Grocery Store Active Shooter Suspect Identified

August 16, 2019

The suspect in Thursday’s active shooter incident at an Escambia County grocery store has been identified.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said he is 29-year old Reginald Lee Booker of Pensacola.

According to the ECSO, Booker walked into the Grocery Advantage on Lillian Highway at New Warrington Road with a handgun and then opened fire, according to Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan. He said the suspect was the only person injured; no civilians or deputies were hurt.

Chief Deputy Chip Simmons said three deputies were on scene quickly, and “they started to pursue the gunman through the store”.  He said the suspect, now identified as Booker, ran into the back warehouse area of the store and was hiding behind boxes of produce.

“The deputies challenged him there. He produced a firearm, and he was shot,” Simmons said. He described the gun as a small caliber handgun.

Booker remains in the hospital. An update on his condition is not known. Mugshot above is from May 2018.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is investigating the officer involved shooting. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.



12 Responses to “Grocery Store Active Shooter Suspect Identified”

  1. Kane on August 18th, 2019 12:18 pm

    Wait did I miss something?? I didn’t read one single complaint about response time in this column. I read one person asking what the time frame for “quickly” was which is a valid question not a complaint.

    I read another post stating that the poster read a report saying it was 4-5 minuets. Again not a complaint. You have a right to know this kind of information as it is vital to your (and your families) safety. This is covered under the freedom of information act look it up.

    But wait since you all are so gung ho to jump on someone let me give you a reason to. IF the response time was actually 4–5 minuets HOLYCRAP that is a long time for an active shooter situation. I hope none of you are in that situation and have to wait 5 minuets for help to arrive.

    Honestly though I do not believe it was anywhere near 5 minuets. LEO’s are in that area of town constantly. Over the years drugs and those that use/push them have infected Myrtle Grove it’s a shame I know but the truth.

    Also what was the response time? William is there anyway you could find this out and update your readers so we can have a little piece of mind?

    This is in no way a complaint against our LEO”s most of them do a great job.

  2. Old Guy on August 17th, 2019 5:27 pm

    Raymond Ellis, you may be right, and whatever charges are warranted should be filed and pursued, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the suspect does need help.

    And for the record, I have no issue with that response time at all. No innocent bystanders were physically harmed, and all the deputies went home.

  3. Just Wondering on August 17th, 2019 1:17 pm

    When are folks going to realize that the LEO’s are doing the very best they know how to protect those who are criticizing their every action!!!Please leave the fine officers of law enforcement ALONE!!!!!!!!! Grow up!!! Try supporting them for a change!!!!

  4. Stumpknocker on August 17th, 2019 12:41 pm

    @ me, don’t be scared, be armed and ready to defend yourself and family. I will not be at the mercy of anyone, except God. And I will nor my family will become a victim of someone’s criminal behavior and I don’t give a rats but what kind of childhood they had or didn’t have. I’m a peaceful man what will not just surrender.

  5. April Allen on August 17th, 2019 11:32 am

    Great job to the men and women protecting our communities!!

  6. Mr. Metoo on August 17th, 2019 9:45 am

    This fool is shooting up the store and yet someone complains about how quick the deputies got there. To drive with lights and sirens activated through traffic when idiots won’t move over, get to the scene and only the suspect is shot is awesome. It’s real life and not a movie or TV show where someone calls 911 and five seconds later the police, fire, and paramedics show up. Respect the lights and sirens and move out of the way. They might be headed to save your loved ones.Thanks to the deputies who risked theirs to save others.

  7. Lisa Fuller on August 17th, 2019 9:37 am

    Thank you, Robert. To AlyceFaye, our county covers 875 square miles. There is no way to predict where the next crime will be committed. I guess you think LEO’s should have instant scifi-like transporting capabilities. If you want to criticize someone, how about starting with the criminal who opened fire in a grocery store?

  8. Raymond Ellis on August 17th, 2019 9:21 am

    Mental illness

  9. Robert on August 16th, 2019 10:47 pm

    They passed by me on the way to the scene. They were going a lot faster than “quickly” :)

  10. Old Guy on August 16th, 2019 8:48 pm

    Alyce, the report I saw indicated between 4-5 minutes.

  11. AlyceFaye on August 16th, 2019 5:29 pm

    What is the time frame for “quickly”?

  12. Me on August 16th, 2019 4:03 pm

    This dude has a long arrest record I hope him stays in jail, no telling what he will do, that’s really scary to go to the store and something like that happens God help us all , they are some crazy people out there!!!