Gulf Coast Kid’s House Educates School District Employees On Child Abuse Prevention

August 23, 2019

In just four days, Gulf Coast Kid’s House provided child abuse prevention education to 800 Escambia County School District employees.

School bus operators are in constant contact with children, so it was critical to educate them on recognizing, reporting and reducing child abuse locally.  Currently in Escambia County, 1 in 8 children experience one of the four types of abuse: mental, medical neglect, physical or sexual — according to the Kid’s House.

“Participants are surprised to learn 97% of the time at GCKH a child is harmed by a person that child knows, loves and trusts and that 40% of the time an older child or teen is the abuser. This knowledge changes the way our audience looks at abuse and makes them more aware of the reality of abuse,”
Leslie Donovan, prevention coordinator, said.

Any business that would like to receive child abuse prevention education or to become a certified Safe Kid Zone can contact Gulf Coast Kid’s House, at (850) 595-5800 for more information.

Gulf Coast Kid’s House is a children’s advocacy center serving Escambia County. As a children’s advocacy center, they combine all of the professionals and resources needed for the intervention, investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases under one child-friendly facility. Child victims and their families also receive mental health counseling at their center. The goal of Gulf Coast Kid’s House is to form a more collaborative response to child abuse cases so that they can improve case outcomes, and minimize trauma to the children and families they serve.


2 Responses to “Gulf Coast Kid’s House Educates School District Employees On Child Abuse Prevention”

  1. Tabby on August 25th, 2019 8:12 pm

    Sounds good. I’ve seen kids who’s parent didn’t make their child brush their teeth causing a 12 year olds permanent teeth to be rotten to the point of extraction. Child couldn’t tie their own shoe at ten. Parent ran the power bill up in the kids name. Lots more, but none of it abuse or neglect according to the state.
    I know good people who worked for DCF and they all quit. From my own knowledge, I’m not surprised. Their cult like.

  2. Bonnie EXNER on August 25th, 2019 7:48 pm

    A tour of this one stop facility was an eye opener for me 7 years ago..having been teaching in ESCAMBIA COUNTY, I knew the need was critical and would put this agency on our yearly charitable donation list..I encourage all to see for themselves what facilities and services they provide and find it in your heart to contribute time and monies to this worthwhile agency!