Hill Files Bill To Roll Back Parkland Gun Restrictions

August 13, 2019

Rep. Mike Hill has filed a bill to repeal several gun law changes and red flag provisions that were passed after the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

The provisions Hill seeks to repeal include the prohibition of mentally ill persons buying guns, the ban on bump stock devices, the increase from 18 to 21 as the minimum age to purchase rifles and a three-day waiting period.  Last year, Hill filed a similar bill, but it went nowhere and was not heard in committee.

The red flag laws allow law enforcement agencies to seize firearms from individuals that may pose a danger to themselves or the people around them.

The 2020 legislative session in Florida begins in January.


24 Responses to “Hill Files Bill To Roll Back Parkland Gun Restrictions”

  1. Libertarian on August 14th, 2019 11:14 am

    The “militia” is You, we, us. I’m sorry your understanding of history is not strong. May I recommend reading the following:
    1) The US Constitution
    2) The diaries of G. Washington, J. Adams, and T. Jefferson. You can purchase them on Amazon
    3) STOP believing what the TV is telling you.

  2. John Doe on August 14th, 2019 9:39 am

    this guy has to go

  3. Kate on August 14th, 2019 7:08 am

    I am sorry you folks think weapons designed to kill many people at one time as maybe needed in war is for the masses. Any weapon that can kill or injure 26 people in 32 seconds is not a gun as imagined in all of history. That’s like saying you can own a bazooka, a military tank or hand gernades and run it on the streets and it is protected by the second amendment. The NRA has poisoned your minds and your souls.

  4. john on August 13th, 2019 8:42 pm

    Another 20-30 small concessions after each event, and soon you will be using a nerf gun to protect your family.

  5. Sedition on August 13th, 2019 4:14 pm

    @John Browning

    And who is the well regulated militia?

    We are.

  6. JOHN on August 13th, 2019 2:09 pm

    We do not need to pass laws that turn law abiding gun owners into felons. As far as Parkland, that guy was all over the radar and remember the cops went to his house quite a bit.

  7. Pdg on August 13th, 2019 1:45 pm

    Hope he gets it done. The law should have never passed.

  8. NativeTongue on August 13th, 2019 1:26 pm

    Hopefully Mr. Hill’s 2020 legislative session will be just as successful as his 2019 term.

  9. John Browning on August 13th, 2019 12:59 pm


    The Second Amendment also contains the words, “a well-regulated Militia.”

  10. Rasheed Jackson on August 13th, 2019 12:49 pm

    Walnut thinker, Your reasoning is flawed. There is no proof that a waiting period ever stopped someone from committing a crime with a gun. Most people who commit crimes involving a gun use guns that are obtained illegally. “If it stops one shooting alone isn’t it worth it” Why not apply that logic to everything. Outlaw cell phones and look how many lives would be saved, or better yet just put an age limit on cell phone use that alone would save thousands of lives. Even better stop kids from driving until they are 21. before you call me crazy, in an article by the Tallahassee Democrat on April 4th 2017, it was reported” According to AAA, cell phone distraction caused nearly 60 percent of teen accidents and 21 percent fatalities in 2017. “why have we not seen protests over texting and driving that kills over 11 teenagers every day?….” Is it right to take away an individual’s gun, but let the protesters keep their cell phones while driving?”….The latest Florida Department of Transportation statistics available as of 2018, report 3,477 people died, and another 341,000 injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2015 caused by drivers who were distracted while they were texting or using their cell phone.”
    So if you are really concerned about saving lives and not being politically correct start pushing for Phone control, and leave my constitutional right alone, please. there I was nice about.

  11. jp on August 13th, 2019 10:54 am

    If you think broad Red Flag laws are a good thing you have not been paying attention to the politics that control the larger population of FL, South Florida.

    If you had ever used a bump fire stock you would realize that single shots are so much more accurate and more deadly. Only people that are not familiar with shooting see any advantage in bump stocks for other than wasting ammunition.
    Just owning a firearm does not make you knowledgable and certinally not an expert.

