Molino Woman Sentenced To Prison For Shooting At Her Son’s Friend In Drug Money Dispute

July 22, 2019

A Molino woman has been sentenced to prison for firing a gun at her son’s high school friend in a dispute over drug money in an incident that played out on the roads of Bratt.

Crystal Holliday pleaded no contest  to shooting or discharging a firearm from a vehicle, aggravated assault by threat with a deadly weapon and a lesser charge of robbery without a firearm.  She was sentenced to 22.2 months in state prison and will be required to serve 60 months probation when released. She will be required to obtain a mental health evaluation, complete an anger management course and  stay away from the victim while on probation.

In September 2018, the victim told deputies that he was given $200 to go buy “weed” for  the dad of another student he knew from school. But instead of purchasing marijuana, the victim decided to keep the cash.

He received text messages from a number he did not recognize asking him to meet at a convenience store at the corner of North Highway 99 and Highway 4 in Bratt. When he arrived at the store, he saw the man get out of his car and start to approach him.  The victim became scared and drove away.

The student’s dad pulled up next to the victim’s car as they traveled on Breastworks Road. The student’s mother, later identified as Holliday, fired a shot at the victim, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. The victim stopped his car and put his hands up as Holliday pointed the gun at him and demanded the $200, the report states.

The victim told investigators that he had already spend part of the $200, so Holliday took a compound bow valued at $900 and his $600 iPhone at gunpoint and told him he could get his phone back for $90. The victim drove to a residence on Pine Barren Road and called deputies.

The father told deputies that there was never a gun involved in the incident, and Holliday owns a .380 caliber weapon that she keeps in another vehicle, according to the report. The father also said the money was for a cell phone that the victim did not give his son, so they chased him, taking his phone and bow until the victim could pay back the money.

The bow and iPhone were returned to the victim by the ECSO.


21 Responses to “Molino Woman Sentenced To Prison For Shooting At Her Son’s Friend In Drug Money Dispute”

  1. MMC on July 25th, 2019 2:22 pm

    It doesn’t matter if this woman is your Grandmother, Mother, Sister, Cousin, Friend or Neighbor. She involved herself with weed money that her son was involved in. Steps to retrieve the money or the weed went South. Holliday couldn’t resist that $200 being spent otherwise. She shoots a gun and this was to scare him to return the money is my take on it. Then she took a compound bow and iPhone – both costing more than $200 and threatens the victim. This is what I’m reading here. Taking the bow and iPhone is STEALING. There is no other term for that in the common sense world.

    What the father said, the victim said, Holliday’s gun or not – that is what ESC Deputies are hired to do and find out.

    The 22 months is a light prison term as to what I believe too.

    The Court’s findings is the prison sentence she received after reviewing all the details in the reports.

    Mack for teaching your children well, and setting good examples after they get themselves involved in any illegal dealings. That doesn’t mean to get yourself all caught up in it. Forgetting about the $200 should have been a perfect example.

    Don’t give people money to do bad things with it.

  2. Kim Kelley on July 25th, 2019 12:52 am

    This woman is my cousin. She is a very sweet soul. I read the comments about her and people that don’t know her judging her. She has always been a kind, sweet, gentle soul. As far as her only getting 22 months…She has Never been in any kind of trouble before.
    To the lady whose son took the money you talk of karma and such, well let’s just hope your son stays out of trouble.

  3. paul on July 24th, 2019 10:00 am

    I’m wondering why the getaway driver got off totally and she just got a slap on the wrist.

  4. Doc Hutchinson on July 23rd, 2019 10:17 pm

    To the mom looking for help with her son’s sentence ccontact the amnesty international program or your local salvation army for help as they monitor and manage many programs for probationary and may be able to put you in touch with a program or an attorney that takes cases like his pro bono. CIVAL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS ALSO INVESTIGATE UNFAIR sentences. I did not see if the boy that was playing let’s make a dope deal was charged for anything? He made a choice and his parent did not seemed surprised.Maybe I’m mistaken but I didn’t see him as the victim and should have some consequences.

  5. NativeTongue on July 23rd, 2019 10:01 am

    Florida has a 10-20-Life law, right?

    If this woman fired a bullet from a gun at a person, after stealing a felony’s worth of items from them, why is she only getting 22 months?

