Vehicles And Guns Stolen, Other Vehicles Burglarized In Cantonment

July 3, 2019

Two vehicles were stolen and eight others were burglarized in the same Cantonment neighborhood. All were unlocked.

The crimes were discovered Tuesday on Harlington and Joshua streets.

Two guns were also taken from vehicles, according to Maj. Andrew Hobbs of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

“Always make sure your vehicle is locked,” Hobbs said. “We  all get in a hurry when we are getting out of our vehicles, but it just takes a second to make sure it is locked.”

Anyone with information  is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


27 Responses to “Vehicles And Guns Stolen, Other Vehicles Burglarized In Cantonment”

  1. JOHN on July 4th, 2019 12:42 pm

    Because crime is down in Escambia County right?

  2. sam on July 4th, 2019 8:05 am

    seems cantonment has a problem. lots of crime there recently. mean while here in century. ……………………………………..

  3. David Huie Green on July 3rd, 2019 10:11 pm

    “I see several posts from people saying they will shoot or kill people for petty crimes with no obvious threat to themselves. Don’t do it.”

    Well and good. Probably best advice.

    Nonetheless, folks keep pointing out the fact these are criminals committing criminal acts to steal tools used by criminals to commit murder and harping on the possibility this might well happen. It is even included in the advice: “If you encounter a thief, don’t approach as they might be armed with a stolen weapon.” Stay away from your own property because you can reasonably assume the criminal may be about to kill you or anyone who gets too close and they might use it later to kill a law enforcement officer or someone else you love.

    That — by value of what is stolen — may be a petty crime, but a crime which is apt to logically lead to murder is not really petty. If anyone had to die, don’t let it be the innocent.

    (And no, I do not have a weapon in my vehicle to steal, so I’m not trying to cover what you would call carelessness. I just despise any who would steal other than food to avoid starvation. Their lives are not more important than yours.)

    David for no living thieves

  4. BG on July 3rd, 2019 9:22 pm

    When they do find these people, they will take them to jail slap them on the hand and say now don’t do this anymore. Put them in a orange jump suit and put them to work in that good old hot SUN and pray one day they meet the SON.

  5. Tina on July 3rd, 2019 7:57 pm

    I know if we left our vehicles unlocked, we’d
    Be giving them access to our home through
    the garage door openers, (Inside our cars)

  6. DirtDiver on July 3rd, 2019 6:33 pm

    To keep people honest around you lock it up. Your house, car or whatever you deem valuable.

  7. Marshall on July 3rd, 2019 4:18 pm

    All of the media publicity and people still don’t lock their vehicles, and now two guns are in the hands of criminals
    I’m an avid supporter of the 2nd Amendment and the Right to keep and bear arms, but… if you can’t take care of them and secure them, maybe you shouldn’t have them. All this has done is add unnecessary work onto the ECSO, and added more stolen guns to hunt for. How will those who didn’t secure their guns, feel if someone is shot, or even killed, with their stolen gun!

  8. MtnDewey on July 3rd, 2019 4:07 pm

    wow same thing this time every year…summer time, kids are out, bored, no supervision. parents are worthless, lock your stuff up.

  9. Southbound on July 3rd, 2019 2:07 pm

    Don’t leave a firearm in a vehicle at home period.

    Lock the doors as most of the time the thief is going in unlocked vehicles and not breaking windows out. They like quick and easy so any deterrent will move them on most of the time.

    If you encounter a thief, don’t approach as they might be armed with a stolen weapon.

    You have the right to defend yourself from a threat, but shooting an unarmed person is hard to prove a threat existed, or worse, shooting someone in the back as the threat is retreating. The judges and jury have become very liberal with views and it could make a bad day in court, criminal or civil.
    I see several posts from people saying they will shoot or kill people for petty crimes with no obvious threat to themselves. Don’t do it.

    If you have to use deadly force only make the following statements to Law Enforcement.
    1. I felt threatened.
    2. I feared for my life.
    3. I need to speak to an attorney.

    Less talk is better because everything you say will be presented in court so keep quite and let the attorneys sort it out. You are not obligated to discuss anything at the time.
    This was advice I was given by law enforcement officers and 2 retired judges that are friends.

  10. anne 1of2 on July 3rd, 2019 1:34 pm

    Don’t forget anything breathing in your vehicle. Don’t forget firearms in your vehicle. Both show you are ignorant.

  11. Brian on July 3rd, 2019 12:56 pm

    Does anyone know if these victims are leaving their keys in the car for it to be stolen? I’m just curious if the criminals are using other means to start the cars? I don’t think new cars can be hotwired easily, unlike the older cars.

