected, etc. Until they understand and accept WHY a certain segment of population is targeted for traffic stops , etc. they cannot he helped!! Let them be and enjoy the life they choose

  12. Walter Thames on August 5th, 2019 4:08 am

    Lived here 25 years. The shootings/murders have increased so much and the commissioners don’t care. They do the hug a thug thing and could barely give the deputies a raise and no more $ for more deputies. Sooner or later this place will be infested with RATS LIKE BALTIMORE.

    This is unbelievable. Get ready for the crime to Spike

  13. Not surprised on August 4th, 2019 10:21 pm

    I own a house not to far from there. Lived in Warrington for 13 years. Pretty much heard gun shots 3-4 nights out of the week. Eventually, I stopped reporting it because I know the response time from the sheriffs office would be to slow. It’s not their fault the whole area over there is terrible. I still own the house but I moved back out to the country for the peace and quiet. I think it’s funny that the mayor of Pensacola is being counseled by “advocates” on the west side that say to many people are being harassed by the police, however, most of our shootings are happening on the west side and the residents are agreeing something needs to be done… make your minds up. If you want something fixed, stop complaining when the police try to fix it. Their not psychics, you may get stopped and questioned. Don’t take it so personal. I got stopped when I used to run over there, no big deal. Make up your minds, you want the problem addressed or you want the police to stay out and let criminals terrorize your neighborhood.

  14. Southbound on August 4th, 2019 9:27 pm

    Really only dangerous if you buy or sell drugs.
    I have lived from McDavid to downtown Pensacola and all places between them and never had a problem.
    Escambia county is safe for the most part.

  15. Rebecca on August 4th, 2019 6:38 pm

    This is why I moved to the country we lived in the same house for 13 yrs in Warrington
    The violence and drugs just got to over whelming I didn’t fell mynkids were safe anymore they walked to school and to the bus every day I was worried if they would be gunned down because of a stray bullet

  16. Lil’ Chicago on August 4th, 2019 3:55 pm

    At the rate it’s going around here the per-capital murder rate will make this the most dangerous city in Florida to live in. Can’t blame it all on LEO’s. Thug life is running rampant……