Florida’s Tougher Texting And Driving Law Is Now In Effect

July 1, 2019

Florida’s new texting and driving law is now into effect.

The bill changed current enforcement of the ban from a secondary offense to a primary offense – enabling law enforcement officers to stop a vehicle solely for texting while driving. Drivers are also prohibited from using their handheld device while driving in active construction and school zones.

Went into effect at 12 a.m.t July 1, but only warnings will be issued until January 1. The first violation of the ban is a non-moving violation, carrying a $30 base fine plus court costs and fees. A second or subsequent violation committed within five years is a moving violation, carrying a $60 base fine plus court costs and fees.

Florida became the 45th state to enact a primary enforcement text messaging ban for all drivers.

“Throughout our state, we’ve seen far too many accidents where passengers are killed or severely injured as a result of distracted drivers,” said Gov. Ron DeSantis. “This bill gives law enforcement the ability to better enforce distractions behind the wheel. We cannot prevent all accidents on our roadways, but it is our hope that by taking action to address distractions today, we might be able to prevent a tragedy tomorrow.”


14 Responses to “Florida’s Tougher Texting And Driving Law Is Now In Effect”

  1. Ponderosa hill on July 2nd, 2019 10:38 am

    I’d encourage the Insurance Companies to get together
    and place harsh penalties on ticketed drivers. The initial
    penalty suggested by the new law is weak @ best and won’t
    result in changing bad behavior !

  2. Bob on July 1st, 2019 11:35 pm

    I was at a stop light, me and the truck on the right next to me. I saw a girl in the mirror in the opposite lane with her nose in the phone ram the truck next to me and she hit him and looked up and acted like how the heck did that happen. Luck have it no one was hurt.

  3. Granny on July 1st, 2019 11:24 pm

    You guys may not be able to text and drive. I have no problem doing it but all those people around me can’t drive very well. They keep honking at me and running off the road and slamming on their brakes and some even run into each other. I have no problem, it is the other people.

  4. Jdub on July 1st, 2019 9:02 pm

    Those that text and drive, even before this became a primary offense, still will not care and be selfish and continue to text and drive. My job keeps me on the roads and I see constant texting while driving violations! It ticks me off because they are putting my life in danger! I have been rear ended twice because of people texting and driving. I have such a hate and disgust for those doing it! You have no regard for your life, my life and those around you! What ticks me off even more is when I see people doing this with kids in the vehicle! Get off your dang phone and JUST DRIVE!

  5. john on July 1st, 2019 8:40 pm

    With Google Assistant you can send a text and not even touch your phone, and If your stuck in your ways, find a place to pull over and get caught up with all your messages, go to a drive-through get a cup of coffee then park then get caught up. Ninety-five percent of messages sent and received is just useless chatter anyways! I wonder how many people have died posting a selfie of themselves to Facebook or something while they were driving! Sad that has to make laws like this anyhow. Because of our stupidity they’re going to keep making more laws till we’re all in bondage.

  6. Fred Garvin on July 1st, 2019 6:04 pm

    @Cal – Amen brother!!!

  7. Cal on July 1st, 2019 3:27 pm

    Look, I deliver pizzas for a major chain up and down 29 regularly. My delivery area covers from Detroit street to the edge of N Tate School Road and I can tell you Escambia County Sheriff’s don’t care about traffic violations. I see speeding, running red lights, cutting people off, hell I nearly got T-boned by a guy turning left on red off of Ten Mile Road last night. If red lights are optional, what’s the real chances of enforcement on something much less blatantly obvious like texting or talking while driving?

  8. mat on July 1st, 2019 1:56 pm

    So how do they prove that you are texting?
    Are they going to have cameras pointing out
    the side windows of the patrol car? Or will it
    be the officers word against yours? I am all for
    this new law but just curious how are they
    going to prove you were texting.

  9. CW on July 1st, 2019 11:51 am

    It’s easy to spot one’s texting on why 29. They usually can’t stay in their own lane, can’t maintain a steady speed, and when the light turns green it takes them ten seconds to notice.

  10. David on July 1st, 2019 11:38 am

    1000.00 fine and 1 point on driving license. No slap on the wrist. Make it hurt. Way too many accidents from knot heads texting and driving.

  11. Bob C. on July 1st, 2019 11:27 am

    If I were a Sworn Law Enforcement Officer there could have been 8 easy Texting While Driving, or at stop lights, Citations issued this morning on Davis Hwy.

    TWD Violators sure do cover the economic-social- genetic groups as seems all but the one lap riding dog were involved.

    What they want exceeds the letter of the law so will never stop, we are ADDICTED.

  12. Rasheed Jackson on July 1st, 2019 11:20 am

    I agree with Paul, DUI for being under the influence of an electronic device.

  13. Nice try on July 1st, 2019 9:02 am

    Nice try Florida, but it won’t change much, if anything. I can guarantee that I’ll be on the road today and if I head towards the beach there will be more than 50% of the drivers I see will be either talking with the phone in their hand(s) or they’ll be texting. The local LEO’s will lightly enforce this law and use it primarily as a reason to initiate a traffic stop that will lead to something else. It’ll be used like a tag light being out for example. I sincerely hope for better, but it will take much more.

  14. paul on July 1st, 2019 6:53 am

    While it’s a step in the right direction it isn’t enough. The penalty should be on par with a DUI. When the results are the same what difference does it make if you have a bottle or a cellphone in your hand? Dead is dead..