  12. Whisperjet on July 3rd, 2019 12:53 pm

    ..securing your car and property us the least that we need to do..being irresponsible is not only endangering your self and your neighbors , but the lives of LEO ’s who have to go after these outlaws..So please..act like a responsible citizen and secure your property.
    .we all will appreciate it…

  13. David Huie Green on July 3rd, 2019 12:23 pm

    Keep it simple, shoot the thieves. Just as a woman should be able to dress and go as she wished without fear, you should be able to do as you wish with your personal property without governmental or criminal interference.

    David for personal property rights

  14. ProudArmyParent on July 3rd, 2019 11:41 am

    I totally agree with Paul. Gun owners need to be responsible. If you leave a gun in your vehicle and it gets stolen then you need to be held accountable as to how it is used. Come on people use common sense!

  15. paul on July 3rd, 2019 11:41 am

    “Slain Mobile police officer Sean Tuder was killed with a stolen gun, according newly released information.
    Marco Perez, 19, is accused of stealing the weapon from an unlocked vehicle a few days prior to Sunday’s shooting, according to a Mobile Police Department press release Wednesday”

    This shouldn’t happen

  16. Concerned Citizen on July 3rd, 2019 11:27 am

    It’s simple once they’re found, we cut one of their hands off. That way it is a reminder to them for the rest of their lives, do not steal. This country has gotten entirely to soft on criminals.

  17. Robinhood on July 3rd, 2019 10:56 am

    For the life of me I do not understand how and why anyone leaves their weapon in their vehicle. I am a hunter and during hunting season I hunt just about everyday and when I return home in the evening I unload all weapons from vehicle into my HOUSE. Then, The next morning when I go go hunting I load my weapons back into my vehicle. They should enact a law that the owner of the stolen weapon is responsible to keep the weapon out of thieves hands and if the weapon is stolen out of their vehicle then the owner of the weapon should be charged or FINED which should definitely make responsible weapon owners think twice about leaving weapons in their vehicles for these young thugs to steal and kill.

  18. nod on July 3rd, 2019 10:21 am

    @Paul, glad it is not up to you.

  19. Tom Vino on July 3rd, 2019 9:25 am

    This is happening every night in our city and county. A group of juveniles walking through different neighborhoods pulling on door handles at 3 am. Most of them are armed with stolen guns. Then law enforcement has to confront and chase these armed thugs in your stolen car. If I catch one in my driveway, I will assume they are armed. If your car is locked, they move on. That simple.

  20. lone chief on July 3rd, 2019 9:04 am

    Paul, I totally agree. Times have changed but hiding your head in the sand and wishing for the old days where there the was a shred of honesty and honor is simply ignorant and irresponsible. It’s a new attitude in America if you haven’t noticed. The criminals and punks and wannabe’s aren’t the responsible ones. Come on people, set up! If someone murdered a family member of mine and I found out (which I would) the weapon used was stolen from some irresponsible jerk…lets just say I would have serious issue with them. PROTECT YOUR STUFF…all of it! Stay safe.

  21. KK on July 3rd, 2019 9:00 am

    If your gun was stolen from your unlocked car yesterday, you’ll probably be lucky to find it in the nearest pawnshop within a week but if you don’t, how are you going to feel when you’re notified that your gun was used to shoot/kill someone? For the love of God, secure your guns, it’s not difficult. Most of us do it out of habit and a sense of responsibility.

  22. Preston Hardy on July 3rd, 2019 8:35 am

    A vehicle does not provide secure storage for firearms or other deadly weapons. But some people routinely leave rifles, shotguns, and even handguns in their cars and trucks, often clearly visible.

  23. Sarah on July 3rd, 2019 8:34 am

    If you own a gun and insist on leaving it in your vehicle overnight, for the love of God, lock it up.

  24. Justbeachin on July 3rd, 2019 8:18 am

    Well, there you go!!….People, this is NOT the generation that we grew up in!….Times have changed….Lock your darn car and quit leaving EVERYTHING that is worth something in your car! Plain and simple.

  25. mic hall on July 3rd, 2019 7:37 am

    It is such a simple rule. Always lock your doors and NEVER leave a firearm in a vehicle. If someone thinks “its safe in my driveway” they have not been paying attention to the news.

    If insurance companies would put in the contracts that they would no longer cover theft from unlocked cars people would change their ways.

  26. J. M. Trudel on July 3rd, 2019 7:18 am

    Please, everyone, lock everything up tightly, we don’t want lethal weapons getting into the hands of children or bad folks. Just get into the habit of double-checking that you locked it all up!

  27. paul on July 3rd, 2019 5:58 am

    People who “forget” where their gun is don’t deserve to have one. Leaving one in an unlocked vehicle is leaving it for a criminal to have. If it was up to me they would be responsible for Every bullet shot out of their stolen gun. And Never be able to buy another weapon..