    Not mentally mature enough to buy and own a fire arm? Have you watched the “news” lately? Perhaps many in high office or seeking same should not be allowed out of the house alone.
    Laws that restrict everyone in order to “possibly” protect a very few are worthless and wrong. Unjust laws lead to disrespect to other just laws.

    If we are really concerned about protecting the public, then let’s look at the things that cause the most injury and death.
    Teens with cell phones, lax law enforcement and punishment especialy to traffic laws, etc., etc. Keeping young people away from learning about guns until 21 is hoped to keep them from understanding or wanting them.

    The NRA is a single issue organization, and that issue is preserving the 2nd Amendment. So are you opposed to the 2nd Amendment?
    How long do you think any of the US Constitution will last after the 2nd is gone?
    Study American and world history and learn.

  12. KateIsWrong on August 13th, 2019 10:46 am

    Kate you are wrong. He only has two jobs; 1., to uphold the constitution. 2., to represent the wants and need of his constituents on matters that do not oppose the constitution.

  13. chillywilly on August 13th, 2019 10:30 am

    This guy files bills and never gets anything passed


  14. Libertarian on August 13th, 2019 10:09 am

    I applaud these moves by Mr. Hill. The second amendment contains the words “shall not be infringed”. It was not written to protect hunting rifles only. The response to Parkland was a knee-jerk reaction. You can’t legislate gun violence away. You have to turn hearts and minds. Good luck on the passage, Mr. Hill!

  15. just sayin on August 13th, 2019 9:24 am

    Gas is about the only thing he has been able to pass so far.

  16. Preston Hardy on August 13th, 2019 9:14 am

    Mike Hill is totally dedicated to serving….Mike Hill. You elected him, and now you’ve got him. Congratulations!

  17. J.M.T. on August 13th, 2019 9:01 am

    An 18 yo girl at college should be able to purchase a firearm to protect herself from rapists on campus.

    A woman who is getting abused by her boyfriend shouldn’t have to wait 3 days for a firearm, the boyfriend could kill her by then.

    A person who hurt themselves or makes statements about wanting to hurt others should not be able to purchase a firearm.

    Red flag laws can be abused by someone with a petty vendetta.

    A bump stock is unnecessary.

  18. Alan on August 13th, 2019 8:51 am

    Laws are usually specific in their language while articles such as this are general in nature. I doubt few, if any, of the people, including myself, know what the exact language of the law is nor are we told why Mr Hill wants them removed from the books. That would of made for a great article and useful commentary.

  19. John Browning on August 13th, 2019 8:42 am

    Oh man. This guy again.

    Kind of ironic that the guy that said “God tells him” how to write his policy proposals is also the one working to put guns back in the hands of the mentally ill.

  20. Sedition on August 13th, 2019 8:21 am

    Give ‘em hell, Mike. The Constitution over-rules people’s “feels”.

  21. Mr. Metoo on August 13th, 2019 7:47 am

    After the recent shootings, Mr. Hill needs to file a bill to rename short term memory loss to the Hill syndrome. 5

  22. Kate on August 13th, 2019 7:00 am

    This man is to protect the public, he acts like is job is to support the NRA and not people. Being different is child’s play not what adults who are elected to public office do.

  23. Just saying on August 13th, 2019 6:57 am

    Well isn’t that special. Good timing as usual.

    ATF order banned bump stocks and he thinks he’s gonna over turn federal law.

  24. Walnut Hill thinker on August 13th, 2019 4:41 am

    First off let me say that I myself own several guns and firmly believe it is our right as citizens of this country to own guns. Most of my guns are for hunting purposes, but I also have a couple for home protection. Now in what world would we want, and I realize the article didn’t specify this, a “documented” mentally unstable person to buy a gun? I know that it’s a slippery slope as to when a person considered mentally ill, but If someone has had a history of struggling with mental illness they should not be able to just walk into a store and buy a gun. Bump stocks are fun to shoot, but is it a necessity? Considering that our brains are not fully developed until the age of 25, maybe waiting until your 21 to buy a firearm isn’t such a bad thing! Finally yes it’s inconvenient to wait for 3 days to pick up a gun you have purchased, but it’s not the end of the world. None of these laws will stop gun violence… but if it stops one shooting alone, isn’t it worth the small inconvenience?