Kids Enjoy Water Day At Carver Park

July 26, 2019

Kids enjoyed Water Day Thursday during lunchtime at Carver Park in Cantonment.

The Summer Breakspot program at Carver Park provided free meals for kids and teens through Feeding the Gulf Coast during the summer, and other community groups such as Ascend Cares often joined in to help. Earlier this month, the West Florida Library even had real moon rocks at a lunch program.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Kids Enjoy Water Day At Carver Park”

  1. Etta Jo on July 28th, 2019 10:43 am

    Thanks to everyone that donate and participate in the activities at Carver Park.

  2. Thinker. on July 26th, 2019 5:48 pm

    That Miss Holly Louis is a great teacher.

  3. Nice on July 26th, 2019 9:10 am

    Thank you for doing this for the kids. It looks as if they had a really great time!