Escambia Raises School Bus Driver Starting Salary, Now Paying For Training

July 2, 2019

The Escambia County School District has raised the starting salary for bus drivers, and they are now paying for training.

The new hourly rate of pay begins at $12.16 per hour, and driver trainees will now be paid for the hours they dedicate to driver training beginning with the first day of class.

“To become a School Bus Operator (SBO) you will need to plan on 3-4 weeks for the training and placement, so we are encouraging those interested in driving this school year to come see us now to get the application started,” said Steve Harrell, ECSD’s director of Transportation. “We are here to help them take care of all of the requirements involved, including helping applicants prepare for the test required to obtain a CDL license from the DMV. Our process includes classroom training and on-the-road driver training.”

The district is accepting full time (36 – 40 hours per week) and substitute drivers for part-time employment. Their goal is to be fully staffed by the first day of school on August 12.

For more details, click here.


10 Responses to “Escambia Raises School Bus Driver Starting Salary, Now Paying For Training”

  1. GoSouth on March 14th, 2021 5:28 pm

    Living wage…it won’t pay for a funeral…but this job is only 10 months. If your single start being frugal. May make it threw Summer. No pay but healthcare is paid…remember. when you went for the job you knew the expectations that came with it! I live driving and love kids. You have to be patient and have a big heart to do this job…So if you need work and like to have Summers off. Then come join. They pay for training now. Awesome! We’re all a team and even though we have bad days someone on radio or a child will say something that brightens your day or touches your ❤️. Good day! Mary

  2. Taran on July 4th, 2019 4:02 am

    Why pay $ 15.00 an hour when EMT only gets 12.49?

  3. Bee on July 3rd, 2019 6:35 pm

    This is not a living wage!!!!!!! To be paid this small amount of money to transport our children to and from school is an insult and a disgrace! If you want quality employees you have to pay them appropriately.

  4. EMD on July 2nd, 2019 5:45 pm

    In my opinion, school bus drivers should not be paid less than $15 an hour…..period. It is a job that is difficult and sometimes dangerous. It can also be hair-raising. How do I know these things? I used to be a school bus driver.

  5. Beegee Ryals on July 2nd, 2019 4:24 pm

    @CM,you are soooooo right…..I drove for a couple years for a Charter school and I saw unhappiness and uncertainity and it broke my heart… are correct,you may be the only bit of happiness and surety a child sees each morning….it always lifted my spirits up when I could make them smile or laugh…they become different children when you pay attention to them and show them love….and that you care….it is a big job,but it’s an exciting job,if you let it be!!!! It definitely is not for everyone!!! So,if you don’t love children or at least like them,don’t apply!!!:-)

  6. nod on July 2nd, 2019 2:11 pm

    @ cm, and maybe the kids just don’t care and like to be mean.

  7. William Reynolds on July 2nd, 2019 1:46 pm

    >>Clicked on “more details” and received error message.

    Try it again. Seems to be working now.

  8. Kat on July 2nd, 2019 12:27 pm

    Clicked on “more details” and received error message.

  9. Gone on July 2nd, 2019 7:26 am

    I use to drive for 16 years they are starting drivers out at what I was almost making after that long. They need to bump up the drivers that’s have been there every 5 years give them at least a $1 – $2 an hour raise depending on the yearly evaluation. This is so sad I loved working with the children but I left for another job got put on salary only after 1 year, making way more than drivers who have been there over 25 years and they are hauling our precious cargo. I don’t get it. Give your senior drivers the pay raise.

  10. CM on July 2nd, 2019 7:18 am

    If you can let these kids know you care about them and be tough at the same time, you will be a good bus driver. Sometimes, the kids you will pick up in the morning have not had a smile or empathy since they left school the day before (so they will act out) Sometimes, they are starving. (so they will act out) Sometimes, they may have been exposed to violence in the home. (so they will act out) You just might be the first
    or last person they feel safe with.each and every day. So, it’s a big job and not for everybody, but if you can love each child and make them safe, this job is for you.