    I absolutely hate to admit it, because race shouldn’t matter, but this wreaks of pretty white lady syndrome.

  6. Stumpknocker on July 23rd, 2019 7:59 am

    @Hearher hopefully you taught your child to stop buying and selling dope. When you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. All this was was a dope deal gone bad, same crap that happens on the south end.

  7. Heather on July 22nd, 2019 7:21 pm

    I am the mother to this child and all I can say is no I ain’t. Happy at all that she only got 22 .months. She could have an tried to kill or harm my child BUT THE. GOOD LORD WAS. PROTECTING MY BABY ON THIS DAY SHE. HAS TO ASK TO HIM FOR WHAT SHE DONE. KARMA AND THE GOOD LORD I have to let them to react to this woman’s actions not myself cause I would. Be the one catching a case

  8. Cowgirl Diamond on July 22nd, 2019 5:05 pm

    Crystal has a beautiful voice, and sings in a local band occasionally.

    Taking the bow and the iPhone is stealing. She took it at gun point the story states. That’s really bad.

    Because you are owed money, doesn’t give you the right to steal their property.

    I’m certain that the Courts/Judges/Lawyers have ironed out all the wrinkles and this is a done deal. It’s definitely a light prison term in comparison to other cases I read on the news.

    @ Vickie – I pray you get answers and something done about your son’s long prison stay. Praying in the days ahead.


  9. Bobby C. on July 22nd, 2019 4:56 pm

    For those complaining that this lady got off easy and their own loved ones were sentenced more harshly, consider this. Sentences are based on a points system that are accumulated from prior arrest. The more points, the longer the sentence.

  10. Brent on July 22nd, 2019 11:54 am

    David … so it’s ok to shoot someone because he has committed multiple crimes … sounds to me she got off light

  11. anne 1of2 on July 22nd, 2019 11:36 am

    Looks like the mamma’s need to let their sons stand on their own 2 feet. Helping kids do drugs? What a world this is.

  12. Kane on July 22nd, 2019 11:26 am

    @David you are so off base here bud it really shows you know nothing of our gun laws here in Florida. I have a brother he is a first time offender he was sentenced to 40 years in prison for firing 5 shots (though no shots hit anything) at a pickup truck that dragged him out of his driveway and dumped him in the middle of the road. The particulars are the occupant of said truck owed him money and he was drunk. He was guilty and is serving time for it, for this woman to get 22 months for THE SAME THING (ie firing shots at an occupied vehicle) is beyond hypocritical and unjust.

    @Vickie I share your outrage over this unfair sentencing.

  13. Shannon on July 22nd, 2019 11:15 am

    Crystal my prayers are with you and your family … will get threw this hang in there girl….the truth will surface to the top…I know this is not you

  14. JW on July 22nd, 2019 10:52 am

    Vickie, we would need more info to help out…who is your son?

  15. David on July 22nd, 2019 9:45 am

    Mrs Carter, with all due respect, your son’s issue was a bit more than we want to discuss.
    In short, if he didn’t commit MULTIPLE crimes he would not be there

  16. Kathy Byrd on July 22nd, 2019 9:42 am

    So Sorry..Crystal and I go way back, one thing I don’t Judge Anyone!!! I do hope and pray this all works out for you and your family!

  17. 429SCJ on July 22nd, 2019 9:31 am

    @Vicki, you can complain from the sidelines or you can play ball.

    Sounds like you have all your paticulars in order, just need to get dressed and put your shoes on, walk out the door.

  18. 429SCJ on July 22nd, 2019 9:28 am

    A valuable lesson for everyone.

    Do not conduct drug deals with minors.

    Do not rip people off.

  19. just sayin on July 22nd, 2019 8:36 am

    Tee Bug-Ladies don’t go around shooting at teenage kids in cars.

  20. Tee bug on July 22nd, 2019 7:43 am

    Very pretty lady and hopefully she can use this time to straighten out and get her life back on the right track

  21. Vickie Carter on July 22nd, 2019 6:22 am

    This is not right my son was sentenced to 30 yrs for this can somebody please explain to me what makes her so different I need to hear it I plan on digging deep into the judges and the prosecutor background even though the judge has retired but before he retired he went to the appeals court and caused interference on my son case that wasn’t right either

    I will not rest until my son is home this is so not right