Happy Ending: Flomaton Police Return Stolen Bicycle

July 17, 2019

Here’s a happy update on a story NorthEscambia.com first reported back in December.

The Flomaton Police Department on Tuesday returned a bicycle that had been stolen to a local family.

The bicycle was taken from the Martin Luther Kings Drive area in Flomaton in December. The suspect rode the bicycle to the Texaco gas station on Sidney Manning Boulevard at Highway 31 where the suspect alltedly stole a Chevrolet Tahoe.  The bicycle was left behind but was held as evidence in the case until Tuesday.

The suspect was arrested in Century on December 28, and the vehicle was recovered behind a church at 8300 Alger Road in Century and returned to the owner at that time.

Pictured: Flomaton Police return a stolen bicycle on Tuesday. Pictured below: A suspect was seen riding the bicycle just before allegedly stealing a vehicle from a Flomaton gas station. Pictured bottom: The bicycle was taken into evidence. Photos for North Escambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Happy Ending: Flomaton Police Return Stolen Bicycle”

  1. Byrneville resident on July 18th, 2019 12:13 pm

    This was a great job to solve the crime and return the stolen articles. BUT, did I understand right, that they returned the car to its owner at the time it was found, but this child had to wait from December til July to get his bike back?? I sure wish he could have had it for a longer time before school started. Anyway, Flomaton police department is doing a great job at solving crimes quickly! Thanks to all those working so hard!

  2. Nice on July 18th, 2019 8:13 am


  3. Molino Mom on July 17th, 2019 8:22 am

    Nice to see a story like this to start your day off right. Thank you to the police for returning this boys bike – his face says it all. Good job!