Century Names 10 To Charter Review Committee; Adds One Non-Applicant At The Last Minute

August 6, 2019

The Town of Century has named a charter review committee that includes 10 individuals that submitted applications before an advertised deadline, plus one additional person added at the last minute.

Ten people submitted their written applications during the legally-noticed period of July 18 to July 25. Monday night, the council named those 10 people to the committee.

They also decided that the committee needed an odd number of members to break any possible tie votes, and added Helen Mincy to the committee as the 11th member. Mincy did not submit an application but was present at Monday night’s council meeting.

Mincy was one of four member of a Century  Citizens Advisory Task Force accused by the State Attorney’s Office of violating Florida’s Sunshine Law in 2016 for holding a meeting two hours before the advertised time. The charges were later dropped against all four under a deferred prosecution agreement, but the State Attorney’s Office maintained there was a clear violation of the Sunshine Law.

Other members appointed to the charter review committee Monday night were: Shelisa McCall Abraham, Mary H. Bourgeois, Cheryl Boutwell, Michelle Cunningham, Evelyn Hammond, Janice M. Jennings, Dynette Lewis, Eunice McKinney, Delores Wright Miley and Jennifer Read.

The committee will be tasked with exploring the town charter – the document that establishes the town, outlines its powers and spells out how it should operate. The current Century charter has not been updated in almost 40 years.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


18 Responses to “Century Names 10 To Charter Review Committee; Adds One Non-Applicant At The Last Minute”

  1. carl and sylvia godwin on August 7th, 2019 10:52 am

    Mrs. Evelyn was a good mayor, and all the employees loved her. I surely don’t remember all the trouble we are having now going on back then. Oh yeah , some of you that run your mouth was running it back then…like you always do. If people would not run their mouths about what someone else said things would be a lot better. Beau and I love Mrs. Hammond and think she is a truthful, and honest person. She was a great mayor that cared about the town workers. We would be blessed to have someone like her again.

  2. Alan on August 7th, 2019 8:23 am

    I remain confused as to what the citizens of Century receive now they would not receive from Escambia County if they unincorporated. Is there some grand benefit or service I missing?

    Looking at property tax records, the millage rate for Century is 0.9204, which would go away if they unincorporated. This would be replaced with a millage rate of 0.6850 for the Sheriff’s department, which the City has to pay for already as it has not had a police department for decades. This still leaves residents 0.2354 ahead, plus gets rid of all the corruption and mismanagement.

    The citizens of Century first need to decide is they even want to remain an incorporated city.

  3. Nosy on August 6th, 2019 10:15 pm

    Looked up said case on ethics, some dropped, censure and reprimand on another 15 years ago. The bills and clerk were a mess then. How about cut the bull and get this straightened out. Note chief financial officer been in employ. Fact matter case 08-2354EC

  4. Bama Girl on August 6th, 2019 8:15 pm

    Askwhy? Let me ask you why you want to run that mouth about things that I’m sure you don’t even know a dang thing about. You are just like the rest of that bunch can only pass on information that you heard spoken from someone else’s mouth. Well let me speak from my mouth, one that knows for a fact that Evelyn Hammond is one of the most honest people you could ever meet. It’s low down people in that town that like to drag people through the mud to get what they want. Evelyn Hammond could not be pushed around by that bunch that wanted to run the town so they had to go make up lies, try to tear someone down so they could put someone in there that they could control, that’s was just what happen. There is one man that lives in that town that always wanted control, he thought if Evelyn Hammond became mayor he would be able to still control the town through her, boy was he ever wrong. So now Askwhy, let’s talk about this loan that you don’t have a freaking clue about. That loan was taken out to start a family run ex business, that took place long before Evelyn Hammond became mayor. Every dime was paid back plus all the interest. So, before you get out here making statements, that I’m sure you heard from someone else, get your facts straight or keep your mouth shut. Trying to hurt honest people will come back on you. My God bless you, sounds like you may need a blessing. The truth ain’t in you on this matter.

  5. X on August 6th, 2019 7:00 pm

    They’ve already paid the price.

    Redemption is appropriate. drama down.

  6. TLowery on August 6th, 2019 5:52 pm

    You know what Askwhy???… You need to get your facts straight before you run your mouth!!….Evelyn Hammond is my mother and she is one of the most honest people in this town…but there were people when she was mayor that thrived on causing trouble…and im sure the same people is still causing trouble today…why is it that people dont want good honest people running this town…and my brother Eddie Hammond never got free gas… He paid for every ounce of gas he got…as far as the loan (if its any of your business)…she paid back every penny plus interest…so until you can prove other wise you need to keep ypur mouth shut!!

  7. Cindy on August 6th, 2019 3:42 pm

    Violators will be prosecuted….or not….and instead placed on a committee to oversee the very thing being violated.
    Makes about as much sense as everything else that’s been happening.

  8. IMHO on August 6th, 2019 2:11 pm

    Well y’all just took one step forward and….jumped right off the cliff! Y’all had an opportunity to take a turn for the good and you blew it. Good grief Charlie Brown!

  9. X on August 6th, 2019 2:10 pm

    Citizen can still input to the committee, hopefully some of the council is waking up to the fact that it is their job to run the incorporation not run petty politics.

    Note how many come on board and ignore the nay sayers.

    The truth is right in front of everybody.

    Sell the gas franchise yesterday.

    The charter is on the web page. Hopefully some of the voters and the people they elected are starting to read it, and not just to increase the amount of money some one can use to benefit them self.

    It is the dawn of a new Century. either sink or swim.

  10. M in Bratt on August 6th, 2019 12:03 pm

    Correct me if I’m wrong; It will still take a majority of this sitting council to put this measure on the ballot no matter how hard they work or how well they put together a new Charter. So, in short, the citizens will still be at the mercy of the clown show.

  11. Austin Epps on August 6th, 2019 10:21 am

    Women on that committee will work for the good .. i wish my mom would have signed up . She would have had some very good input . Hope this charter thing works out good for the city of century

  12. askwhy? on August 6th, 2019 8:59 am

    Really, Evelyn Hammond! Oh my Century does have short term memory disorder. Do we not remember she was one of those that got the “Century loan”? Also there was a problem with her family getting free Century services? How soon we forget. This town is freaking crazy and deserves everything in gets at this point.

  13. Bob on August 6th, 2019 8:55 am

    You just put individual(s) on the committee that have violated the Sunshine Laws in the past. How do you think that looks to the public, if you care? Don’t you think that looks like more corruption? It makes the TOC look like a joke and a bunch of stupid hicks. Are you trying to be incompetent on purpose? If not, your doing a great job!!!

  14. David Huie Green on August 6th, 2019 8:30 am

    And folks say women are kept out of power.
    All they had to do was ask — or be willing.

    David for their success, all eleven

  15. misstrish on August 6th, 2019 8:22 am

    Are any of the committee members related to the current Council members?

  16. Ruth on August 6th, 2019 8:21 am

    Added an unauthorized individual at the last minute who was at the meeting? Looks like they are still playing their own version of the good ole boy system. SMH at their stupidity. They are openly flaunting the fact the rules don’t apply to them!

  17. James on August 6th, 2019 6:16 am

    For the betting people, the odds are in favor the council will disregard any recommendations from the committee that conflict with its current business as usual.

  18. X on August 6th, 2019 2:39 am

    Good, thanks

    Recommend manager/council weak mayor and hire a professional public administrator.

    Remember an appointed citizen board is subject to sunshine meeting laws.

    Don’t depend on the clerk to post meeting times.

    Thanks for stepping up.