Dept. Of Corrections: Visitor Caught With Contraband At Century Work Camp

August 16, 2019

The Florida Department of Corrections is continuing their zero tolerance crackdown on contraband of any kind.

On August 11, staff the Century Work Camp on Tedder Road discovered a visitor attempting to pass contraband to an inmate. Their visitation was terminated.

The type of contraband was not specified in a report from the FDC.

The Department of Corrections said visitors attempting to introduce contraband are subject to suspension or termination of their visitation privileges and arrest.


2 Responses to “Dept. Of Corrections: Visitor Caught With Contraband At Century Work Camp”

  1. Prison Games on August 17th, 2019 1:18 pm

    @ X sergeant…I may not be typical but I had my visitations suspended indefinitely for the “suspicion” of drug residue on my clothes. They say the dogs picked up the scent on my clothes. Strip searched…nothing, vehicle search…nothing
    I asked if they could bring the dogs out and let them go through my vehicle…no. Received a letter saying I was suspended indefinitely after 10 years of visiting. Warden said call him in a year and he would reinstate. Called him and he said he never said that. Forget calling Tallahassee…they let the prison know and the inmate pays for it in blood.

  2. X sergeant on August 16th, 2019 8:48 am

    What they need to do is arrest them and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. When I worked at century c.i. we caught then trying to pass phones spice and other contraband, and all that would happen was inmate goes to confinement visit terminated for six months to a year. They need to have dogs searching the vehicle when they arrive.