The Chess Challenge: Youth Can Learn To Play Chess For Free Sunday In Century

July 26, 2019

Rafael Lopez of Cantonment loves the game of chess, and he will share that love with children and teens during free classes the next two Sundays in Century.

“I learned to play chess as a younger man. I was taught by a man who was incredible to watch on the board.  As he taught me, he would give me reasons as to why he would move certain places.  Also, he played handicapped without his queen on the board until I was able to beat him.  Once I was able to beat him, he never took his queen off the playing board ever again,” he said.

Lopez calls his learn to play methodology the “chess challenge”.

“The chess challenge is my dream. It’s purpose it’s make chess fun again in a world full of technology. In the extremely beginning stages of turning this dream into a nonprofit,” Lopez said. “Long term, I would love to have a place to call home. There’s some commercial real estate in Cantonment near my house that is vacant. I pass by it every day and wonder how many sad lonely, lost and even bored kids pass by that location that could be served. A safe place after school that is conducive to higher learning with an emphasis on chess and the study of chess. We have so many basketball camps yet very few brain games.”

The chess challenge is targeted to youth ages 6-17 and will be held Sunday, July 28 from 2-5 p.m. and Sunday, August 4 from 2-5 p.m. at 7321 North Century Boulevard (the building with the large “Florida” mural, just south of the library). There is no cost and refreshments will be served.

Youth can attend either of the Sunday sessions, but the second session will recap and expand on the skills learned in the first session. Lopez starts by teaching the basics, and says this is for youth of any skill level.

“I love chess because we all start out equal, but have the potential to be great depending on how much time and effort we put into the study and application of the game. As a game, it’s almost as old as hide and seek,” he said. To teach one brilliant mind would be one of my simplest goals.”

“Chess doesn’t care what color you are or what gender you are. Every player starts out completely equal. But as with anything in life, you get what you put in. Study the previously played games and this study furthers advancement and skill. When a young brain learns the principles that chess teaches, they’re improving and expanding their critical thinking and reasoning skills with each move. Technology isn’t to blame, but relying on technology to think for us is. Chess teaches us how to think— think about future possible outcomes before they may even happen.  Predictive.”

For more information on the chess challenge in Century, call Lopez at (850) 723-5362.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “The Chess Challenge: Youth Can Learn To Play Chess For Free Sunday In Century”

  1. tg on July 26th, 2019 8:24 am

    Stimulates the brain. Great idea.

  2. Century Resident on July 26th, 2019 2:34 am
